Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 175 - B8

Chapter 175 - B8

Chapter 8

Early 99 AC, Kings Landing

Princess Aemma POV

Song and chatter had filled the air in the ballroom of Maegor's Holdfast for hours at an end as the last of the tourneys came to an end in the morn.

Nobles and knights from all over the realm had been all in attendance at this commemorative return feast in Viserys' name. At least in principle, she thought to herself musingly. There was little doubt most had come, if not to participate in the Kings Landing Tourney for fame and glory, then it was to ingratiate themselves with the King and her goodfather Prince Baelon…though it seemed like the Prince might have had the busier day than the King who had not long ago retired to his bedchambers.

Her grandsire, King Jaehaerys was looking older and older as the days passed and from what she had heard, Prince Baelon was more and more taking decisions that the King otherwise would have taken. That meant that Viserys would be expected to also increase his duties and she expected that soon after the feast ended, they'd be sent to Dragonstone to administer the island in her goodfather's name.

She took a moment to look around. There were fewer people now as most knights and lower nobles were made to leave but there were still plenty of people. It wasn't just Westerosi that were in attendance either. There were a few Pentoshi, Braavosi merchants – merchants that were likely very connected to the ruling powers of their respective cities – along with a few other Essosi notables in attendance.

With the Triarchy growing in strength in the years since they'd driven out Volantis from the Disputed lands, the balance of power in Essos had markedly changed. Viserys told her that the King wasn't interested at all in involving themselves in the matter regardless of the rewards the Essosi offered in return for their support.

He did comment that the King was at least pleased at seeing Volantis humbled. It shouldn't have surprised her when Viserys told her that but it did yet when Viserys explained the tense relations House Targaryen had with Volantis, it made sense.

Other than a few courteous conversations of little importance, she had not spent any time conversing with any of the nobles or Essosi in particular.

No, she'd been with the ladies at court and her sister Amanda mostly who'd come down with her husband Lord Hardyng. She hadn't seen her since her wedding to Viserys so it had been pleasant to introduce her to Rhaenyra whom she hadn't met.

As it was now with the night nearing its end, she was seated by the Queen with Gael sat on the other side as she listened idly to the Queen talking to Lady Blackwood and Lady Tyrell whilst Viserys was by his father speaking to a few people including the young knight Otto Hightower who did well in the Joust despite his youth.

Rhaenyra began to make some noise and she bounced her slightly in her lap which did little to calm her down. One of the servants had informed her Rhaenyra had woken up a few hours ago and she decided to bring her to the feast. It drew the attentions of the Queen and Aemma rose from her seat "Grandmother, Rhaenyra's a little restless." Aemma said apologetically.

The Queen smiled kindly "She's likely tired enough and ready to rest again." she turned to Gael "Gael, why don't you go with Aemma?" Gael nodded dutifully and rose and locked steps with her not long after.

Aemma eyed her aunt carefully. She was demure, her shoulders slightly slumped and her expression, despite the politeness of it, was saddened, as if a light had gone.

Ever since she came back from her foolish and ill-thought voyage that worried the King and Queen endlessly, even herself and Viserys, she'd been quiet and subdued.

She'd left the Red Keep in the dead of night and pressed the guards and dragonkeepers into letting her in to take Liāzmariña and fly to Dragonstone where Aegon was. They disappeared for hours before they flew towards Kings Landing where Aegon explained that they were flying around in the narrow Sea.

She wouldn't speak of it when Aemma had asked her what was wrong and at first she thought it had been because of the scolding she'd gotten from the King and Queen. But then days later, she was still the same and she rarely spent time with anyone other than the Queen, not even Aegon who Aemma knew Gael adored.

"Are you enjoying yourself, aunt?" Aemma asked gently as she calmed Rhaenyra down in her arms as they walked on the edges of the ballroom.

Gael almost looked surprised at the question and the weak smile she offered fooled no one "I am." Gael said timidly before she cleared her throat "I am" she said again though this time a lot stronger. Aemma was not convinced.

The song grew louder as they approached and Rhaenyra seemed to like it so she changed her direction towards the source "You can talk to me, aunt." Aemma said concernedly as she placed her hand on Gael's right lower arm.

She squeezed gently, her eyes deeply searching Gael's face. "What happened between you and Aegon? Did he…" Gael's eyes widened dramatically and she flushed deeply red before she shook her head rapidly.

"No, no, he did nothing of the sort" Gael got out quickly with an affronted expression before a look of sadness came over her and it was then that Aemma understood.

"He does not wish to marry me."

'Oh Gael…' she thought sadly to herself before she grew deeply concerned for not only Gael but also Aegon. The match between Aegon and Gael was practically set even if it was not yet spoken of so for Aegon to…

"Why?" Aemma asked and Gael tensed a little, her expression growing concerned before she removed her hand from Aemma's grip and grabbed her hand.

"It doesn't matter." Gael said before she met Aemma's eyes "Please…please don't tell anyone, not even Viserys. Aegon will explain to father. I can't…I can't." Gael's eyes began to water. "Promise me." Gael half begged, half demanded.

Aemma looked at Gael and she trying her best to keep pity off of her face. 'Aegon…why would you refuse her?' Aemma wondered to herself. Gael adored Aegon…no she was certain her aunt more than simply adored her goodbrother.

"I promise." Aemma said under Gael's gaze. She could not refuse her aunt, not when she confided like this to her. Gael's expression broke into relief.

"Thank you Aemma" she whispered and Aemma squeezed Gael's hand. Aemma wanted to give Aegon a tongue-lashing for what he was doing to her and she desperately wanted to understand. She would ask him after Aegon spoke with the King. Viserys would hear of it as her goodfather already told him about the match.

'The match that wouldn't go ahead if Aegon is immovable' she thought to herself.

She shook that thought away "Let's go see who that voice belongs to." Aemma said in a cheerful tone. Gael smiled gratuitously as they made their way to the place where the singers were placed.

Aemma was surprised to see who the voice belonged to. It was a tall blonde haired young and handsome man with a chiselled face that made it clear that he quite obviously a Westerlander by birth.

He played the lute too and expertly at that as well and despite the others who played the harps and lutes in the band that he was part of, his skill at lute was clear to hear and see.

"Aemma" she heard and it broke her out of her reverie and she turned and saw Viserys walking towards her with a soft smile. "My love" he said as he kissed her on the cheek. "Aunt Gael" Viserys said warmly and Gael smiled at him briefly.

