Chereads / Bonded (HP FF - Harry/venom crossover) / Chapter 50 - Chapter 51 -

Chapter 50 - Chapter 51 -

"You are sure you're fine?" Tonks asked Harry as she guided the champions back to the arena.

"Madam Pomfrey said I'm fine, reluctantly, but she still said it," Harry reminded her with a small shrug of his shoulders. "Besides, I feel fine enough."

"Thanks for asking about the rest of us," Cedric huffed lightly.

"With the greatest of respect to all of you, I don't know any of the rest of you guys so you're getting the bare minimum of attention from me so long as you're in danger of dying," Tonks told him honestly.

"Fair," Krum grunted as he usually does.

"We were all watching your fight," Fleur told Harry as she slid next to him, lightly bumping shoulders with him. "Though we couldn't see what happened when you covered the arena with smoke."

"What does it matter?" Harry asked. "The result's the same at the end of the day,"

"True," Fleur agreed, leaning her head close enough to whisper into his ear. "Though, I'd certainly like to talk with you more about it," She whispered in a husky tone.

"So," Tonks coughed, pulling Harry a step or two away from the French champion. "We just need to take you all to the arena so that the judges can give you all your points. Pomfrey doesn't like you lot leaving her care but there's nothing I can do about that so get ready for a lot of complaining from her when you get back."

"Have fun with that," Harry told the other champions in a sympathetic voice, he had himself been many times her victim.

"You have a lot of experience with that woman?" Fleur asked Harry.

"Yeah, I-"

"By the way, Harry," Tonks cut in. "Do us both a favour and write a letter to Mum as soon as you can, I imagine she's quite worried about you. Sirius as well, I'd reckon."

"Oh yeah, I probably should," Harry agreed.

"Yeah," Tonks nodded. "Anyway, here we are." She said just before they entered the arena which was pretty much exactly how Harry had left it, minus the dragon eggs, though the dead dragon was still there and was staring lifelessly at the other champions with many transfigured spears in its mouth. Tonks and the other champions couldn't help but shiver a little as the dragon was still pretty intimidating, even when dead, they could scarcely imagine what it would be like to fight that thing when it was alive and actively trying to end your life. All of them could feel their respect for Harry rising.

The arena was promptly bombarded with cheers from the audience, cheers so loud that Harry wouldn't be surprised if they could be heard in the next country over. A lot of the students could be heard chanting Harry's name, with a few others cheering for the other champions. Harry didn't really appreciate the attention and Venom certainly did not appreciate the loud noises coming from everyone. Thankfully their noise didn't hurt him, but it was still more than a little irritating for the gooey alien. This lasted for about a minute, Harry was tempted to pull out his wand and start encouraging people to shut up. Though, thankfully Harry didn't have to as Dumbledore had gotten them to quiet down so the judges could start handing out the scores.

"First of all, I'd like to give a big thank you to all of you for attending this event," Dumbledore began, his voice easily heard by everyone thanks to the ever-present miracle that was magic.

"It wasn't optional, asshole," Harry growled under his breath, Tonks heard him judging by the snort that followed, as had Fleur who actively fought against the smile that was pushing its way onto her face.

"And now, we will start handing out the scores," Dumbledore announced. "First of all we will start with Mr Diggory of Hogwarts," He paused for a moment to allow the crowd to cheer for Cedric who lightly blushed at the praise. "Mr Diggory, you competed whilst using a fair mix of charms and transfiguration. Changing your environment to distract the dragon was a genius approach, and worked out quite well, all things considered. However, the time you spent along with your own injuries will need to be taken into account. I would like to award you seven points."

"Ditto," Ludo chimed in.

"I will go with six," Madam Maxime said next. "I feel a few more spells could have made the attempt much better."

"I must agree with Miss Maxime," Percy cut in. "I would also like to award Mr Diggory six points."

"Three," Karkaroff grunted in a bored tone, causing more than a fair share of people to boo at him. "What do you expect from me? The boy was one wrong move from being dead and is the most injured." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Moving on to Miss Delacour," Dumbledore coughed. "Madam, you spent the longest on your attempt, however, you are the least injured here with only a couple of burns on your clothes, so well done on that. Your charms work is superb, enchanting the dragon to fall asleep was unexpected and yet utterly brilliant. I would like to award you nine points."

