The last rays of the sun dissappear, as only darkness remained across the sky.
The sky is still empty without, any type of light that resembles stars shining in the darkness.
I somehow feel a depth of comfort from the feeling, almost as the dark shields me from what will come today. But I know it won't, it's inevitable that Star Eyes will come tonight.
I walk, pacing around the area that me and my dad now call home. It's flat land, the trees before were all nice, but most of them are stumps besides our sleeping places with 2 old trees.
My entire body is sweating, my black jacket makes me hotter. But I feel more comfortable in it so that's why it's on me.
'Why is this so nerve racking!'
I stop pacing and look up.
"Still no stars it's almost like that thing was lying"
If it was id Glady punch a tree down with my bare fists, just for the hell of wasting my time. I look around at the mountains which surround the area my dad and I lay at.
I wonder if I could still train even now...wait why don't I point at the sky while shooting my blast! I haven't found out the range of my blast, and the limits of how fast and far it moves.
I raise my hand in the sky, as I put a small amount of energy in my palm. I flex my muscles as I fire the blast, the light from the orange blast shines as it's fired.
The entire area is enveloped in orange light as it slowly flies up.
'So it doesn't move that fast when It's aimed up, but when I have a clear target it's more versatile.'
A shine glows on a nearby mountain, I look at it. As my eyes lay on the light, which is yellow it vanishes...
Suspicious much? It's kinda weird that a yellow glow shows on a mountain this late.
'Maybe campers? Or someone hiking late'
It just seems very out of place, I mean it's not even cold. I look up again in frustration as something gleams in the distance, the clouds cover the light but I fix my eyes closer.
Yellow lights shine over the cloud, shaped like stars, they shine brightly as I notice they move down. The shooting stars? I say confused and very stunned.
The lights fall down in my direction, the closer I look the less they look like....stars. Wait!?
(When the stars shine brightest I will come)
The lights fall down so close I can figure the shapes out, sphere shaped yellow pieces of energy, with star lines in the center.
As they make contact with the ground, dust fills the area. A big boom not from the explosion appears in the center of the dust.
"Guess the party started? Or did I come here early,JAKAI"
Chapter end