The Twelve Cultivation Dharma Gates are essentially twelve different perspectives on the world.
This concept is still difficult to understand for ordinary people who lack a certain level of cultural education.
Ordinary people can't even grasp subjects like history, geography, politics, physics, chemistry, and biology, let alone the myriad of peculiar majors they enroll in after going to university.
Teacher Liu had once said that this kind of knowledge should only be introduced after high school, once a preliminary worldview has been established.
Doing otherwise would be like trying to help the shoots grow by pulling them up.
The twelve Dharma Gates of cultivation flashed past Wang Yunxiao's eyes, and he only had time to read the brief description related to the Garrison Soldiers Dharma Gate.
Garrison Soldiers Dharma Gate, Righteous Path Advance—Rampaging Colonel, Heretical Path Advance—Special Forces.
Wait a minute! Wasn't it Iron Sparrowhawk?