"Kepa" Rhaenyra delightedly called out and Viserys beamed at their two name days old daughter as he lifted Rhaenyra from Aemma's arms.

"She's quite tired." Aemma remarked before she smiled again "But she was very well behaved." She told Viserys as he stood by her, the music that was played changing to a slower one.

"Is that so?" Viserys said with a jovial tone in his voice as he raised her with his hands. "My perfect little princess" Viserys said adoringly as he held her up, Rhaenyra giggling and trying to grab Viserys' face all the while.

Aemma's smile deepened at the sight.

Viserys adored Rhaenyra with all that he had and never shied away from spending time with her as other Lords may do when children were this young.

"She does look a little tired" Viserys commented before he held her closer.

"I was thinking of taking her back soon." She admitted to her husband. That Rhaenrya behaved as well as she had thus far was a minor miracle from the Seven by itself.

"No reason to wait. I myself am quite weary. We can retire now?" Viserys posed to Aemma and Aemma turned to Gael who only smiled at them both.

"Go. I'll be fine. I'll simply go back to mother shortly." Gael assured her and Aemma was a little hesitant to leave her but the reassuring look that Gael gave her made her relent.

"I'll come see you tomorrow." Aemma promised and Gael smiled appreciatively.

"Is everything alright with Gael?" Viserys asked concerned. Aemma smiled at her husband touched by his kind heart. He was very observant when he cared to be.

"She is." She lied to Viserys however much she didn't want to. "Just a little weary from the revelries." She added. Viserys nodded.

"It has been a long day hasn't it?" Viserys said with a laugh as they made their way towards the doors. Aemma looked around and saw Prince Baelon still conversing with a few nobles. Her eyes swept the ballroom and she found Prince Aegon speaking with a dark skinned man dressed in fine but vibrant clothing.

"Who is he?" Aemma asked curiously and Viserys looked where she was looking and his eyes lit up before a frown came across his face.

"A Summer Islander that petitioned grandfather for assistance to take back his lands that are supposedly his" Viserys said with a gentle shrug as he kept firm hold of their daughter "I believe his name was Prince Jallom – or was it Jallol, not sure – anyway, grandfather refused in any case."

Aemma hummed slightly as she kept her gaze on Aegon and the Summer Islander. "They seem deep in conversation." Aemma said evenly. Viserys chuckled.

"You know how Aegon is. He loves to learn about different peoples and their lands. It wouldn't surprise me if the Summer Islander was telling Aegon everything he wants to know" Viserys said with a laugh though Aemma didn't share in his laughter.

She looked around again and saw Gael still standing by the troupe and listening to their play. She thought maybe they didn't know Aegon as well as they thought they did.

She sighed before she banished the thought from her mind as they approached the exits. She looked at Rhaenyra and saw her with her eyes closed. "She's asleep." Aemma commented softly. Viserys smiled.

"Has she? Well let's hurry and keep it that way" Viserys said with a soft chuckle and Aemma smiled at her husband.


Early 99 AC, Kings Landing

Jaehaerys POV

He looked up from the replica table when the doors opened and his grandson walked through with two of the Kingsguard behind him. There was a slight limp in Aegon's steps, not so noticeable, but he was favouring his right leg.

"Grandfather." Aegon bowed before him. "You wanted to see me?" he asked with a neutral look on his face though the curiosity was clear to hear in his voice.

Jaehaerys glanced at the boy for a few moments before he turned away and towards the Kingsguards "Leave us."

The Kingsguards bowed before they left, closing the door behind them.

Jaehaerys returned his attentions to his grandson who stood silently with a blank expression as he stared down at the replica. He should have paid more attention to the boy, he thought to himself.

Perhaps then he would have known more about the boy's true character than the…differing accounts that he'd given throughout the years.

Baelon's youngest was...a contradiction. Yes…that was the best way to describe the boy. A contradiction. A contradiction that seems to define him even now. Warrior. Scholar. Kind. Cold. Brother. Stranger. Jaehaerys hummed silently for a moment.

At the beginning, on the surface, it may have appeared for Aegon to be like Vaegon who had been silent as a boy and watched all with wary and distant eyes.

But he knew better then and he knew even better now.

The boy had been nothing like Vaegon, who despite his distance and his coldness as he aged, had still been a boy with life. Aegon had been far closer to death as a child.

Some of the more imbecilic at court were said to think that death still had its grip on the child once he had survived his childhood illness that no maester could explain when all others would have died in his place.

Some even claimed it might have been their dragon blood that allowed him to survive but he would have none of it and silenced that distasteful whisper.

Daenerys, his daughter, would have lived otherwise from a lesser illness.

No…Jaehaerys did not think it was something to do with their blood as for years afterwards, the boy could have hardly been called living.

Jaehaerys glanced at the boy before he turned away towards the replica table.

Once upon a time, he had…considered hiding the boy away at the furthest reaches of the Keep. Away from prying eyes. It had been too much to think he had a dullard for a grandson, a dullard that had dared to survive when his daughter Alyssa had not.

He thought the Gods were mocking him as they were oft to do.

As they always did.

Only Baelon's uncharacteristic and defiant defence of the boy, a defence born out of guilt and duty rather than any kind of love, stayed his hand. That and the fact that Aemon would come to Baelon's defence as the brothers always did for each other.

The stab of pain sharpened in his chest and he turned away from the boy, his mind returning to the present lest it grow from needles to swords.

"It is an exact replica I had finished two moons ago." Jaehaerys said aloud, his mind forced back in the present, his hand gesturing Aegon to approach even as his attentions lay to the carved table that he had finally commissioned to be made.

It was a replica of the Painted Table located in Dragonstone's main hall, a carved table in the shape of Westeros with engravings of cities, castles, landmarks and even the branching rivers of the main rivers of Westeros.

Aegon stopped beside him, standing silent as he so often did any time they were in the presence of each other. Which was not often, he admitted to himself.

He had not thought the boy of much worth after he'd miraculously recovered of whatever ailment of the mind had passed once he'd bonded with Mīsaragorn.

Aegon had kept to himself, preferring to keep company on his lonesome with a tome in his arms or a wooden sword in his hand, later increasing to include Elysar, Gael and Viserys. Mayhaps he should have paid more mind then, he mused to himself.

