Lin Yue heard what Daisy said, and the corners of her mouth also curled up into a smile, and everyone present knew exactly who Daisy was referring to. The person she mentioned was none other than Zhuo Xiangqiao. For some reason, when it came to painting, Zhuo Xiangqiao seemed to have inherited not even a fraction of Liao Yun's talent. His paintings were simply unbearable to look at. Despite always painting from a reference, his results were invariably miles away from the original.
"Keep these safe." Zhuo Xiangqiao neatly placed each item into Lin Yue's arms. Looking at his slightly grimy face, Lin Yue immediately packed away the items, thinking how increasingly difficult he was to tease. She stored the things Daisy had brought in Liao Yun's studio along with the wedding dresses.