Diomede took five steps out and stood at the edge of the torchlight. The beast began to push one another and fully sprinted toward the office. Lily let loose her arrows striking the few in the front of the pack. Francisco began to play his pan flute, and the beast's speed slowed as they continued charging the group. Diomede swung his greatsword, cutting through four of the twisted beasts. A fifth one ran past him, throwing its arms wildly. Clayton came down onto its head with an overhead swing of his longsword, separating its head into equal parts. Clayton looked past Diomede and could see more rushing through the gate. Arrows flew past Clayton's head into the dark, striking the beast in their throats and the center parts of their heads. "What are these things?" Clayton called out. Diomede grunted, "Does it matter right now?" Clayton replied with an annoyed, "Yes!" Diomede raised his hand and sent a blast of energy out toward the mass of beast knocking them to the ground with chucks of their bodies blown off. More leaped from the darkness attempting to pile onto Diomede. Six covered him and held him down, pushing him into a kneed position. Clayton began to run to Diomede's aid, but more dashed out of the shadows. One attempted to swing its cruel blade at the young knight. Clayton parried and stabbed the beast through its left armpit and swiped the blade out its chest. Two more grabbed at Clayton, one taking his sword arm and another grabbing his waist and biting into his left hip. Two more stepped out of the dark pulling weapons from their bodies that had been driven into them. One raised its hand and stabbed at Clayton with a broken spearhead it pulled from its shoulder. Clayton with his left arm free, grabbed the spear and redirected it into the head of the beast that held his waist. The other swung an axe head and nearly hit Clayton across his face. It was only stopped by an arrow flying straight into its right eye. As the beast that hung from Clayton's waist grip loosened, Clayton kneed the one holding his sword arm stomach. It let out a shriek of pain. Clayton with his arm free, swung his sword with force so powerful he spun. Decapitating the two beasts that stood in front of him. He turned to Diomede just in time to see him push the beast off himself and began slashing at them cleaving everyone of the beast into pieces. Diomede gasping for air, turned to Clayton, "They are homunculus, made from parts of men and beasts." "Why they are here I do not know." Clayton took note of what Diomede said. The pair took steps returning to their positions in front of the office. "Look, more are coming!" Francisco called out to the pair. The two turned and saw the approach of a large massive creature making its way toward them. Diomede's eyes closed and opened to an orange color. He looked into the darkness and saw that the massive creature was Panagiot. "It's not more of them but the Elite." Clayton felt a small sense of relief. Diomede did not. Panagiot stepped through the dead, even stepping on some parts crushing it under his massive foot. In the torchlight, his form was revealed. He suffered deep cuts to his body and arms. Parts of his armor had been chipped away. The cuts still bleed but he showed no sign of pain or notice of the injuries. Panagiot stopped and looked around the grounds of the office. "So, these weak bastards died." "Good. it means our ranks have been culled of weak soldiers from this incident." Clayton felt an ember of rage in his chest. He raised his head and called out to Panagiot, "How fair are the survivors at the temple?" Panagiot turned and pointed to a building in the distance that held flames dancing. "They have been dealt with." Clayton's brow bent in confusion. "What do you mean "dealt with"?" Panagiot pointed to the building that had flames roaring the highest into the sky. "Exactly what I said, dealt with." Clayton's mind ran blank, he couldn't form any words or logic. Diomede readied his sword, he knew Panagiot wasn't going to let them pass. Not while the elite still drew breath. Panagiot turned to the pair, "Why do you fight with this man?" He asked while gesturing toward Diomede. Clayton gave no response. "Oh, so you are a traitor then?" "to both your king, country, and fallen brothers?" Clayton stepped forward, "I am no traitor!" he yelled out, fueled by anger. Panagiot began to laugh, "Please boy you stand with beast and enemies of the king. I can smell the disgusting bastards from here!" Panagiot began making his way to the pair. "And I see I will have to kill you as along with all inside." Clayton's heart raced, just as it did when he stood against the Gultonk. But it was not fear, this was the fire that burned in him when he swung the great sword cutting the Gultonk in half. Clayton rushed toward the elite shouting, "You killed them?!" He swung his sword striking the massive battle axe Panagot wielded. Sparks flew into the air. Panagiot laughed after each strike. Diomede still readied, watched the young knight strike against the elite. "They were under my protection! Our protection!" Clayton roared out. "The King's protection!" Panagiot grabbed Clayton's hands, gripping them tight. "Protection you say, these people who live on the edge of the Umar out of the shadow of the king are not worth saving!" Clayton felt his hand begin to break from the strength of Panagiot's grip. He let out a yell of pain, and bit down on the massive hands. Diomede jolted into action and fully sprinted toward the pair of knights. Panagiot still laughing picked Clayton up into the air and flung him at Diomede. Clayton flew through the air just as he did before when the Gultonk threw him. But this time he flipped his body and landed on his feet. But the momentum was too much and he rolled along the ground. Diomede Swung his great sword in an upward angle. Missing Panagiot, but knocking his helmet off. Panagiot's laughter stopped and he raised his axe and met Diomede's sword. A massive spark lit the area around them like a strike of lightning. The two were locked with one another, each one pushed to gain ground on the other. Clayton watched on from where he sat. Seeing these two warriors fight seemed like something out of a myth. Diomede felt the full strength of Panagiot, he slide his sword's crossgaurd up and knocked Panagiot's axe in the