There would have been less of a struggle to understand the boy had he not dismissed the reports for so long, reports that praised the boy's keen intellect and commitment to his studies. He'd dismissed them as matters of appeasement and flattery made to him in a time of heartache and disappointment.

Alysanne's estrangement from him after Viserra killed herself in such shameful foolishness, his royal progress that lasted for over two years – before he returned in 90 AC for Rhaenys' marriage – and later when his Aemon died had seen him blind to the boy's supposed remarkableness.

The sharpness in his chest returned and he closed his eyes momentarily.

How could it be…that it still seemed like just yesterday that his Aemon died in such a…undeserving way?

He let off a breathless exhale through a miniscule gap between his lips.

He knew that no time would be enough heal this wound…this constant ache that he felt in his old bones, the weight of the knowledge that his Aemon had been destined to become a worthy King in the mould of his grandsire pressed down on his mind like steel chains dragging him down to the stark darkness that was the unforgiving ocean depths. 'Or was it guilt?' he thought to himself for a brief moment.

'What would you think, my boy?' he thought to himself, his mind lost in memories.

Aemon…had been the very best of him and Alysanne.

Only be to taken away by a stray arrow at a place he should never have been.

The sharpness deepened and he inhaled deeply, his heart feeling as if it was being punctured, slowly, by the tip of a sword and a fleeting thought passed through his mind, a thought that mayhaps it was Aemon's ghostly sword that stabbed at him for his betrayal of his precious daughter.

Jaehaerys reopened his eyes and he exhaled deeply as he placed his hand onto the carved table, steadying himself for a few moments. Perhaps he would deserve it, he considered, before he regained his wits and dismissed such sentimentality and weakness, his heart hardening. It had been the right decision.

It was his duty to the realm.

It was his duty to secure power for his House. It did not matter that Rhaenys should haveinherited the throne. It did not matter if she was clever, if she was made capable by Aemon. It mattered notif she had a true heart. No…

She was a woman.

And she was not a Targaryen.

Aemon had seen to that.

She was Velaryon and he would not see the Throne his grandsire won with fire and blood pass into the hands of those were their lesser, who thought and daredto reach higher and greater than they deserved, however much they were supposedly kin.

And more simply…he'd rather die a thousand times than let that treasonous grasping snake sit upon the Throne his grandsire had forged with fire and blood.

"Grandfather…" Aegon's unusually concerned and hesitant voice broke him out of his reverie and he glanced at the boy. The boy stood cautious but firm.

His expression concerned but not weak and Jaehaerys eyed him closely, the weakness in his chest lessening. He could see the differences in the boy from the uncaring and cold child he'd been in his youth the rare few times he'd interacted with the boy.

Now five and ten years of age, Aegon stood on the brink of manhood with a quiet assuredness that reminded him of Aemon – though he never possessed anything but a mockery of Aemon's dutifulness or his strength – the fats in his face lost replaced with that of a strong young man…a young man who shared so much of Alyssa's features beyond the same startling eyes he inherited from his daughter.

The long angular face was a painful reminder, a reminder that must haunt Baelon as much as the boy's eyes did. The Gods had a cruel sense of irony to make the boy inherit all of her wits and her wilfulness but none of her spirit.

"Where was I?" Jaehaerys said more to himself before he remembered and refocused on the carved table. "Yes…the exact replica of the Painted Table."

"It's not quite exact." Aegon spoke carefully, his eyes fixated on the replica.

Jaehaerys turned to him, his eyes inspecting the boy keenly. "Oh?" Jaehaerys questioned with a look. Aegon glanced at him momentarily before he gestured towards the Riverlands.

"The Green fork bifurcates and a smaller and weaker river moves east towards the Mountains of the Moon." Aegon said as he gestured towards the raised features on the map.

"Around here, just north of the Inn at Crossroads and Harroway's Town" Aegon gestured the farmlands east of the Trident "Is where a much weaker version of the Trident is recreated where the river splits into three before they end at the valleys of the Vale."

Jaehaerys frowned for a moment.

"I don't remember seeing that carved into the Painted Table."

Aegon looked at Jaehaerys, his expression somewhat guarded "I…I added it to the Table." Jaehaerys narrowed his eyes slightly and it prompted Aegon to continue.

"I spent some time in the libraries of some of the Riverlords who all had little differences to the lands in the Kingdom in their maps. After I got back and flown on the back of Mīsaragorn, I confirmed that the nature of the smaller yet significant river that was missing from the Painted Table…details that might prove important at some point." Aegon returned his gaze towards the table, wisely turning his gaze away from him as he continued

"The Riverlands is and will always be the central point of all of the Seven Kingdoms. I found it...important that it is captured in detail."

Silence permeated between them for a few moments. Jaehaerys kept his anger under tight control, just enough that it was barely simmering.

Still…the audacity of the boy to deface what his grandsire had made. It mattered not that it was not accurate. It was a historical masterpiece.

But then…when had the boy ever taken pride in his heritage? Pride in the blood of Kings that ran through his veins? Jaehaerys was silent though internally there was a rage tumbling into tempest.

How…wasted the talents, however belated they came, were on the boy that stood before him, he thought tiredly. He could have forged Viserys well had the Gods blessed Viserys instead of the second and third son.

His anger receded even as he maintained the stern gaze that set upon the boy, his mind veering back to the time Elysar spoke to him, enthused and praising, about the then one and ten namedays old Aegon.

The boy had been interested in history, an uncharacteristic interest of anyone at that age. Elysar had taken to entertain debates with the child and Elysar took great pleasure to inform him of the keen observations the boy had that were beyond his years and it was then that he realised that mayhaps there was more to the boy.

The one observation that stuck to him was Aegon's arguments on the rise and fall of the River Kings and the inevitability of their collapses as a consequence of geography rather than politics or size of armies. If he remembered rightly, the boy had claimed that all three Dyasties of River Kings, the Mudds, the Justmans and the Teagues, were doomed to die by nature of the location of their seat of power.

They centred themselves around the Trident, their seat of power located in lands that were easily accessible, by sea, by river or by land when in comparison the Arryns, the Lannisters and the Durrandons all had their seats in regions where countless amounts of blood would be necessary to take their seats – even if one discounted their rich heritage of being royal Houses for thousands of years.

