Joseph was well aware that Russia's strategic goal was not to swallow Poland whole, but to occupy the eastern provinces home to the Eastern Orthodox faith.
So there would be no Battle of Warsaw—once Poland retreated westward, the Russian Army would halt its advance and begin to digest the acquired lands. The debacle of the Polish military made it difficult for the Polish Government to refuse a ceasefire agreement.
Furthermore, as soon as the Russians gained the upper hand, Prussia would instantly stab Poland in the back.
Therefore, Poland had to defend its eastern territories, or else it would face a repetition of the Second Partition of Poland.
But how to block the Russian advance seemed to be an insurmountable problem...
As Bertier continually outlined the full extent of the battle plans, the Polish officers' eyes grew wider and wider.
"...this way, we can confront Russia. As their losses mount day by day, they will have no choice but to seek a ceasefire..."