"Agreed," Madam Maxime said with a bright smile. "Nine is a fine number,"

"I think her attempt deserves a good seven points," Ludo spoke up. "It wasn't very exciting which is kind of the point of the tournament," He quickly added in a defensive voice when the others stared at him.

"Agreed, four," Karakaroff put in, causing Madam Maxime to glare at him.

"I would like to award her eight points," Percy spoke up.

"An excellent attempt, Miss Delacour," Dumbledore nodded to her before looking in Krum's direction. "Now, Mr Krum, I - "

"Bravo! Bravo, Victor! Excellent work!" Karakroff chimed in enthusiastically.

'Venom, there will come a time when I will let you eat that dumbass,' Harry mentally growled.

'I'll be ready,' Venom promised.

"Such an excellent performance!" Kararoff cheered, not noticing or perhaps ignoring how uncomfortable Krum was.

"Yes, yes," Dumbledore quickly cut in. "As I was saying, you opted to go straight in and fight the dragon. As a former Gryffindor, I must say that you'd make a good member of Godric Gryffindor's house. You used several spells with great effect, including the 'conjunctivitis curse', which did succeed in blinding the dragon but it did result in a few of its eggs being destroyed, and that's not to mention the injuries you sustained. Overall, I would like to award you eight points."

"Seven," Madam Maxime said.

"Seven," Ludo agreed.

"Six," Percy decided.

"Ten!" Kararoff said enthusiastically.

'You've got to be kidding me!' Venom roared.

"Oi jackass!" Harry shouted loud enough for everyone to hear him. "I couldn't give two shits about this tournament, but if you're going to be biased then at least try and be subtle about it." He yelled, Kararoff turned red while a few members of the audience also yelled their agreement.

"That'll be enough of that, Mr Potter," Dumbledore said dissappointedly.

"I'm just saying," Harry said, casting a sound-amplifying spell so he didn't have to constantly yell to be heard by everyone. "We're all out here risking our lives fighting dragons of all things. If Karkaroff thinks that's easy then he can come and fight off one of the remaining ones. This is also an international tournament, right? Meaning the whole world will be expecting professional behaviour from all of the judges, just like everyone in this stadium does." Harry added, earning more cheers from the crowd. "I don't even care if I lose, but the least you all can do is make sure that the people who are risking their lives for your entertainment are at least awarded fairly and properly." He added, cancelling the spell just as more cheers erupted. Harry idly noted that even many of Kararoff's own students were getting involved, apparently no happier about his behaviour than the other two schools.

"I agree!" Krum yelled when Kararoff looked like he was about to respond. "I do not deserve a perfect score!" He shouted loudly.

"He really doesn't," Percy whispered to Kararoff. " I mean, I literally made a list of everything he did that's worth taking a point away for if you want to read it." He genuinely offered to Kararoff who glared at him before turning to the crowd.

"Nine!" He growled out.

"You got some balls, Harry," Tonks chuckled.

"Thank you, I think I inherited them from my father," Harry said straight-faced.

"Moving on to Mr Potter," Dumbledore spoke up, pausing as many of the crowd cheered for him. "Yes, yes, now, your performance was most impressive. A nice mix of spells, including transfiguration which I always love. Obviously, it was not perfect, given the start, but it was more than impressive. You are certainly a powerful wizard, Mr Potter," He said, giving Harry a searching look before finally continuing. "I would like to award you eight points,"

"Nine," Madam Maxime added her points.

"Nine," Ludo also added.

"I would say eight," Percy decided before they all looked at Karkaroff.

"Two!" The man snapped, once more causing plenty of boos to erupt from the crowd. The man ignored them and glared at Harry who lazily sent Karkaroff the finger.

"What a cunt!" Tonks said in a disgusted and furious voice. "There's no way in hell that your performance ranks a bloody two."

"I'm sorry," Krum told Harry. "My headmaster you say...a cunt."

"Evidently," Cedric snorted in agreement.

"Quite a pathetic man," Fleur rolled her eyes. "As you say, Harry, he is far from subtle."