The Starks had Wolfswood to the east and the Northern Mountains to the north whilst the Gardeners were upstream from the Mander river with the red Mountains at their back. All of these former Kingly Houses had natural defences that Aegon claimed assisted in their reigns until his grandsire and his wives came and conquered them all with fire and blood.

Jaehaerys kept his silence for a few moments longer, his anger slowly abating. If only Viserys had such a keen mind. If only Baelon's three sons had been only the one son. Viserys knew how to appeal to the Lords, Daemon was the incarnate of fiery temper itself and Aegon…Aegon mayhaps was everything else.

And with that thought, Jaehaerys released the final vestiges of his anger.

Still…He was…curiousas to the reason why the boy even considered the Riverlands thatimportant that he felt daring enough to deface a relic of their house.

The reason was obvious, of course. Anyone not a blithering fool could see the central position the Riverlands held within the Kingdom. Still…he could not help but want the boy explain in his terms…to see if his assessment of the boy was right.

"Setting aside that you took it upon yourself to deface an important relic to our House" Jaehaerys said sternly, his voice a little harsh but not too unkindly as he pinned the boy with his gaze. The boy hadn't shirked away from his gaze, a gaze that had made blooded men twice his age into pitiful quivering creatures.

"Explain your reasoning."

Aegon remained silent for a moment before he gestured towards High Heart. "Should there be a rebellion against our House, there will be four points mostly likely where armies will meet." Aegon gestured towards three other points.

"Tumbleton" he gestured towards the town before veering his hand north "Harrenhal" and then ending in the west "Stoney Sept".

"They are well placed locations that are not far or are on roads that lead to Kings Landing, locations close enough to towns and keeps able to resupply armies." Aegon looked up from the carved table and met Jaehaerys' gaze with unblinking eyes.

"Armies from the West, armies from the East and armies from the South. And three out of the four rallying points are in the Riverlands alone."

Jaehaerys scoffed internally, his expression tightening as he spoke up evenly "And is that meant to be a new insight?" Jaehaerys questioned and his voice was cutting, jarring and he pressed on as his voice took on a quality of even greater harshness "Anyone with an ounce of thinking may come to such a conclusion."

The Riverlands were the heart of the realm and the roads matched the number of the rivers themselves and with where Kings Landing was located, you could not come through to the city without travelling through the Riverlands.

Jaehaerys gaze fell upon God's Eye, the memories of the news of his brother falling beneath the God's Eye flashing before his very eyes. Yes…the Riverlands were accursed to be where the realm would bleed.

He dragged his eyes away from it and turned them towards the boy and watched him with dismissiveness written across his face. The boy barely reacted to his words, the only outward sign of anger was the twitch of the boy's nose.

Had the boy always been this composed?

"Yes…it is obvious, Your Grace." The boy said carefully, his voice impressively even.

"But…" Aegon grabbed the long stick by the table and created a dome from the Stoney Sept to the region he claimed there was another trident of rivers.

"If you control this region, you control all but one path into Kings Landing. Even if they cross this river" Aegon gestured towards the left river "They must still cross the right Blackwater Rush fork which is deep and fast moving slowing down any army that marches towards Kings Landing." Aegon turned his gaze to Jaehaerys.

"The Conqueror should have placed at the very least those parts of the Riverlands directly under our House's control. Harrenhall should have become a Crown possession much like Dragonstone and Kings Landing are." The boy frowned for a second before he continued.

"We could have built new castles at key points within the dome and granted them to Narrow Sea knights and Lords and no army could have threatened our seat of power and at the very worst being able to delay long enough for reinforcements to arrive" Aegon twisted his lips as his eyes shone with a knowing gleam and it was a look that looked strange on a face he'd never seen be anything other than cold and contemptuously deferential.

"Of course…not that it matters. Not when we have our dragons" Aegon said before his expression melted away back to careful deference as Jaehaerys stared him down.

Yes…it hadn't

"You think my grandsire made a mistake?" Jaehaerys voice was calm but it carried a dangerous tone to it. Of course, he did not believe his grandsire to have been infallible yet there was little that one could claim his grandsire did in error.

"Yes." Aegon said without fear and Jaehaerys sent a quivering glare at the boy's tone and Aegon straightened up under his glare. "I do, grandfather." Aegon said more respectfully and Jaehaerys dismissively gestured him to continue.

"My namesake…" Aegon began slowly, carefulness creeping into his voice "was a great man. There's few who could have bound the Kingdoms together as well as he did at that time but I believe that he did not change the balance of power enough." Aegon said as his brows furrowed.

"How could he have not changed the balance of power?" Jaehaerys asked in mild disbelief "He took their crowns and made them bow before him, he took their swords and melted it down to forge the very throne I sit upon, the symbol of our power."

"He did" Aegon acknowledged with a nod before he continued "Yet those same former Kings still sit upon their seats with their power largely undisturbed. The same Houses, the four houses – I consider the Baratheons to be the same that of House Durrandon" Aegon said and Jaehaerys could sense a hint of tightness in his voice which admittedly made him curious as to why but he put it away for now

"– are still sworn to them as they had been for thousands of years. Houses that can call upon their oath-sworn vassals to raise tens of thousands of men. My namesake even raised two Houses to Lord Paramountcy when those regions could have easily been swallowed into the Crownlands, forever to be in House Targaryen's direct possession!" As soon as Aegon said those words, he'd stiffened and returned to what Jaehaerys recognised as his usual uncaring, almost contemptuous body stance.

Aegon after a few moments of silence added "Our dragons are our greatest allies" something seemed to flash in front of his eyes "And our dragons will ensure our supremacy in a way no army ever could" Aegon's eyes drooped low as he turned towards the Painted Table replica.

"But it was a missed opportunity to secure as much power to our House as possible."

Jaehaerys eyed Aegon intently and as he thought over the boy's words. It was not a foolish consideration. But it was a poorconsideration nonetheless.

At that time, there was very little in place that could manage the administration of the Kingdoms. The small council and its supporting pillars had to be built from the ground up and he knew that it was a tall task to ask anyone, no less than the conqueror himself who was an able administrator but far more of a warrior.

It took nearly the entirety of his own reign to improve and establish the bonds, the laws and the institutions that kept the realm together so he knew very well the scale of the task at hand that faced his grandsire and how much was still left to do after his and his father Aenys' reign.

