Chereads / Borderlands: Unnatural selection / Chapter 26 - Siren song(2)

Chapter 26 - Siren song(2)

"Yeah, I'd rather not have you getting any wrong impressions about me if possible. Besides we are both a bit too young for stuff of that nature." I said with a chuckle.

"You did say that you are actually thirteen didn't you? If you hadn't explained it I would still think you were twenty something. Oh right I'm Maya by the way!" she said finally introducing herself.

"A rather late introduction but I'm Alexander Drake, go by Alex though." I said with a nod.

That was how my meeting with Maya the siren went for the most part. What did you expect some sappy nonsense like love at first sight or something? Sorry to burst your delusion but that shit doesn't happen in real life, it's fiction, nonsense, grog shit, whatever fancy way you want to call fake. She was hot yes but first and foremost I was thirteen at the moment and she was fifteen so yeah that's a thing. Second while we got along fairly well for this first meeting basing your entire understanding of a person from such a short amount of time is no different from asking someone to peg your ass with a hot sauce lubed foot long strap on, questionable at best and retarded at worse.-

Not here to kink shame but if you are into that kinda stuff there is something wrong with you and it's not a small thing. Questionable quotes about life choices aside Maya didn't stay for long as the monks came looking for her and she knew she needed to set things straight on Athenas which would take time. Once she left I went back to the book I was reading previously. The handwritten words did as the title said and went over the history of the sirens as per this persons knowledge of it.-

I learnt of the abilities of three other siren abilities in the past though the powers current users were unknown. The first was [Phasewalk] that was a sort of teleportation with aspects of fire manipulation and creation as well. I practically salivated at the thought of getting my hands on that power as I could very easily imagine how busted it could be if utilized properly. The second was [Phaseshift] that was the stuff of nightmares with the sheer amount of technology around.-

More or less the power worked by allowing the user to integrate, communicate with and control nearly ALL machinery and electronical devices. Pretty much anything with an electrical current that wasn't biological in nature was the user of this powers bitch. It also apparently came with a sort of shock generation and control as well much like [Phasewalk] did with fire, not the main thing but still present. The final siren power was [Phasetrance] It was kinda the odd man out though as the abilities it had actually changed apparently depending on who had it. For example the first user listed in this book could elementalize themselves while a second user could apparently create an armor and weapons at will.-

The author of this book theorized that the nature of the power was to manifest the users mental image of themselves to reality in some way. That made me wonder how it would work for me if that was the case? Would it give me a tracking ability or some sort of adrenaline boost esque power? I decided then and there that if I ever got the oppurtunity I would try and get all of these siren powers because from what I can tell they all have an aspect of existence involved with them.-

My power held {change} or {life} or {evolution}, Maya's power [Phaselock] seemed to hold either {space} or {time} or some other concept I can't quite pin down and name. [Phasewalk] was the more likely holder of {space} though or might have {energy} instead though something told me that didn't quite fit. [Phaseshift] seemed to hold {creation} or {knowledge} or some other concept. Finally there was [Phasetrance] that I believe holds {soul} or {mind} as it's concept. As for the other two powers that I still wasn't aware of they likely had their own concepts as well that would round out this set.-

My thought process however was what would I be considered as if I collected a copy of each of these powers? Would I be a god at that point or merely just a being infinitely close to that title? I knew becoming a god was possible in this reality because that being had said as much though some of the details of that conversation were missing since it pertained to this realities knowledge and I traded those memories. I couldn't help but imagine that collecting all the siren powers unto myself was a path to godhood though I could certainly be wrong.-

I did know that even without doing so my powers alone made it possible as what was a god but the most powerful being in the universe? Anyways I finished the book by the end of the day and discovered that the author was none other than Dido, the previous siren queen of this planet. It was an interesting discovery and one I was quite thankful for as this brief history lesson had broadened my horizons greatly. Maya came back right as I was putting the book back in it's place on the shelf I had taken it from.-

"Hungry? I was just about to go home to make dinner and go to sleep. You are welcome to join me on the first front and perhaps in a few years the second as well." I said with a wink.

She laughed "Maybe in a few years, for now though dinner sounds great." she said not denying she had some interest in that regard before blushing a little as her stomach growled.

"Oh you're gonna love this." I said with a grin as I walked over to the wall I used previously and opened my house.

"!?" she gasped in amazement when the archway formed and the portal appeared.

We walked in and I gestured around the place "Welcome to Casa Del Drake, my home!" I said grandly with a grin.

