Chereads / The preachers daughter / 1. The Beginning

The preachers daughter

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1. The Beginning

As Ariel sat and watched her father, preach on the Alter

She felt her tummy churn, and her head spin

This man seemed like a perfect person,

He looked like he couldn't hurt a fly

But he was the complete opposite, infact he was a monster

She would often be told how lucky she was, and how she had such a good father, but if only they knew who he really was.

Austin Jacobs, Ariel's dad once known as rocky,

who was a former leader of a gang called the called the disciples.

A notorious gang that terrorized the people of oak ville,

Rocky was a hard criminal, he laundered money, was involved in drug trafficking, and other illegal activities.

But no matter what the cops did he always got away with his crimes,

Until one day he decided to quit, and turn a new leaf.

According to him he heard the Lord calling out to him, to direct his people on the right path,

That was when they moved from oak ville to park avenue, and he started the ( New life assembly.)

Service closed and it was time for the youths to have their prayers

Still sitting on her chair, she kept on starring at the alter, lost in thoughts

suddenly she heard a voice calling out to her,

She thought to herself, could this be the voice of "God"

Still not noticing the person standing beside her, she then got a tap on her shoulder

"Ariel your dad needs you in his office Collins said," trying to avoid eye contact with her.

I will be there in a minute she said still staring blankly at the alter,

I have to lead the youths prayers first,

Once we are done i will head straight to his office.

Collins Williams, her father's personal assistant.

A tall enigmatic figure, standing at 6 feet with an aura of quite confidence

His dark skin seems to radiate a sense of depth and intrigue,

While his brown eyes gleam with a secret


His chiseled features are framed by a strong jawline and piercing gaze, giving him an intensity that's both captivating and unsettling,

He was a a mystery, he had no family no girlfriend, not even a friend

Ever since he moved into park avenue, he was always recluse.

But an incident occured between him and Ariel, that made things awkward between the both of them,

This happened when the elders and pastors children had gone for a charity event at Sydney town.

He was assigned by the elders of the church to be their guide on the trip,

That faithful day after they had finished their charity work for the town

They all wanted to do something fun, so they asked if they could all go out for drinks,

At first he refused, but they all kept persuading him until he finally agreed, but only on one condition, that he was there to supervise them.

No problem Collins, I mean if it's you were fine with it, Ella said looking so innocent.

"Off course you're fine with it Ella, so stop acting innocent, No one here is dumb, Stacy said."

Stacy Donald's the daughter of pastor Benjamin the senior pastor Ariel's best friend , she didn't like Ella at all because she always acted like she was better than everyone else, and wanted them to kiss the the ground she walked on

Ella was the daughter of Michael Peterson, an elder in the church.

Her family was known as the richest family in the New life assembly,

She had always liked Collins since the very first day she had met him.

Look Stacy I don't have time for you I only agreed because we need adult supervision, so no one does anything stupid,

Okay girl's that's enough, "Collins said," no one here is a child, we all want to go out to have fun, well fine we should all go get ready then

Ella smiling at Collins innocently, well I should go get ready, I don't want to be the reason we don't leave on time

All she had ever wanted, was to be noticed by him, but all her efforts were always in vain

Because he always ignored her, but she never gave up

The only reason she hastily agreed for him to go out with them, was so she could have an opportunity to be with him,

Because by the end of the night he would have gotten drunk,

Then she could volunteer to take him back to his room and then they could have sex, that would have probably been the beginning of their love story, but faith took an unexpected turn.


That night they all got ready, and went to the club, while everyone was having fun Ella had eyes on her prey

She watched every of his moves, while slowly having her drink.

"Yo Ella what's up," you have barely drank anything, and you have refused to dance since we got here are you okay?

David who had noticed how she was acting decided to ask

I'm good, why are u asking, or don't I look okay!"

I was just wondering, because usually when we go out you are always the life of the party

Well today,I am not in the mood I just want to be alone plus I'm really tired,

"Okay I am sorry if I'm disturbing you, but I saw you sitting alone and I thought you might need company."

