In the Plot World, time flowed like fleeting shadows. A week later, a little demon, trembling with fear, arrived at the entrance of Li Xu's cave dwelling!
"...My general invites the True Monarch most humbly to a banquet, and requests the honor of your presence?"
Li Xu opened his eyes from his meditation, gazed at the invitation laid before him, and then to the fox demon kneeling and shivering at the foot of the high platform. He smiled, "A banquet, and what kind of banquet might it be?"
"To report to the True Monarch..." the fox demon forced out a flirtatious smile, "A great monk has come from Chang'an with an extraordinary origin, said to be the reincarnation of a heavenly constellation. Eating his flesh will, first, greatly prolong one's fortune and lifespan, and second, immensely boost one's cultivation. My general dares not enjoy this alone and has specially invited the True Monarch to share in this delicacy!"