How to tell them, the stubborn wolves, that they'd made a fatal mistake? Coming to Westmont was a mistake, even though I was grateful that Ioris had saved me.
For all they knew, Ioris was my mate, so seeing her come with other wolves was taboo.
The Saint must not come into contact with other creatures. Even though I knew she had already had sex with this man, she was still the Saint who wouldn't change, just with a different path of destiny.
"Uncle Ray, are you alright?" Ioris asked the man next to her, Ray Hunter. I had been watching him for a long time because he had caused my separation from the Saint even in my past life.
What if I revealed what happened in the past? Ioris would definitely hate this man and return to me.
Now, even to look at my little wolf with the same gaze as before was not easy for me. She seemed to be so annoyed with me. What would happen if she found out the many secrets I was hiding? Would she hate Paupau, too?