That was not to say his grandsire was anything but incredibly clever. His grandsire had built the foundation beyond simply conquering Westeros well. Very well.

And it started before the Conquest started.

House Targaryen before him did not have a personal sigil…until he created one. It showed that he was part of Westerosi nobility and not part of Essos, an Essosi foreigner. His grandsire understood the necessity of appearing as one of them, to formally and irrevocably take up the Faith of the Seven as his own and later be anointed as King by the High Septon in Old Town.

All of this built the image of a Westerosi King who took part of the Andal tradition, whose faith was the Andal faith. He had come to conquer as a Valyrian cloaked in the Andal ways. His grandsire understood the necessity of such a thing to ensure their loyalty through something other than through fear alone as the Hoares did.

And for his grandsire to destroy the Reach as an ancient Kingdom, a kingdom long considered to be the heart of the Andals and Old Town its very spirit, he could foresee what such tensions would have arisen from such a decision.

All the goodwill his grandsire had built had been vital once that monster spawn usurped the throne and nearly brought down his House. Ruin would have come before he had the chance to restore his House and House Targaryen's grip onto the Kingdoms.


No…even if one could consider such of his grandsire's actions as 'mistakes', they were mistakes of the mildest proportions and anyone would have been blessed to make such 'mistakes'.

The only true mistake Jaehaerys thought his grandsire had made was not force thatwoman down on her knees and swallow the Conqueror's seed instead of letting it sprout in that wicked womb of hers.

As it is, the Riverlands under the rule of House Tully did not have any claims to any royal ancestral lineage and the Reach in the hands of a House held in contempt by nearly all supposedly sworn to them, neither Houses could command the total loyalties of the Houses in their Kingdoms like the Stark's or the Arryn's could.

That was enough. The Arryns and the Starks were too far and few to significantly pose a threat with their armies and the Baratheons owed their lot to his House. The only true threat were the Lannisters and their gold but even they can be countered.

And if they ever did pose a threat, rebelled…well, their dragons would set it right.

Jaehaerys turned away from the boy and made towards the other table where a board of Cyvasse was set up along with two cups of wine and a pitcher. "Come. I have some hours left before I must meet my small council."

Jaehaerys took his seat and drank from his wine, Dornish Red, his gaze following the boy to his seat. The boy's expression gave nothing away though the hesitancy in his steps at least hinted that he was unsure. That was good.

Aegon picked up the large dividing screen and placed in between their boards but before he could take his seat, Jaehaerys simply asked

"And what mistakes do you think I may have made?"

Aegon froze still for a few seconds before the tension left his body and he took his seat. Jaehaerys began to arrange his tiles, an act that Aegon reciprocated, his gaze still down for almost a minute until he looked up and met Jaehaerys' gaze.

"You have made no mistakes, Your Grace." Aegon said in his uncaring tone, a solemn but deferential expression on his face and Jaehaerys, despite himself, laughed loudly, the sounds of his laughter that sounded like a thousand arrows nocking at the same time again and again and it filled the air in his chambers.

Aegon looked taken aback, a large break from his performance, by the sudden laughter and once Jaehaerys' laughter trickled down into nothingness, he stared harshly at the boy his lips curling when he spoke next, his voice as sharp as a whip

"Do not lie to me again. What mistakes do you think I have made? You were eager enough to speak up against the greatest of our dynasty. Speak up!" He said as he ripped away the screen, his gaze never breaking from his audacious grandson.

To lie to his face!

He'd seen enough from the boy over the years that he was not enamoured with Jaehaerys. There was also an arrogance in him that he wanted to prod, to provoke and see where it came from, why he did the things that he did.

Defacing the Painted Table simply because he did not consider it accurate enough was indicative of the boy's tendency to take it upon himself to act as he saw fit!

Aegon's assistance to the Velaryons with their trade with the North had increased the Velaryons wealth and made the North less reliant on Southern foods.

A consequence that led two moons ago for one of the Manderly's to marry one of the countless Velaryon cousins. Such was not the only things that he interfered with.

His patronage of the commoners on Dragonstone he had trained to be sailors and knights earned him unyielding loyalty from the commoners. Loyalty that was shared with that host of knights that he befriended during the progression.

None of these made sense until one looked deeply enough.

To the boy's aspirations. He was gathering support for his foolish and obsessive ambitions past the shores of Westeros. Though what escaped him…was why.

The look of surprise fell away from Aegon's face, that same expression returning as he kept quiet for some time before he moved his Light Horse piece forward.

Jaehaerys was about to press him to answer but Aegon finally answered with the same stillness as the calm cold air that hung above the clouds

"You married Rhaenys to the Velaryons."

The words felt like hammer blows and the look Aegon gave him, a look that bore mismatched eyes that seemed alive with a storm made of judgment, a storm raging with ill winds made of blame that had Jaehaerys at its very centre, as if he was to blame for the ills of their family. He almost reared back in response.

Jaehaerys' bit down on the angry retort that was on the tip of his tongue, bit down the temptation to release his own fury at the given offense but he kept it locked down.

"My son married Rhaenys to Corlys." Jaehaerys said with cold narrowed eyes before he moved his spearman pieces forward.

Aegon inclined his head slightly as if to acknowledge the point and his eyes trailed towards the cyvasse board for a brief moment before he met Jaehaerys' gaze again, a gaze that Jaehaerys' had known to cow everyone he'd set it against.

But not…not this boy.

"And was Aemon not dutiful? Was he not your heir? Was Rhaenys not your heir's heir? As Head of our House, Aemon's line was directly yourresponsibility." Aegon paused for a moment before he bowed his head deferentially and apologetically "Forgive me if you consider my words insolence, Your Grace."

Jaehaerys felt the anger stir in his chest and part of it was not directed at the boy.

He'd known that marrying Rhaenys to that man would be a mistake but Aemon would hear none of it. Aemon was bull-headed in this matter, unwilling to even consider anyone else, not even wait for Viserys, for he believed that the marriage to the wealthy Velaryons would secure his daughter's future and inheritance.

It only caused to tear it away from her.

The pain began to act up again. 'How wrong you were, my son' he thought to himself but before he could get lost in his thoughts, mercifully, Aegon continued "But then…all of this" Aegon waved his hand in the air.

"This was always going to happen…one way or another."

Jaehaerys kept silent for some time despite the bite of anger still latching onto him but in their mutual silence the game kept at pace, each taking several turns as Jaehaerys digested the boy's words.

