Then i started to fight the glitter force and didn't notice Candy and Lily being led away by a strange ball of light. "please don't do this Rose, we're your friends" Emily said trying to breathe as i strangled her using one of my new abilities. i said nothing and instead flung her away merely moving my hand and coldly watched as her body hit the ground. "Rose stop!" i looked over in the direction i heard the shout come from and stared bewildered. There standing next to Lily a girl who looked exactly like her except with blonde hair, i couldn't believe my eyes, i had been thinking of where i had seen her when she had been living with me for so many days. "come back Rose please" Lily and Candy both said looking at me pleadingly. I fell to the ground in pain and felt the dark energy leave my body. Then i saw her, my mother looking magnificent "your majesty" Candy said looking dazzled. Then Queen Euphoria looked in Emperor Nogo's direction "please come back to me Henry" the Mother said holding out her hand towards Emperor Nogo. "You want him to go back to suffering? what a wife you are" Rascal said scornfully "shut up! what do you know?" i said angrily to Rascal who gave me a look of shock and amusement. Mother quickly turned to us and said "he is still in there, we must free him" "ok your majesty" we all chorused. Then we all flew up and headed straight for Father but were blocked by the one and only Rascal ,i swear i couldn't have hated this guy more at this moment and for him this should be a compliment. "where do you think you're going?" "somewhere you're not" I said. Then we tried use another way to get past him but he teleported to us and blocked our way again "sorry this way's out of service" he said grinning "don't worry i 'll deal with this sorry excuse for a clown" Chloe said angrily as she attacked him then we left and go stopped by Brooha, Urlic and Brute, April, Emily and Coral fought with them while we made our way towards Father. Then i thought of something "how will we be able to get in him without him noticing" i said making everyone stop "i 'll distract him don't worry" Kelsea suggested as she flew away from us and created a large fire ball "well that'll get his attention" then we finally reached the him and slipped in and started to fly downwards "where is he?" i asked mother "just a little further" then we passed by the heart which was black and that creeped me out a little.
Then there he was covered in darkness "Daddy!" Lily and Candy screamed and started running towards him, but mother stopped them saying "he might not recognize you" "there's no harm in trying" i said. Then we started to walk slowly towards him "who goes there?" Father said looking at me "it's me Rose, your daughter". His face emotionless with his whole body engulfed in darkness it slightly hard to recognize him. "Daughter where have you been for so long?" father said looking at me "what about them?" "These two" i said gesturing to Candy and Lily "are your younger daughters" "how about her?" Father said looking at mother "she is your wife don't you remember her?" i said, "wife" father extending his hand towards us "help me" he said pleadingly. I quickly grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out but he was still stuck "a little help here" i said to my mom, she came over and so did Candy and Lily and we all managed to pull him out. He was still weak so we had to carry him out of there, when we were outside i saw Chloe crashing into the ground "ugh" i thought "i 'm already tired" but i saw him smirk and turn away the energy came back, i teleported behind and smacked him into the ground. He came up almost instantly and attacked me back with, hold up cards? i thought mocking him but changed my mind when the cards cracked the walls behind me then i attacked him again. Fast forward to the end of the fight (yes it was that long). Father explained to Rascal that he was no longer had to be evil and that he could change him back to his original form which he agreed to, turns out he was one of my royal guards' son. Not so fun fact: we were nearly engaged! but daddy was turned transformed into Emperor Nogo before they could agree to it (thank God for that!).