"Why are you so sure that the cult is not involved in this!"
He looked stunned when I said my words, but it's not like what I said was impossible.
"Have you ever heard of a monster that has a jewel in its head? I don't think I have heard of something like that!"
"I understand what you are trying to say but don't you think that is too far-fetched!"
In fact I agree with him, this world is full of countless possibilities so seeing something like this is not impossible.
We have not ever seen a king much less the king of shadow fiends.
Its not strange for a newborn 'king' to be different from the rest of of its members of the species.
But there was a different reason I thought the cult was involved in it.
The cult, a greedy organization that had existed for more than centuries had been delving into the essence of the dark energy present in the dark continent.