"How so?" he finally asked and Aegon paused in his move. He took hold of the dragon piece and held the piece with his fingers before he placed it in his palm.

"Rhaenys'…circumstances…are unique, of course" Aegon began carefully and Jaehaerys scoffed and bid him to continue "she was the heir to the heir and bonded with a dragon but the fact remains now her son, a Velaryon, is bonded to a dragon and if Daemon's marriage yields any children it is quite likely that his children will possibly bond with dragons. Daemon would want no less for his heirs. Father nor Viserys would not deny Daemon" Aegon's placed the dragon piece on the board.

"You now could have two other branches of our bloodline, two branches with claims, lesser ones but claims nonetheless, and both with the potential to call upon dragons in time by later generations."

Jaehaerys knew this, of course he did.

The fact that Viserys' mount had died gnawed at his mind and only the fact that Meleys was no match for Vhagar and Rhaenys' boy was a whelp with a welp of a dragon set it at ease.

Daemon was not a problem and he already planned to ensure that his heirs were not to be gifted dragon eggs upon birth nor allowed to bond with one.

After all, Daemon's issue would be Royces, not Targaryens. And even if they bore their names in whatever agreement Daemon and Rhea Royce get to after the first son was born, he would still see to it that none of them would bond with a dragon.

'…But would Baelon deny his grandchildren as he must?' he thought to himself and it was a thought that he denied the privilege to occupy his mind for he knew…

"What is the plan for when we have multiple sons, multiple branchesof House Targaryen?" Aegon looked up from the board and met Jaehaerys' cold eyes "Or simply multiple dragonriding Houses?"

"And what of yourbranch?" Jaehaerys deflected with a stern gaze, unwilling to answer the problem he had no real answers to, a problem that his Heirs needed to deal with when the time came.

Aegon intently looked away from Jaehaerys' gaze when he answered. "Who is to say I won't be the last of my branch? It might be best" Aegon posed with a dark twist of the lips, and it was a supposition that silenced the conversation abruptly.

Jaehaerys stared at the boy with incomprehension and genuine surprise. The boy…Aegon wasn't lying. He truly believed it was better not to have children.

Was it because he was still intent to go on these foolish quests he so desired? Did he expect to die whilst he was away from their seat of power?

Aegon looked away from his stare and merely moved his pieces forward in silence.

Jaehaerys broke the silence. "And why must there be a plan?" Jaehaerys questioned critically as he elected to file away the boy's comment for now.

"They will do their duty and follow the rightful King. Rhaenys, her brood of Velaryons, Daemon, you" Jaehaerys paused, his eyes narrowing minutely before he continued "and any others that bear the Blood of the Dragon."

"Baelon after me. Viserys after Baelon. Viserys' son after him. All will follow."

Aegon's reaction took him by surprise. A look of disbelief. "That's it?" Aegon asked, his voice tinged with veritable disbelief. "Duty? That is the shield?!"

Jaehaerys snapped at the boy.

"Be mindful of how you speak!"

Aegon flinched and Jaehaerys, for a brief moment felt a hint of regret, a regret that passed away when Aegon's expression turned back into neutrality and apathy.

"Of course, Your Grace."

There was another moment of tense silence that followed though the game moved apace. Jaehaerys was glad for it. He knew what the boy was talking about.

How could he not? His own brother, Aegon, had been usurped by their vile Uncle within a blink of an eye after his father's death, that bitch not wasting a second to recall the monster back from his exile to claim the throne.

His brother Viserys…tortured to death in vengeance. His eldest brother Aegon…killed by Maegor at the Gods Eye.

And he, Jaehaerys, only survived by the grace of the Gods and Maegor's preoccupation with the Faith for he knew that had the Black Dread flown over Casterly Rock, he and Alysanne would have handed over without a second thought.

As it was, Maegor's own vileness had been the only thing that didn't have all the lords of the realm bend their knees to him. Had things been different…had Maegor inherited less of his mother's cruelty…

Duty was a flimsy shield, he knew this but there was little that could be done, Jaehaerys thought bitterly.

He would not live forever and Baelon…Jaehaerys released a weary sigh.

He trusted Baelon to do what must be done. He had to. Baelon was strong enough to make the difficult decisions. Decisions such as those Jaehaerys had to make. Mayhaps even worse decisions. Too many dragons were a problem and Baelon could see that. Must see that. Gael's own foolishness had proven this to be fact.

Speaking of Gael's foolishness…

Now more than ever, Gael had to be tied to Aegon. Her wilfulness was growing and he would not have her unattached any longer.

Jaehaerys didn't look up as he moved the spearmen forward in the path of Aegon's light horses. They played for a several more minutes in silence before he spoke "I called for you to tell you whom you will marry."

"I will not marry Gael." Aegon said with quiet calmness before he looked up. Briefly, underneath the anger, Jaehaerys wondered how long the boy might have suspected but it didn't matter. The boy would do as commanded.

"You speak as if you have a choice." Jaehaerys' voice was low, dangerous.

"I do. I do have a choice." Aegon said, a thin almost helpless smile on his face…one that he'd seen aplenty on those resigned to their fate once they were sentenced to death.

"I will not marry Gael. Not even if you threatened to disinherit me. Not even if you threatened to have me killed. Not even if you offered the throne itself would I change my mind." Aegon said with a kind of serenity that unnerved him, as if he'd already accepted that he might be killed for his refusal.

Jaehaerys wasn't sure if he should be more furious at his refusal or furious at the thought that Jaehaerys would go as far to have his own grandson killed.

"Why." Jaehaerys merely said. What could possibly warrant such strong refusal against a match he would never better. A King's daughter, a dragonriding daughter at that. One that Aegon was known to be fond of as well. There's no reason to refuse.

Jaehaerys thought he saw a glint in the boy's gaze, a glint that disappeared almost as soon as it arrived.

Aegon seemed to deflate into himself, his expression crumbling into itself and for once this midday, Aegon truly looked like a boy his age. The change surprised him.

"I was born dreaminggrandfather." Aegon said quietly in a way that seemed like all vigour had fled his body.

Jaehaerys' eyebrows raised. "What does that mean?" Jaehaerys demanded. He had an idea but surely not…? He'd never heard of such a thing.

