'I must be dreaming because what am I doing here?' Korax told himself as he looks around at the bright colourful garden. He got up from the grass and unsheathes his sword focused on the trees and shifting positions each time after a few seconds. 'What kind of sorcery is this.'
Korax grips his word with both hands, his long muscled hands stretching from his shoulder and intertwining with the sword, making the sword look like an extension of his body. His red eyes glowed in fury like it always has and his thick crusted chest moved up and down in rhythm to his breath.
A rabbit jumps out into the opening from one of the trees.
'A rabbit?' Korax said, then lets out an outrageous laughter. 'Whoever you are, you can do better. What's with this colourful garden and cute rabbit. Show your true self.'
'My true self might be…unpalatable,' the rabbit said chewing on a small orange carrot.
'And the carrot?' Korax laughed.
'That's for effect,' the rabbit answered.
'Okay the show is over, what do you want? And drop this rabbit antics,' Korax said, staring intently at the rabbit with his red murderously glowing eyes.
The garden suddenly turned into a dark hollow cave and the rabbit begins to change shape until it takes the shape of a majestic vicious dragon.
'That's more like it,' Korax said and walked to a protruding rock which he sat on. 'Who are you dragon, and what do you want?'
'I'm Sith, and I want to make you powerful beyond your imagination,' Sith said in his slithering ominous voice.
'And how do you intend doing that?' Korax asked.
'I know of a place with boundless magic where angels reside and where you can get powers beyond your imagination,' Sith took a few steps until he his on the right side of Korax.
'And why do you think I would want to find this place, I might be satisfied with the power I have and might not want more power,' Korax said beaming with confidence.
'I know powerful people want more power,' Sith whispered into Korax's ear, 'just like me, although I'm a dragon.'
Korax raised his head in pride, to be called powerful by a dragon was definitely a compliment, 'What do you want in return.'
'All I want is a tiny little girl.'
'And what would a big dragon like you want with a tiny little girl?' Korax asked.
'She has something I want,' Sith said, 'help me find the girl and I will show you the way to unlimited power.'
'How do I find the girl?'
'I will show you where she is,' a screen appeared in front of Korax and in it was the visual of a mountainous region then is starts to zoom in through forests until it reached a small dingy town and then a room with a young girl laying in a bed.
Korax stared at the screen, 'That is little town, I know it.'
'Yes, little town,' Sith whispered.
'And what's the name of this place you will show me?' Korax asked, more interested in what the dragon had to say.
'Celestia, a place full of magic, power and treasures beyond your wildest dreams,' Sith slowly whispered into korax's ears.
'Celestia…and why don't you go there yourself?'
'I will, as soon as I get the girl, without the girl, I cannot go there. Only her can give me the key to open the door way to Celestia, so you help me find her and I take you to Celestia,' Sith replied.
'And how can I trust you? What if you get the girl, and just kill me and go to Celestia yourself, although I must warn you if you try to do that I can defend myself quite well, even against a dragon.' Korax said.
'You have my word,' Sith Whispered and then vanished.
Korax stood in complete darkness, then he suddenly woke up on his dark throne in his dark throne room at the top of his dark eerie palace, at the top of the dark treacherous mountains.
Korax shifts on the throne, 'Celestia, okay Sith, let's find your girl.'
A big black panther walked slowly to the throne and roared, Korax pats the head of the cat which delighted the majestic creature. 'Yes I don't trust him either but something tells me we are about to have a very interesting adventure. I've been quite bored.'
The cat roared again and slowly walked to Korax's feet to take a seat, 'We'll find the girl and find out why the dragon really wants her.'
'Rise and shine you little munchkins!' Blog jumped on the bed startling both Max and Amy.
Max gets up and yawns and Amy slowly opened her eyes, 'Where are we?' she asked as she looked around the room.
'We are,' Max was about to explain to Amy where they were when Blog interrupts.
'I will do the honours of introducing myself to our little princess,' Blog started in the most dramatic fashion, 'You had a long nap in the forest and your brother here,' he pointed to Max, 'carried you on his shoulder all the way to this god-forsaken town, but luckily for both of you, I am currently in the town and found your brother and here are, in this place I currently call home, maybe for just a few days, I'm not really sure.'
Amy lets out a chuckle.
'My name is Blog by the way, and you are,' he stretched his hand out to shake Amy.
'I'm Amy,' Amy shook his hand excitedly.
'Lovely to meet you princess Amy,' Blog said, 'and you know what, I've got you guys breakfast.
'Thank you, I'm hungry,' Amy said rubbing her stomach.
'We can eat and talk about your journey,' Blog placed three plates on a small table in the corner and invited Max and Amy to join him. He poured some soup in each plate and added some boiled seasoned meat and beside each plate was a piece of bread, 'Bon a petit,' he pointed at the food.
'Thank you Blog,' Max said.
'It's nothing. You've had a very long sleep Amy, hope you're feeling better?' Blog asked.
'I feel really refreshed but I'm hungry but there is food so I'm much fine,' Amy said with a mouthful of food.
'Blog what are you two lads doing out in the forest by yourselves and fighting naschians,' Blog continued.
