(Huh. So even boss monsters on this floor received an power up. The rewards and the EXP received also is way better than floor 6.) – though Phantasia as he left the boss room.
(The Joe In The Box was triggered?)
Phantasia noticed the items lying on the floor an picked it up.
(Players. And I guess weak ones at that.) – though Phantasia as he picked up the daggers.
(If they were rankers, Joe here wouldn't be able to kill them so quickly…. I guess some people from the floor 5 are now trying to come to the floor 6 and try to hunt here?)
(…. Yea… I honestly can understand idea, since the amount of people on the floor 5 is… Straight up too much!)
"[Nightmare Toy Box: Recall]."
Phantasia de-summoned his giant box monster before then writing down location of the boss room and then resummoning his exploration.