When it came to the matter of finding partners, Old Zhao couldn't help but bring up the troublesome situation with her two children.
"Lin Xia! You know how your second brother and your Sister Xiaoqing's issue with finding partners is driving me crazy!
Both of them have good qualities, but the longer they drag this out, the harder it will be to find someone when they get older! Your second brother, well, it isn't much of an issue since he's a young man, so it's fine if he waits a few more years!
But I'm so worried and anxious about your Sister Xiaoqing. She's caught in a situation that's neither high nor low, and it's quite hard to deal with!"
Old Zhao really couldn't figure it out; her second son was not to be mentioned, as his heart was set on Lin Xia, and he had always resisted blind dates.
But why couldn't her daughter meet someone appropriate? A woman of twenty-four or twenty-five is not young at all, and in a few more years, she really would become an old maid.