Dustin (pov)
I suppressed all my emotions and threw them on the back of my mind sealing them in the cage, this is not the time to get emotional.
My mind was calm and collected while my raging heart had turned freezing cold.
"This is not the time for small talks like this! I am here to talk to Peter so can you lead me to her?
My voice had turned cold, and the mischievous expression on his face finally flew off.
He had a question mark on his face, he couldn't understand the reason for the sudden change in my attitude.
I could try to better his impression of me but the me right now was too cold to care for others.
A minute ago I wanted him to like me but right now even if he hated me I wouldn't feel a thing.
Even my desire to check on Peter right now is more like doing a task, there are no emotions attached to any action I take right now.
The me right now was a cold rigorous machine that only lives to do tasks.