Well I don't thank you, I'm okay leave me alone .

David had his eyes on ella all night, he thought she looked absolutely gorgeous, and he wanted to have her

He noticed how she had only been starring at Collins,

And he found it pathetic that she was so beautiful, but kept throwing herself at someone who clearly did not like her.

Well I don't care I'm going to have her tonight or no one else will, he said to himself quietly.

He then approached her but she was still starring at Collins, she seemed irritated by his presence

Then he decided to drug her, and take her to his room to do whatever he wanted with her,

And no one will suspect a thing because they were all wasted

Alright then if you want me to leave you alone just have a drink with me please, I promise I won't bother you anymore

"No I'm busy I already told you that I am tired"

I don't see you doing anything, Ella it won't hurt you if you just have a glass of whiskey with me, or aren't we friends?

"Fine pour me a glass after this dont bother me again"

I already did here is your glass, handing her the drink that had been spiked, don't rush it because it is really strong.

Still looking at Collins, she hurriedly gulped her drink,

He watched her like a preditor watching it's prey, and smiled innocently

"Are you happy now leave me alone go bother someone else"

Okay ma'am if you say so I'll let you be,he got up and walked away, smiling triumphantly

Ariel on the other hand, was having a good time, she had a lot to drink and was so intoxicated

She didn't even notice that someone had been watching her

Collins who was sitting at the bar counter having a Margarita, couldn't help himself, he thought Ariel looked really beautiful today,

He had always thought she was pretty, infact he likes her, but he couldn't tell her, knowing the type of person her dad was, he did not want any trouble.

He could only steal glances at her once in a while and admire her

from afar,

" O my Goodness their playingy my song she screamed in excitement, it's my favorite song guys"

It's Mariah Jones, " Pain has become my best friend", she is my favorite artist I love her so much

While screaming the lyrics she got so immersed, that she started crying and that was when she started feeling light headed

She felt like the floor was spinning and started staggering.

Collins had noticed this and he rushed to her aid," hey Ariel are u okay?"

Did you have too much to drink what's wrong with you hey can you hear me,

"You look like someone I know have we met before, she said smiling."

Okay that's enough it's time for you to go back to your room

But I don't want to I'll be bored, you cannot force me mister you better let go of me, or I will,

Before she could complete her sentence, he wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her up.

"Wow you are so strong mister she said feeling his torso In a flirtatious manner," while her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint

He smiled feeling a mix of amusement and concern, as he carefully navigated through the crowd.

Ella on the other hand, had started feeling dizzy and hot, and had forgotten her plan to get with Collins,

I need to use the Ladies room she said to herself, my head why does it hurt so bad,

She got up and tried to walk but her Legs where wobbling,

David who had seen what was happening rushed happily to help her.

"Hey Ella are you okay, do you need help, he asked while grabbing her waist"

I'm fine, let go of me, I just want to use the ladies room, she said trying to walk away, but she fell immediately,

Ella it is obvious that you are drunk let me help you to your room, it isn't safe for you out here someone might try to take advantage of you, I got you okay.

"Okay," she said looking at him innocently, I trust you so don't let go.

I won't, first you need to take of your heels so you don't fall, come here sit down let me help you take them of

"Hey David a voice called from behind, while he helped Ella take of her shoes"

What's up, where have you been Nathan I haven't seen you all night, wait don't tell me you hooked up with that girl you just met at the bar

Hell yeah I did I mean she is hot, and let's not mention she is crazy too, I couldn't resist, that aside what's wrong with Ella

She had too much to drink, so she needs help to her room,

And I'm already tired, so I'll be going back to my room too,

But bro you are crazy, you just had sex with a total stranger and our dads are pastors they preach against this.