Unlike all those months ago when this place was barren my time on Eden six had allowed me to truly make the place shine with the money I earned from making guns for the old man. Furniture, decorations and tech. The entry room for example that held the food maker thing and led to all the other rooms I had outfitted with a nice table and chair set made of fine oak wood.-

I left the walls blank but the floor had a special dirt and grime absorbent carpeting that cleaned the stuff off your shoes so you didn't track anything in though it needed to be cleaned every few months to get rid of the build up. I had a cabinet/dishwasher installed near the food maker to hold all my plates, bowls and silverware and clean up the used dish after I was done eating. I even had a air hockey table set up at the side if I ever had guests, Clay was a fan.-

"Kinda bland for an alien house isn't?" she asked confused as she looked around.

"Besides some inbuilt tech the place was barren when I got it so I'd say it's pretty damn nice given that. Anyways whatcha feeling for dinner, I have everything." I said still grinning.

"What do you mean everything?" she asked confused.

"I mean anything your heart or in this case gut desires I have in any amount you may like thanks to this beaut here. " I said patting the food maker thing.

"So if I wanted say a pizza with olives, peppers, pepperoni, sausage and onions you have it?" she asked testingly while not so subtly telling me what she wanted.

"You want that with white, wheat, or rice flour? Stuffed crust or regular? What size you want?" I asked with a wide grin at her incredulous expression.

"Stuffed crust, regular flour and extra large." she said with a challenging look.

"Coming right up!" I said and pulled the devices amber lever while grabbing a platter from the cabinet to hold the food on.

Maya watched on in fascination and excitement as the device basically 3d printed out a whole ass pizza that was piping hot like it just came out the oven.

I collected the pizza on the platter and set it on the table before waiting for MY food to get done. She looked at the device in confusion when it kept going and soon a bone easily three feet long covered in sizzling meat was made and I grabbed it and set it on a different platter. I then grabbed some silverware and took a seat to eat.

"Well what are you waiting for?" I asked and she didn't need to be told twice and grabbed a seat before tearing into the pizza while I started cutting off meat and eating it.

As we ate she kept glancing at me like she had a question but wasn't sure if she should ask it.

"You can just ask if you want to know something you know. The worse that will happen is that I'll simply refuse to answer." I said with an annoyed expression.

"It's just out of literally everything to eat you chose that. I don't understand, are you a carnivore or something?" She asked curiously.

I chuckled "No nothing like that, My body simply requires a lot of protein and calories so once a week or so I have a meal like this to fulfil those needs. You just joined me on the day I happened to do so is all." I explained amused.

"That sounds annoying to deal with." she said honestly as she tore into her fifth slice of pizza.

I shrugged "It's a cost of my powers so I'm not bothered by it too much. I imagine that your powers also have a cost to use for a prolonged time frame as well." I said casually.

"They make me a bit tired unless I push them at which point I tend to drop from exhaustion." she said honestly.

"Lucky you, my powers work internally for me so I need more food. Could be worse though as I at least don't need to shit more since theres rarely anything left to shit after I finish digesting." I said with a chuckle.

"You're right that IS worse." she said with a laugh.

We finished eating after that and I started to show her around the rest of the house. I showed her my room that had a bed, dresser, T.V and video games. I showed her the guest room with a simple bed and nightstand arrangement. I showed her my alien room and loot room that was mostly empty save the vault key and the guns I had from the vault as well as a few of the ones I had gotten on my rampage across Eden six, none legendary. My eyebrow twitched when she tossed the pistol I gave her into the pile and took a Maliwan submachinegun instead. 

"What? It suits me better." she said defensively at my look.

___________________________________________ treon_loskro


Alexander Drake

Lifeforce: 573,578

Integrated Traits: [Gun expertise-Uncommon grade], [Clever mind-Uncommon grade]X3,[Enhanced senses-Rare grade], [Omega body-Rare grade]x4,[Superior bones-Rare grade],[Armored hide-Rare grade], [Fire resistance-Uncommon grade], [Bone regeneration-Uncommon grade], [Corrosion resistance-Uncommon grade], [Energy projection-Epic grade], [Superior vitality-Epic grade],[Flame breath-Uncommon grade],[Minor regeneration-Rare grade][Iron stomach-Uncommon grade], [Disease resistance-Epic grade],[Amphibious lungs-Uncommon grade], [Thermal sensing-Uncommon grade], [Water resistance-Common grade]

Stored traits: [Amphibious lungs], [Water resistance]