"It means that my earliest memories are not memories of my childhood but Dragon Dreams." Aegon said with a dark look on his face as he looked backed Jaehaerys.

"For as long as I can remember…I dreamt of burning skies." The haunted look on Aegon's face sent a chill down his spine.

"I saw Dragons dancinga dance of death, one side all Green Dragons and the other all Black Dragons. I saw the realm goad these Dragons to fight, to tear each other apart until all that remained were misshapen Dragons." Aegon said before he closed his eyes though he did not stop speaking.

"I watched as the misshapen Dragons grew smaller in number and in stature with time until they were the size of a horse. Yet the Dragons hadn't reached their lowest, no, this came when the Dragons were no larger than a cat and no longer did the Lion, the Stag and the Fish and all the other animals bow before the Dragon…no" Aegon's rage could be heard in his voice and the look on his face despite his eyes remaining closed.

"They mocked the Dragons, their plots with the grey rats no longer shadowed but in the open, no longer fearing the flames of their overlord for there were no more flames." Aegon open his eyes and they were clouded, lost and the next words spoken were spoken with a kind of soft whisper but there was nothing soft or gentle of the picture he was painting, a dreadful picture that he could not believe, did not want to believe.

"Until they no longer thought to bow, not even mockingly, to the Dragon and instead they turned against the Dragon, the Dragon blinded by the Falcon" Aegon said bitterly "and in the end the Stag gored the Dragon, the Fish betrayed the Dragon and the Lion thought to be a friend clawed out the throat of the last known Dragon whilst the one hidden amongst the wolves was twisted into a mockery that surpassed even the most misshapen dragon." Aegon's eyes drooped, his face looking sick, and an ashen expression twisted onto Jaehaerys' face when Aegon spoke the next words.

"And the dreams always ended in ice for wintercame and ruled 'til the end of time."

"Has Baelon told you?!" Jaehaerys almost roared and Aegon was taken aback, a look of confusion entering "Or was it Viserys. Tell me!" he bellowed.

"Told me what? I don't understand" Aegon said with genuine confusion and it was then that he knew, as he swept across the boy's face, that the boy was not told.

He could not know, not unless… "The prophecy…the prophecy of Ice and Fire." His voice trickled down weakly and Aegon's eyes widened almost impossibly.

Jaehaerys' breathing turned erratic as a single world played over and over in his mind. 'No, no, no…' He looked away from Aegon's soulful and concerned stare, his hands gripping hard onto the table in a bid to prevent them from trembling.

Was this to be their legacy?

A crippling despair burned through him and he held onto the table, his breathing uneven. All this effort, all of the blood they shed to create this throne…all of his years of work…and it would be all for nothing?

"When" Jaehaerys breathed out, his eyes closing.

"I don't know" Aegon admitted and the words sounded true.

He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder "But not all is lost…grandfather" Aegon's voice drew him out from the pit of despair and rage and he turned towards Aegon who held him and the look on the boy's face was one of hard determination, one of resolve and fury that lessened when he spoke again

"Before I met Misaragorn… I had never seen Misaragorn when the Dragons danced to death. I recognised them despite their green or black colours all but never mine own. But after I laid my eyes on Misaragorn…my dreams changed. No longer did winter reign in the end. And no longer were the skies dragons free." Aegon met his gaze with an unblinking intensity. "There was still a dance but it wouldn't be fatal."

Aegon released his shoulder and began to walk back to his seat and after he sat down, his mismatched eyes set themselves onto Jaehaerys, the resolve still strong on his face.

"My destiny lies East, grandfather. It is what will stave away the destruction of this family and secure the future of our House. I must go East. I do not know for how long or what purpose but I only know that I must go. I feel this within the depths of my very bones."

Aegon sighed and it was weary though Jaehaerys thought he could see a kind of pain in his expression. "That is why I must refuse to marry Gael."

Silence reigned once more though this time it lasted much longer, his mind cycling through everything he knew about dragon dreams. All the scrolls and his discussions with Septon Barth had never fielded such possibilities! To be born dreaming. Their House was blessed – and cursed – to have these dragon dreams.

It was what saved their House from dying with the other dragonlord families…and it was what led them to conquer the West instead of the lands of the East.

He still wanted to deny it, to deny it all as liesand a mummer's story but he knew, he knewhe could not. Not when the boy knew what he could not have known.

Jaehaerys met the boy's gaze again. Was this why the boy seemed closer to death? Why he had seemed as if he had no life for he saw only death? A well of pity formed from within him. To be born dreaming of death and suffering…

"Tell me everything, every detail." Jaehaerys demanded and so the next hour went by as the boy went into much detail.

There was little rhyme or reason in his dreams, one dream of iconography falling into the next with no way to know how much time had passed between them for it was clear this was no ordinary dream.

When his elder brother Aegon had told Jaehaerys about the prophecy he had not considered it much. He had little time to consider such a prophecy for when there were much greater problems to solve and as time passed and nothing happened, he thought it little better than a story to pass down from father to heir but now…

Now that Aegon saw the same end that his grandsire sought to prevent…

Generations could pass without a single dream coming to pass and he knew of the Gods' cruelty and indifference. It would come sudden when they were unprepared.

"Why have you not come forth sooner?" Jaehaerys finally asked tiredly as Aegon finished his recollections of his dreams. He understood the boy better now…the drive that he held for history, the drive to seek out the Seas, the distance he held for family bar a few.

He had been wrong. The boy did not shirk from his heritage. He did not not care for his blood. Why he gathered support for his ambitions past the shores of Westeros.

Aegon smiled and it was bitter "Who would believe me? Father? You?" Aegon questioned with an apologetic look. "Even now, you scarcely believe me and you would not believe me if it had not been for Aegon's prophecy"

Jaehaerys said nothing to the accusation. It was true after all. He would have rather thought the boy a liar than to believe the horror story that he was fed.

"Where will you go?" Jaehaerys merely asked.

Aegon was silent for a few seconds until he spoke "I will go to the Summer Isles first. Likely within a year's turn. After that…" Aegon trailed off and Jaehaerys knew that the boy had no idea what his supposed destiny was. Jaehaerys drew himself up.

"You will marry Gael." Jaehaerys commanded, startling Aegon. Jaehaerys raised his hand, silencing Aegon "I do not claim to completely understand whatever this…pull to the East is." Jaehaerys said calmly, his stare boring into Aegon.