So, I mean I'm not my dad, bro I have to live my life,

I mean he definitely did this when he was my age,

plus let's not forget we pastors children are the craziest,

we only act innocent when we are in church or around our parents

"David," Ella called in a low voice, aren't you going to help me to my room, I'm really tired

Well I don't know what to say anymore Nathan, it's your life so live it the way you want to, now if you will excuse me I have to help the lady to her room, have fun and please don't do anything crazy

"Alright," and Incase you're looking for anyone we will be in the game room having fun, by the way have you seen Collins

"No I haven't," come on Ella let's go, where is your bag?

Give me your shoes let me hold them for you

David I hope you're only helping her to her room, because you don't know someone might be watching and if word gets out, her dad is going to kill you

What do you mean buy if word gets out, like it's the first time we are all going out to party and getting wasted, Look no one is a snitch all of us here are grown, you said it yourself we pastors kids are the craziest

Be careful don't say I didn't warn you bro, Nathan said while walking away.

"Ella let's go," David can you carry me, my head really hurts,

Without hesitation he immediately wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her up

As he carried her limp through the dimly lit room, he couldn't help but admire her beauty, her dark hair fell over her pale skin like a waterfall of night, and her beautiful pink lips seemed to whisper an invitation to him

He felt a shiver run down his spine as he gazed at her, his thoughts be clouded by a toxic means of desire and control.

When they arrived at the hotel, he searched her bag for her room key but he couldn't find it.

"Ella, where is your room key?", it's not in your bag,

but the spiked drink had taken it's effect, so she couldn't reply

Looks like you will be spending the night in my room he whispered underneath his breath, that makes things easier

He held her by the waist and helped her into the elevator, holding her tight as the door slid close behind them, As they rode up she leaned against him heavily, he was so eager for the doors to open

When the door opened he helped her into the hallway, his eyes scanning for his room number until they reached his door. He slid his key card into the lock, pushing his door open he helped her inside

He laid her down on the bed, his eyes roving over her motionless body, the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two them, suspended in a world of intimacy. He leaned in closer, his breath whispering against her ear, as he prepared to take advantage of her vonorable state

Without a word, he leaned in and started kissing her lips, in that moment time stood still, and he could hear the beating of her heart, as he gave in to his desires.

As the night wore on, they lay entwined, his body relaxed, his mind at peace, if only she had just accepted him as her boyfriend and stopped drooling over Collins none of this would have happened

"He looked over at her sleeping peacefully." I wish you would just open your eyes to see that Collins isn't meant for you, you're too beautiful to beg for a man's attention


As Collins and Ariel got to the entrance of the hotel, he reached into her purse to grab her room key, his fingers brushing against hers as he did, she didn't seem to notice, too caught up in her own haze of intoxication

He helped her into the elevator, holding her upright as the doors slid closed behind them. As they rode up to her floor he kept a firm grip on her waist, trying to keep her steady

When the doors opened, he helped her into the hallway, his eyes scanning the room number until they reached her door. He slid the key card into the lock, pushing the door open he helped her into the room

As they stepped into the room, he helped her over to the bed, easing her down on the mattress as she collapsed unto the pillows.

He pulled off her shoes, setting them aside he covered her with a blanket

He stood frozen over her, his eyes locked on her Serene face, the soft glow of the hotel room's nightlight shone on her face, highlighting the delicate curves of her features

He felt his breathe catch as he gazed at her, mesmerized by the beauty that layed before him. Time seemed to stand still, and all that existed was this perfect peaceful moment

Without thinking, his legs moved a step closer, his eyes drinking in every detail of her face, He felt his heart swell with emotion, and for a moment he forgot to breathe.

"Sleep tight," he whispered softly, brushing a strand of her hair out of her face, I'll check on you tomorrow, okay?

As he turned to leave, her hand shot out, grasping his hand with a desperate intensity. Her eyes wide open

Don't leave me alone, please stay and keep me company, come here sit down

" Ariel I can't, this isn't my room," so I don't bite you know, I might get bored, or do you want me to go outside and bring a stranger into my room

Fine I'll sit but only for a few minute, it's getting late, I don't want someone to see me coming out of your room and think we did anything inappropriate

I don't see anything wrong in doing something inappropriate, she said looking at him with her big brown doe eyes