"What a stubborn monk!"
Li Ping'an could do nothing but shake his head in speechless dismay, having no way to deal with his obstinate elder brother!
Although Mahaparinirvana, the Monk Who Broke Precepts, said this aloud, he did not dare to take Xie Wenren lightly in his heart. He might act rashly, but like Zhang Fei, he had a fine mind beneath his rough exterior. According to him, he wouldn't have lived until today without a brain!
"Younger brother, throw the Water-Polished Zen Staff to me!"
Li Ping'an went over to where Mahaparinirvana, the Monk Who Broke Precepts, was eating, picked up his Zen Staff, and tossed it over to him with ease.
As Mahaparinirvana, the Monk Who Broke Precepts, was about to catch it, the eighty-pound Water-Polished Zen Staff suddenly flew out of control towards another direction.