'We are looking for Celestia,' Amy said.
'Celestia,' Blog scratched his head.
'It's another realm,' Max said, 'it's better than the earth realm, it's safer, a place we can settle and not have to move around a lot.'
'Sounds like my home,' Blog said, imagining how it was back in his realm.
'You're from Celestia?' Amy asked.
'No, I'm from the Dwarf Lands, a beautiful place with lots of dwarfs, children dwarfs, king dwarfs, princess dwarfs, queen dwarfs, lovely gardens and beautiful water falls,' Blog sighed.
'Sounds like Celestia,' Amy said excitedly.
'Except without the dwarfs,' Max looked around the room, at the right corner is a traveling bag with several gun handles shooting out from the top, 'You have quite a gun collection.'
'Well, I can't be Blog the gun slinging dwarf from the wild west if I didn't have guns,' Blog laughed, 'besides, the world is getting stranger with all kinds of dangerous people so they usually come in handy.'
'Did you have all this guns back in Dwarf Land,' Amy asked.
'I didn't really need them. Dwarf Land was a happy place and all we did was sing, dance, be merry and visit each other. It was a happy place.'
'Are you going to find it and go back?' Amy asked.
'That's the plan,' Blog poured himself some beer in a cup and gulps it down, 'Want some?' he offered Max.
'No, thank you, the food is fine,' Max continued eating.
'Maybe we can find Dwarf land and Celestia together, maybe my rabbit friend can help you too,' Amy said.
'What rabbit friend?' Max looked at her puzzled.
'I saw a rabbit in my dream, his name was Sith and he said he would help me find Celestia, he said he'll come back,' Amy replied animatedly.
'You saw a rabbit in your dream?' Blog asked.
'Yes, after I slept off when all that light came out of me,' Amy chatted on.
'Amy,' Max gave Amy a short stern look.
'Light came out of you,' Blog asked.
'It was nothing,' Max said.
'I knew you were a special kid, maybe you'll be the one to end up finding Celestia and Dwarf land,' Blog gave Amy a big smile.
Max was not pleased, he felt Amy had talked too much, but she was just a nine-year-old girl, who could blame her. 'I think we need to start leaving.'
Blog laughed out loud, 'Nonsense, I am not your enemy here, trust me I am your friend and I can help you. Its dangerous out there,' his face suddenly became sad and morose, 'it's a dangerous place out there, I've seen too many things and I want to help you lot find this Celestia.'
'We don't need any help, we can find our own way,' Max said sternly.
'Ofcourse we need help silly,' Amy said laughing and staring at her brother, 'Mr Blog looks like a nice man and he's funny too.'
Blog made his face into a wide smile.
'Can Mr Blog follow us? Please…' Amy turned to Max's stern face batting her eyes in a cat like manner.
'Well, I can stay here, I'm sure Max is tough enough to protect both of you,' Blog said, 'I will at least walk you to the edge of town when you are ready to continue your journey.
'That would be fine,' Max said bowing slightly.
Amy squeezed her face and grumbled.
'But you both can stay here as long as you want,' Blog said, 'for some time at least before you continue your journey. It could get boring without friends you know.'
'Yes,' Amy yelled happily raising both hands.
Max stared at her, then turned his attention to Blog, 'You've been very hospitable to us and I can't thank you enough but I can't thank you enough.'
'Max,' Amy protested.
'We can't disturb the man Amy, he has his own plans and his own life to live,' Max said as Amy lets out a resigned sigh.
They rest of the meal was silent as they all slowly finished their meal.
'You said you saw a rabbit in your dram Amy,' Blog asked.
'Yes, a cute chummy rabbit named Sith,' Amy replied, 'I hope to see him again, he said he would come back.'
'Hope you didn't tell him where you were,' Blog asked, Max looked at blog wondering what he was getting at.
'No, I don't think so, I don't remember,' Amy said.
'Anything wrong?' Max asked.
'It's the name Sith, it sounds like a name for a magical creature, like a dragon, and Sith doesn't sound like it would belong to any nice creature,' Blog said.
'But the bunny was nice,' Amy said.
'Is anyone looking for both of you?' Blog asked.
Max paused for a few seconds in a short moment of thought, 'Not that I know of.'
'It just sounds like some magical creature tried to talk to Amy in her dream, I've heard of enchantments and beings that can appear in dreams visions and hallucinations and all that. I've travelled through your world a lot so I've heard a lot of things. But why would any creature want to connect with your sister?' Blog scratched his head.
'Maybe because of the light that came out of me in the forest,' Amy responded, 'I've been..'
'Amy,' Max looked at Amy with a sharp scolding look.
'What light?' Blog asked, no answer came from Max or Amy but it was obvious Amy wanted to say more but didn't want to upset her brother. 'Okay guys, you can continue eating your food, and Amy don't tell the rabbit anything when next you see him in your dreams.'
'Okay Mr Blog, he was just really nice and a cute little rabbit,' Amy replied.
'Yes, a rabbit in your dream but we don't know what it could be in real life, it could be anything, a wizard somewhere, a dark elf, or some huge gigantic dragon, could be anything.'
