Chereads / The Diary of the Mentor / Chapter 37 - Diary of the mentor ch37 The team pt2.

Chapter 37 - Diary of the mentor ch37 The team pt2.

" The simulated room in simple terms is a training facility that crafts an immersive combat simulation,mostly for new Awakener still not exposed to cyptic"

" A perfect blend of both virtual and augmented reality only achievable through years of research of domains and Spatail controlled in Eridu!"

" What is created in the simulated room can be interacted with and can also interact with you but can not be sent out of said room. Just like how the AOE effect of a domian cannot exist outside a domain so too does it function in a similar. Any questions before I continue?"

Explaining the basic knowledge of how the simulated room was operated, Rin wondered if any of the trio had any inquiries but the trio more of listeners than participaters didn't ask any. Nobbing in affirmation she sighed as a gaint white orb the size of a basketball manifested ontop of her right palm.

"This is C.O.N.T.R.O.L you could say the owner of this room."

Passing the orb to luacs who accepted it carefully she continued," Think of a battlefield, any kind in you mind and the orb will manifest and construct it within the room!"

Nobbing in affirmation luacs gently held the orb and closed his eyes trying to imagining the perfect battlefield.

After a while of soul searching he finally found the right one and opening his eyes he found himself along the other standing on the highest peak of a highrise buildings in contrast to the pure white room.

"Urban centered!" Rin commented observing the cityview from where she stood.

"Most of our battles will happen in the city so I considered this to be the best battlefield for us."

Awakener especially Defenders hardly left their jurisdiction and since lucas didn't see himself being a drifter anytime soon he believed most of his future battles will be urban centered.

"The scale is huge!" Ren comments with a piercing gaze.

"It's like Frey dimensions." Alicia breaking free from her chain added.

"Well you sister's ability and the simulated room are two sides of the same coin!"

Lucas was a bit curious about what she said but discard that though for later to focused on the situation at hand.

"Can this orb craft weapons?" He asked noticing both he and Alicia had no weapon on hand.

Unlike Ren, they both couldn't manifest their weapons at will and had to results to always keeping theirs with them.

He did have a spared set of dagger strapped on his legs in case of emergency but he would prefer if the others didn't find out.

"As long as it exists it can be created!"

" So even a demi god can be simulation..."

" Anything above transcendant will blow the room up!"

Disappointment, luacs sighed wistful. He so wanted to experience how overpowered a demi god was. He was mostly curious about how they fought and wondered if he could truly mimic it.

"Exercise patience!"

Thinking so, he closed his eyes and crafted his spear using C.O.N.T.R.O.L.

Ones that was done he passed the orb to Alicia to formed her familiar jade sword.

" We're ready!" He declared.

Rin nobbed retrieved the orb from him and placed it on the ground.

"Nest preparation are complete."

[Goodluck then]

A calm voice erupted within the simulated world as the orb broke apart and scattered into tiny fragments.

As the fragment was blow up within the simulated sky Rin smiled and pointed her sword towards the trio.

" You three against me, remember that!"

As she declared a thick green vine shot towards her with blinding speed but even if she was currently restrained to the third stage of awakening her reflex was still far superior to the three as she meet the vine head on with a light cleaved.

Her sword traced a silver arc through the air delving the vine into two parts.

But to her surprise their attack wasn't done as Lucas and Alicia now fully geared shot towards her from both sides.

Luacs augmented by violet lightning thrusted his spear forward aiming for her right shoulder whiles Alicia trailing right behind him was initial a strike aiming for her left shoulder.

"Team work is evident...." She mused,"...but you lack proper co-ordination!"

Right as she uttered those words she dodged Luacs attack with an awkward footwork to the left and meet Alicia attack head on with the hilt of her sword.

There was silence and before Alicia could react Rin pushed her sword hilt up, pushing Alicia sword along with it, causing the swordwoman to lose a bit of balance by the sudden force.

By then luacs having his thrusted missed tried swinging the spear to strike her head but Rin ducked, then quickly retracted her sword in a reverse grip stance crounched, then readying herself for her shoulder tackle shot underneath Lucas spear and towards Alicia.

With the span of short second she performed a myraid of action all perfectly calculated in her mind.

She knew Alicia was the least skilled here, so she targeted her first not with her sword but with her shoulder.

Slamming straight into her with a force greater than a truck, she heard a bone crashing sound as the grey haired flustered swordwoman was sent flying towards the edge of the building.


Luacs distracted by Alicia predicament scream in horror and rush towards her to save her from falling but Rin did a sharp turn,her sword tearing through ground as it was swung diagonal aiming for his chest.

Lucas was force to stop and had to jumped back narrowimg avoiding his chest being slashed.

"From how unbrother she was I expected much more!"

Kicking luacs on the side of his knee after he had failed to land probably she glance at Alicia whom before falling of the building had been saved by Ren.

She was currently unconscious having all the air within her lungs knocked out after receiving Rin attack.

Ren nesting her on his shoulder sighed glanced at Rin before jumping of the rooftop.

"Retreating!" She mused performing a knee in Luacs's face causing him to stagger backwards with bloodshot eyes and a broken nose.

"Arghh....!" Groaning in pain, he slowly retreated backwards and graps his face.

" I get you for that!"

Leaving those words laced with bloodlust behind he also jumped of the rooftop.

As his figure descended upon the ground he resisted the gravity and air resistance acting on his body, raising his spear and stabbed it into the concrete part of the skyscrapers causing sparks to fly as his metallic spear effortlesssly tore through the concrete and breaking his fall.

Now stranded a bit over twenty floors to the ground and he looked up again and found Rin silently staring down at him.

Her golden gaze was beaming with excitement as she whispered a few words.

He was too low to perfectly hear but he clearly caught wind of what she was saying.

"You really can survive the fall!"

With his left hand tightly grasping his spear implanted in the building he looked down and sighed, a trail of blood dripping from his nose and falling straight onto the distant ground.

"Yes I can! I hope!"