"Following the European Union and Russia, the White House of the United States convened a grand global press conference at 8 a.m. today, announcing its support for all reasonable demands and propositions of the Main God Cathedral in reality, and urging relevant parties to faithfully fulfill the declarations concerning Contractors and international treaties…"
"Government officials, diplomats, plenipotentiaries, and the like from around the world steadily boarded flights to their home countries, in response to this…"
Xiao Ai sat in a café situated on the street, stirring her coffee spoon while pondering over the news report on her smartphone.
A jubilant crowd waving colorful flags passed in front of the glass window, with banners stretched across the street that read: Warmly celebrating the birth of the world and humanity's first Transcendent.
Followed by a half-body colored portrait of Ni Shengnan!