air. Clayton held his breath. Diomede attempted to drive his greatsword into the elite's chest, but Panagiot caught the blade in his hand. Diomede continued to push the blade through the massive warrior but was halted by Panagiot's grip strength. The elite extended his left leg back to give himself a stable footing. Panagiot's feet slid across the wet muddy earth, until the two stopped. The two warriors were in a stalemate again, this time only Diomede had a weapon. Panagiot Looked up and gave Diomede a devious smile. "It seems you aren't that much stronger then me stranger." Panagiot chuckled. Diomede knew he couldn't best the man, not while keeping control over himself. Diomede let go of his sword and jumped back from his opponent. Panagiot gave him a confused look, until he felt the full weight of the greatsword cut through his fingers and strike the ground with a thud. Panagiot looked at his hand with a surprised expression. "What a strange sword you weld stranger." Panagiot said. Diomede left no time and rushed Panagiot. Diomede grabbed his two axes and began to attack massive knight. With every swing Diomede made, another followed behind by his other hand. Panagiot stepped dodging each swing, only being slashed a few times along his arms and legs. Diomede dropped the axe he held in his right hand into the corresponding loop on his belt. He threw the axe he had in his left hand into the air, completely missing Panagiot. Diomede threw a punch to Panagiot's face, the elite blocked it with his left arm. As Panagiot lowered his arm Diomede rolled back and grabbed the hilt of his Greatsword and vanished. Panagiot's eyes widened with shock. Clayton began looking to see where Diomede had gone. "Did he roll into the shadows?" Clayton thought. Panagiot looked around trying to find his opponent. Then, a whooshing sound reached his ears. Panagiot looked up and saw Diomede falling down toward him with his greatsword pulled back. Clayton watched on as Diomede came crashing down upon the Elite Knight of Umar, cutting him deep through his chest. Diomede's feet reached the ground but the blade remained in the elite's chest. Panagiot coughed up blood and looked down to his massive wound. "It would seem you landed a hit stranger." Panagiot pushed out. Diomede gave no reply, only pulled his blade from the elite. Panagiot fell to his knees. "They will follow you and find you. You know that don't you?" Panagiot struggled to say. Diomede turned and walked to Clayton. Clayton was awestruck to see an elite fall to a stranger in such away. When Diomede reached Clayton, the young knight looked up from where he sat. He felt as if Diomede stood atop a mountain's cliff slide, looking down the to him. "Get up little cub." Diomede spoke as he pulled Clayton to his feet. "How bad are your hands?" Clayton hadn't noticed the pain, but it came crashing into him. His hands felt like they were on fire. The bones moved like pebbles under his skin. "Come Kira should be able to help you." Diomede led Clayton inside. Clayton gave Panagiot a last look before heading inside. Panagiot sat slumped over, his head hung low. They were met by Francisco bursting with amazement and excitement. "I can't believe what I just watched!" "A clash of titanous warriors!" Francisco shouted. Kira approached the pair and placed her hands over Clayton and a small warm light washed over him. The pain in his hands subsided and his bones felt light and relaxed. His side no longer felt tight and the throbbing stopped. Kira turned to Diomede, but the large man pulled back from her. "I'm in no need of aid, save it for later we aren't out of here yet." Diomede said. The five walked inside and shook off the rain that had covered them. "What's our next move?" Lily asked. Diomede crossed his arms and looked to Kira, "Well? We done here?" Kira looked at the face of the young knight, Nusfundur and white haired woman, all waiting to hear what she had to say. Kira closed her eyes, moments of silence passed. Until broken by her voice saying, "We are done here", "What ever being was here is no longer present." Clayton sheathed his blade and let out a sigh of relief. "Then I should let the survivors know what has happened." Clayton stated as he walked toward the mess hall. The other four followed behind. Clayton knocked on the door and spoke to them. " Don't not be alarmed, its Clayton." A small muffled sound traveled through the door of the locks being undone and the sound of objects sliding across the floor. A woman opened the door just enough to push her head out to the sight of the five. Covered in rain and blood. She whispered, "Are the monsters gone? Are they dead?" Clayton nodded and gave a half smile. "They have been dealt with." "And the knights, are they still out front as well?" The woman asked. Diomede felt something pass through him. Kira felt a cloud linger over her. Lily's hairs stood straight up on the back of her neck. Clayton went to reply, before he could he was pushed to the side by Diomede as he kicked the door open. To their shock and sight, there laid the survivors torn to pieces and forced into a mashed mound of flesh in the center of the mess hall. The aroma of blood overwhelmed the group, the thickness of the smell was like a fog. Clayton's eyes instantly filled with rage and his heart began beating so strong and fast it would have bursted through his chest, only prevented by his armor. Kira bursted into a panic, the pain cut through her core. She dropped to her knees grabbing at her head. Francisco wrapped his arms around Kira and Lily stepped in front of her as if to shield her from the sight. Diomede's eyes turned a dark orange and his size began to shift. The woman that had opened the door was only a head being held by some magic. A chuckle echoed from the other side of the mound of flesh. A hooded figure walked out, their face concealed by a hood. "Just in time for the fireworks." The hooded figure said as they raised their long thin fingers and snapped. Diomede Turned with haste and blurted out a spell. Before being covered in a blinding light over taking the entire room. The light burst through the building throwing bits and large chunks of it into the air. The light continued reaching out past the other builds and destroying them. Until the whole of the village was consumed by the light.