"Don't worry, he'll get his one day," Harry said confidently, staring right at Kararoff while Dumbledore was actively working on calming down the crowd.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore's magically amplified voice cut off everyone, and Harry winced along with everyone else in the stadium. "That will be enough of that. Now, champions, your eggs provide you all with a clue that you must solve before the next task. I wish you all the best of luck," He said before cancelling his spell and turning to the other judges. "Perhaps, while we have some time we should discuss a policy regarding how judges may vote."

"I think that would be wise," Madam Maxime agreed, as did Ludo and Percy.

"So, Harry," Tonks said as she guided Harry and the other champions to the tent where the reporters would be, upon entering the tent Harry saw that it was naturally far bigger on the inside. There was a dark purple stage and sitting on top of it were two large tables, each covered in a dark red cloth and fitted with microphones. In front of the stage were a large amount of chairs with what looked like a few dozen reporters sitting there. "I suppose that Hogwarts is probably really happy with you right now,"

"The population of Hogwarts can go fuck themselves," Harry said bluntly, taking the other champions by surprise. "I know who supported me and I know who didn't. I've got better things to do than waste my time caring about a punch of pricks that turn on me at the drop of a hat." Tonks simply nodded, not as surprised as the others, having heard a little about Harry's time at Hogwarts. Not to mention that she had heard whispers about him from the other students, the whole thing really reminded her about her own time at Hogwarts. Students were happy to smile at her face and then talk crap about her as soon as her back was turned. Harry's feelings about Hogwarts were understandable, she had felt the same thing many, many times.

"Wow, Harry, I...I didn't know that you felt like that," Cedric frowned, looking disturbed.

"Heir of Slytherin, goblet of fire, should I continue?" Harry snorted before they were led up the stage, Tonks guided them to their seats and promptly left as soon as all the champions were sat down. Harry took the seat closest to the stairs and was then followed by Fleur, Krum and then Cedric. A minute or so later, the judges arrived and took their seats, sitting at the other table.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Ludo briefly stood up, smiling widely. "The champions and judges are now open to questions." He told them before sitting down.

"Mr Potter," A woman in a purple dress raised her hand before anyone else could. "Florence Lorecence of 'Witch Weekley', I'd like to ask what is your current relationship status?"

"Beg your pardon?" Harry blinked.

"What is your current relationship status?" She repeated. "Are you single? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Single," Harry said, somewhat confused that this would be the first thing that was asked in a tournament where the contestants had to fight dragons. "Next question," He said quickly when he saw her open her mouth.

"Mr Burns of 'Springfield Spinners'," One male reporter said, raising his hand. "A great many of us would like to know what happened in the arena when you used that smoke spell, we couldn't see a thing! What did you do?"

"I used magic," Harry said flatly, Mr Burns looked really put out and was about to open his mouth when another voice cut in.

"Dark magic?" Rita asked quickly with an evil grin on her face. "That must be the only possible thing you could have done if you're refusing to say what you did. Did you perhaps use dark and illegal magic?"

"And just who are you supposed to be?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow, wiping her grin off her face in record time.

"You know exactly who I am!" She snapped.

"Your face doesn't ring a bell for me," Harry shrugged before looking at the other champions. "Guys?"

"Nope," Cedric shook his head.

"Never seen her before in my life," Krum grunted.

"She looks somewhat like my school's janitor," Fleur noted curiously.

"I am Rita Skeeter of the Daily Prophet," Rita said through gritted teeth. "As you very well know. Besides, you did not answer my question, Mr Potter. Did you use dark or illegal magic?"

"Define dark magic for me," Harry replied. "I know that none of my spells were illegal at least, what do you count as dark magic?"

"Obviously any magic that can harm someone," She responded.

"In that case all the magic taught at Hogwarts then," Harry rolled his eyes. "Even a wand-lighting spell can hurt someone if you put enough power into it. I shouldn't be surprised that a 'Daily Prophet' employee isn't knowledgeable about how the real world works. Go to school and then come back to me with that question." He told her, earning various amounts of laughter from the other reporters in the tent, causing Rita's face to turn red. "The Daily Prophet, I'm pretty sure one of your employees butchered their last article about me before the first task."