'Okay Mr blog,' Amy said, scooping a spoon full of soup and biting out of the remaining bread.
'Finish up so we can start leaving,' Max whispered.
'Okay Max,' Amy answered grudgingly.
Zephyr stood in front of the inn. He could sense the girl there. He had received raven from Korax regarding a girl he wanted and Korax usually pad well unlike some other contractors.
This should be an easy one, getting a little girl should not be a problem and he was sure whoever the girl was would stand out in this town filled with mostly drunken men and ladies of the night.
He had dropped a few coins for info which led him to the particular inn he was staring at. He had never failed in a hunt and he wasn't about to. He brought out one of his short blades from his sheath and licked the blunt flat part of the blade. He enjoyed every bit of his job, and he relished each hunt.
'Little girl where are you,' he whispered under his breath unable to contain his excitement.
Zephyr was a well-travelled hunter, and had faced adversaries from all corners of the earth, that was why he was so good at the job. He crouched in a corner, his lean from folding into a ball. His steely eyes scanning the entrance which was also the exit of the inn, waiting for his target. He saw his targets as just more coins to be made, nothing personal. It was always better that way.
'Your soup was really tasty Blog,' Amy said, beaming.
'Thank you princess, I would you both could have stayed longer,' Blog replied, blushing from Amy's compliment.
'We have a long journey ahead of us, Thankyou Blog,' Max said, bowing slightly.
They walked down the stairs at the and through the corridor of the inn. Other inn dwellers nodded at Blog and some of them waved at Amy. Amy waved back at each person excitedly. Max grumbled and none of the inn dwellers looked his way. He liked it that way.
They exit the inn and a tall hooded character started to approach them. Without any warning he throws a knife at Max and he quickly deflects it with his palm. The knife cuts through is palm but not too deeply. Blog quickly brings out a gun and shoot at the assailant.
Zephyr charges towards them and kicks both Max and Blog in a wide kick. He grabs Amy and begins to run.
'Let me go!' Amy screams.
'No sweet heart, you're worth a lot of coins,' Zephyr replied.
Max dashes after them and Blog tries to catch up, he aims another blast at Zephyr and it catches him in his left shoulder sending him tumbling to the ground and losing his hold on Amy.
Max leapt at him, sward fully drawn and aims for him but Zephyr quickly leaps out of the way but not quick enough for another blast from Blog that sends him flying into some stacked wooden rubble.
'You're lucky I just have my blaster with me, I would have blown you to smitherings, Blog called out.
Max charged at Zephyr, slashing with inhuman speed, but Zephyr parries each slash with two short dagger he held in both hands. He is shocked by Max's speed and skill. They lock in a blog that has both of them pushing towards each other.
'What do you want with my sister?' Max said as he tried to push his sword closer to Zephyr.
'Where did you learn to fight like that boy,' Zephyr asked totally ignoring Max's question.
'Stay behind me,' Blog gestured at Amy, 'Nobody is going to harm you while I'm here.'
Blog tried to aim is gun at Zephyr but he is too close to Max as both fighters slash at each other.
Max docks quickly and swings a kick at Zephyr, catching him in the jaw. Zephyr staggered, shocked he had been caught by Max.
'Now I got you,' Blog smiled as he blasted his gun at Zephyr sending him flying into some nearby trees.
Max quickly runs after him but Zephyr is gone, 'Where'd he go? Come out you coward!' Max called out, looking around for the hooded assailant.
Max and Blog looked around for Zephyr but he had vanished.
'I think he was here for your sister,' Blog said.
Max quickly ran to Amy and lifted her, 'are you okay?'
'I am silly,' Amy laughed, 'who was that?'
'I don't know,' Max said.
'You brave girl, to still be cheerful after almost been abducted beats me,' Blog said scratching his head.
'I'm not scared, Max saved me, and you too,' Amy ran to Blog and gave him a hug.
'Oh, you are definitely a princess,' Blog said blushing.
'Maybe I'll be a princess in Celestia,' Amy said spinning around.
Max continued looking intently into the woods waiting for Zephyr to emerge at any time.
'I don't think he is coming back right now, but I know he'll be back soon, and we have to get out of here before he comes back,' Blog held up his gun scanning the woods.
'We?' Max asked.
'Yes we. There no way I'm leaving both of you to find wherever you are finding alone with God knows who looking for little miss Amy here,' Blog said with finality.
'We can take care…'
'You can't stop me,' Blog interrupts, 'I'm coming along with you and I can help you find this place you are looking for.'
'Yes, Mr Blog is coming with us,' Amy said excitedly as Max grumbled under his breath.
'I'll need to bring along all my guns, nobody is ever messing with Miss Amy again,' Blog said as he gestured for them to follow him back to the inn, 'we would have to head through another direction.'
Amy hopped behind Blog as Max followed the grudgingly. Two had become three on the quest to look for Celestia, a young skilled swordsman, a little girl with the magic of light and fire, and the gun slinging dwarf from the wild wild west. Their fates intertwined in ways even they were yet to understand.