Chapter 44 – The Legendary Card
The trio of Deviants climbed the sewer stairs, checking in all directions for any sign of an enemy. They emerged back into the rain, driven by curiosity despite the cold. Running to the muddy area, Luke knelt down and plunged his hand into the muck.
"Got it," he said, pulling out an item and tossing it to Alice.
Anna quickly looked at the secret weapon Luke claimed he used. The girls had deduced that he must have had a powerful item capable of completely destroying a high-ranking, unknown entity like a spirit.
"It is powerful indeed," Luke murmured.
Alice took the item in her hands and wiped off the mud, her expression a mix of surprise and confusion.
"You've got to be kidding me," she laughed.
"What is it, Alice? Show me," Anna said, grabbing the item from her hands.
"It can't be!" Anna exclaimed in disbelief.
In her hands was... the canteen.
Luke repeated the item's description: "The canteen filters any..."
"The canteen filters any liquid poured into it, turning it into clean water," Alice finished, recognizing the item after having seen Luke's cards.
They laughed, hardly believing that it had actually worked.
"I had to try it. It was a mud monster, right? So, it had a lot of water in it. And its name was a water spirit... it made sense," Luke explained.
Alice stared at him after he said that.
"I can't believe you nearly died trying that crazy idea."
"In the end, it worked out," Luke shrugged.
They returned to the sewers, and Luke dismissed the canteen to clean off all the mud from its exterior.
As soon as he dismissed the card, a notification appeared:
[Your War Canteen card has evolved.]
"What the...?" Luke muttered.
The girls looked at him.
"What happened?" Alice asked.
"A notification said my canteen evolved," Luke explained.
Summoning the card again, he read it carefully. Holding it in his hands, Luke leaned closer to examine it multiple times. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked at the card, then at the two girls in front of him, utterly incredulous. Luke couldn't describe if it was real or some kind of error.
"No... no way. This... is impossible."
[Holy Canteen
Description: This canteen houses the dormant spirit of an Undine.
Effects: (Purification), (Infinite)
(Purification): The canteen filters any liquid poured into it, turning it into clean water.
(Infinite): The canteen produces infinite water. Rarity: Unknown]
"So, that's why I didn't get any reward card? I didn't actually defeat that monster..."
Handing the card to the girls, they were equally astonished.
"I guess we'll never have to worry about water on this journey," Luke joked.
Or on any journey ever again...
Trembling as she held the card, Anna stuttered.
"I-I don't even know how to price something like this."
Being in contact with the Deviant society, Anna had a good grasp of the card market. At the academy, she interacted with different families, from nobles to commoners, and had seen absurd values placed on cards.
Her family was a prime example of people who had spent a small fortune. The money used was her parents' life savings, all to buy her the Bow card. Even though her parents were well-off, they barely managed to buy the card. A card of Unknown Rarity that produced infinite water was… priceless.
Powerful weapons were sought after, strong armor was cherished… but survival-related items couldn't be overlooked, especially one that produced infinite water.
"One thing's for sure, if that Undine had fought with its full power… we wouldn't be here to tell the story," Alice said.
"What do you mean?"
"We didn't make a scratch on it, and I know that thing was far from using its true power. That was just a small demonstration or maybe even it didn't have full access to Undine's power."
Luke, confused, hadn't seen the scene.
After they explained that they saw a blue woman, he pondered.
God, let this not be another curse in my life… every time I've seen a mysterious woman, something bad has happened to me.
Remembering Lady Luna, he thought about that diary. But after nearly being killed by a corrupted water spirit and having been chased by someone he killed or whatever entity took Clyde's form… Luke didn't want to take any chances and decided to ignore the diary card.
"That Undine somehow got corrupted and turned into that sludge, so we accidentally saved her," Anna theorized, and they agreed.
After sitting around the fire, Luke turned his back while the girls changed out of their wet clothes and wrapped themselves in pelts to warm up.
Luke had taken off his wet clothes and summoned the dry cloak to wear.
"Lucky for us, there were three wolves," Anna commented.
The trio decided to stay there and recover before continuing their journey. Luke noticed Alice was still injured.
She neglected Anna's healing so I could recover first… is she stupid? What if a creature had come here? How would she defend us while injured if I was unconscious and Anna couldn't fight?
Sighing, he wrapped himself in the pelt blanket.
"I'll take the first watch, and before you say anything, I've slept too much. Rest."
Luke added before they could protest.
Anna tossed him an hourglass, and as he caught it, Luke let out a quiet chuckle.
While the two girls slept, Luke was confused with himself.
Why did they stay here waiting for me to wake up? No… why did I save them? I could've run and left them back then. Did that person feel confused back then? No, she wasn't like me. She had no hesitation, even after paying a high price… she never regretted or complained. That person… I wouldn't dare compare myself to her.But at least, I noticed something strange motivated me to help… what was it? Why wasn't I selfish? Why did I take the risk?
Luke sighed.
Letting go of his thoughts about that person, he stood up and sat on the stairs.
Alice is no ordinary person. Alice has training and power. That thunder form of hers… she's a Thunder Transmitter Deviant. I wouldn't have stood a chance against that Undine, and I wouldn't have even gotten close if Alice hadn't distracted it.
She conducted electricity throughout her body. From what I saw, it made her faster… I believe it also extends to her reflexes and strength, along with high resistance. I saw her getting thrown into buildings and hit by water balls that exploded structures, and she survived. She might have almost died, but I doubt anyone else at her level could have done the same. She's still in the early stages of her powers, which means that was just the tip of her abilities… she's a real monster.
Anna's value lies in her Dissident element. Healers are worth their weight in gold… even more. Healers are almost considered saintly figures, revered wherever they go. Every healer is automatically granted nobility, even if it's minor nobility. Noble families fight over these Deviants, trying to monopolize the healers as much as possible. Imagine having one as your soldier? You can heal a strong warrior and send him back to the front lines again, as long as he's not dead, it's possible to help him. Healers are so powerful and valuable that even the royal family exerts their influence, wanting them for themselves. Any House would gladly sponsor a healer's entire education and family. But all this prestige comes with great responsibility, as they often need to be active in frontline expeditions. Of course, many Houses will want to have protected and secure healer Deviants for their private use, serving the nobles. Arranged marriages, money, status, power… little Anna is going to have a complicated life.
I am definitely the most useless one in this group...