"I wrote that article!" She said, sounding quite offended.

"And they still sent you here after that last cock-up?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. "They must have more faith in your journalistic abilities than I do. Now, can a real journalist please start talking?"

"Luna Lovegood of the Quibbler," Luna spoke up, standing on a small stool. "What is your opinion on the 'Rotfang conspiracy'?"

"I believe that it could be possible but I'd like to see more evidence," Harry replied neutrally, his statement seemed to be good enough for Luna, the young blonde smiled brightly and started writing down notes in her notepad.

"What's the 'Rotfang Conspiracy'?" Fleur whispered to him.

"Not a clue," Harry admitted honestly.

"Mr Potter," Another journalist stood up. "Oliver Applebee of 'Wizard-Wide' news, did you obtain any serious injuries during your battle with the dragon?"

"No, I did not," Harry said simply, taking a moment to look at the other champions and judges here. "Are you all forgetting that I'm not the only person here?" He asked the journalist. "Perhaps you'd all want to talk to the others as well? We've got a world-famous quidditch player and Albus Bloody Dumbledore here. Why am I getting all of the questions?"

"Luna Lovegood again," Luna spoke up before the other reporters could. "My question is for all of the champions, are you all happy with the scores you received in the task?"

"I am," Cedric nodded along with Victor.

"As am I," Fleur agreed.

"More or less, though I think I'd be happier if a certain judge could vote unbiasedly," Harry said, sending a look at Karkaroff who was currently glaring at him.

'Keep looking at us and we'll make you regret it,' Venom growled.

"Headmaster Karkaroff," Another reporter spoke up. "Leonard Cooper of the 'Big Bang News Association'. This is the second time that Mr Potter has accused you of unfair scoring, do you have anything to say in your defence?"

"I scored exactly what I thought they deserved!" Karkaroff said indignantly. "The girl took too much time! The Hogwarts champion was a step or two away from dead!"

"I ended up destroying my dragon's eggs and got my own bruises," Krum pointed out. "You gave me the highest score here, you gave Potter the lowest and he did better than me."

"What does a few dragon eggs matter?!" Karkaroff spat. "Besides, you did better than the Diggory boy." He added, ignoring the last part of Krum's sentence, all the while sending him a look that clearly said 'Shut up!'.

"Headmaster Karkaroff, Dragons are an endangered species," Luna pointed out. "A 'few dragon eggs' do matter a lot."

"What about the Potter?!" Karkaroff demanded. "If Victor should suffer because of dragon eggs then Potter deserved to suffer even more. If dragons are so important then let's discuss the fact that the Potter boy killed a full-grown one in cold blood!"

"You want to put that on me?!" Harry snapped at him. "You all thought it was a good idea to put dragons in the arena with us! You knew that there was a very high chance of us dying! But you didn't care about that because our lives apparently aren't worth more than your entertainment! I defended myself by fighting off the active threat that was trying to kill me and you want to vilify me for that?! Do you want to blame me for defending myself in a tournament that I was forced into?! Fine, I blame you! That dragon died and we were hurt because you thought that lives weren't as important as your entertainment!" Harry turned to the reporters who were all eagerly watching. "And you can all quote me on that."

Harry sat back and watched with a small amount of amusement as the judges, especially Karkaroff, were suddenly under mass fire from all the reporters.

'All these worthless people here, they dare to question us,' Venom growled. 'As if they have any right. As if they know our pain, our suffering. They're pathetic,'

'It's not just them,' Harry replied. 'The wizarding world as a whole is becoming more and more of a letdown every day,'

'Hmm, perhaps we should make some changes,' Venom wondered.

'Changes?' Harry asked curiously. 'What are you talking about?'

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time," Dumbledore's voice interrupted, Harry looked around and saw that the reporters looked seemingly more in control of themselves, apparently Dumbledore had managed to calm them down somehow while Harry was distracted. "Anyway, I think that is enough for now, the champions are clearly tired and need their rest."

'In other words, he wants us to stop before the tournament ends up looking more shit than it already is,' Harry mentally snorted.

'He is one of the things I think we should change,' Venom told him.