"An odd job?" Victoria asked while that man behind the desk answered,
"A human living with a ghoul kind of. The others were too bored to deal with this so I was going to deal with it on my own, but I guess it won't be too bad for your first mission."
"What? No introductions? and a welcome party?" I complained a little. I kind of wanted to know about my 14-day colleagues with whom I was going to have fun in the next two weeks. You know, like building bonds and stuff?
"Andrea. Python. Grey. Gin. Lurker. Mark. And myself Colt. You can tell your name after you finish the mission," he spoke as he pointed at everyone present here before looking at the files present on his table. Seems like he was too burdened with the tasks and stuff.
"Victoria, guide him through this, will you?" He then added while Victoria smirked as she answered,