He believed that Aegon did dream what he dreamt but he thought the excuse of not marrying Gael was thin, no it was beyond weak.

"But marrying Gael will not impact this destinyof yours." Even if Aegon was gone for years, it meant little as he was to return and save this family from the Velaryons.

He would have to think further on what to do about them. He was too old, his body too weak. He needed Baelon now more than ever.

Aegon's eyes turned hard. "No." the way he had that single word could have frozen the room as readily as winter in the North froze water.

Jaehaerys gritted his teeth. "No?" he parroted dangerously. No…?

This boy had the temerity to comment on plans on dragonriding Houses, the temerity to drop the abominable visions of their House's future and destruction on him and he dared to say no when he was called to duty?

"Marry her to father." Aegon said and for a brief moment Jaehaerys stilled before he narrowed his eyes dangerously prompting Aegon to continue.

"I know…" Aegon continued carefully "I know that Gael cannot marry anyone but a Targaryen unless you're willing to marry her to a no one of power matrillineally" Aegon stated with a hint of curiosity but hastily continued at Jaehaerys' expression.

"But marrying her to Baelon secures her to our family and any…" Aegon halted briefly and Jaehaerys could see great reluctance break through that disappeared almost as soon as it appeared "children from their union could marry Rhaenyra. Should no son come from the union of Viserys and Aemma, a son of father and Gael should marry Rhaenyra to secure the throne."

Jaehaerys sat back in his chair, his gaze never leaving Aegon "Why would you believe no son would come from Viserys and Aemma?"

Aegon's expression fell back into a look, a colder look than his customary one, one of cold neutrality "Aemma fell pregnant ever since she was two and ten namedays old. She bore, at three and ten namedays, a son who died in the crib." Aegon's voice was deceptively calm and Jaehaerys winced internally as Aegon continued

"Since Rhaenyra she's had one more miscarriage amongst half dozen prior. She may only be seven and ten namedays old but…" Aegon trailed off, the implication clear.

"Baelon wouldn't agree." Jaehaerys said after a moment. He'd refused to remarry after Alyssa passed and it was one topic that had him immovable.

"If you told him of the importance…" Aegon suggested quietly and Jaehaerys looked up and eyed the boy critically.

"You care for Gael." He merely stated and Aegon broke away from Jaehaerys' stare.

"I do." Aegon said after a few moments before he met his gaze "But this is the best solution I know. My father will treat Gael well and Gael will have the chance to be a mother and her children with a present father who will teach them"

Jaehaerys was tired and this had gone to places he hadn't thought possible. "You would find Essos far from kind to our kind" Jaehaerys' tone was tired as he eyed the boy.

Aegon twisted his lips "I know." He said solemnly with a nod.

Dragonlords and their dragons butchered. Their families killed to the last babe. Betrayal, betrayal, betrayal. Even Volantis turned against the Blood of Old Valyria.

"But then, wouldn't the Andals do the same given the chance?" Aegon added quietly.

Yes…they would, wouldn't they according to the boy's dreams.

Jaehaerys was far too spent to conjure the rage that he ought to feel.

Lords that would betray and plot against them in the dark should his descendants find themselves without dragons, perhaps even now, those who would toss away their oaths as soon as it became expedient and no longer backed with fire and blood.

'But then…hadn't they betrayed their oaths once before? Sworn fealty to the usurper or turned a blind eye?'

"Leave me." Jaehaerys managed to say and Aegon remained still for a few moments before he stood up and bowed, leaving silently. The Kingsguard came in after Aegon left though he did not acknowledge them, his gaze falling onto the cyvasse board.

They had stopped playing quite some time ago, before the boy explained his dreams in detail, but he could now see that he would have lost had the game continued any longer. Jaehaerys raised himself up before he stood up, his eyes hardening.

He looked to Ser Roxton "My son should be in the Hand's Tower. Tell him I wish to see him." The Kingsguard bowed and departed immediately leaving Ser Redwyne with him.

It wasn't long before Baelon arrived and Jaehaerys turned towards the Kingsguard "Leave us. Allow no one in." he commanded and both Kingsguard bowed to him before they left.

"Father?" Baelon asked inquisitively.

"Sit down Baelon. We have much to discuss." Jaehaerys said with a grim voice.


Early 99 AC, Kings Landing

Once Aegon got back into his room, he let go of that breath that he held in, a breath that seemed like it was held in for hours. Aegon saw his hands tremble and he took a seat on his bed and attempted to calm himself.

What he did today…

What he said…

So much bullshit.

And it worked.

Beyond his wildest expectations.

He dropped himself onto the bed all sprawled out and closed his eyes.

He felt as if a great weight was off of his chest. No more marriage that would make him responsible for more than his own life, no more guilt about what would befall this family without them having any kind of warning…

Aegon sighed.

…It wasn't completely bullshit. Just…mostly.

Barring the effects his own existence had on changing everything, he knew enough about what was going to happen to their dynasty to kind of paint a picture.

A picture that was true enough that he wasn't really lying allowing him to sell his version as much as possible without really lying. The best kind of lie he thought with a slight wince before he shook his head.

Anyway…the show had enough moments about the coming era for him to paint a vague enough picture in the form of dragon dreams allowing him to pass on several suspicions and things to be aware off all at once.

He only wished he'd taken care to read up more on the story and the history. Too many gaps…he breathed out slowly before he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling before closing them again.

The silence in the room was deafening though he appreciated it. He needed silence.

Honestly…he got lucky. Incredibly, insanely lucky.

He'd been relying on religious superstition and vagueness to cast enough doubt on the bullshit that they'd have no choice but to believe him.

But honestly, he expected Jaehaerys to let him go on his way thinking him mad but at least aware of the chance that he might be right.

Yet the fact that Aegon the Conqueror foresaw the White Walkers, the Others, a vision that was passed down in the form of a prophecy from generation to generation…

What a mind-fuck. He did not know that part of the story at all. The ramifications of Dragon Dreams being able to see that far into the future…

Aegon frowned as he thought it over. Was the Targaryen line the onlyDragonlord family blessed with Dragon Dreams that could see decades, centuries into the future?

Surely not?

Let's suppose that it wasn't an inherent ability to House Targaryen but rather to all Dragonlords…whyhadn't members of the other forty families had such a dream?

Years, decades or centuries before the Doom?

If one considered the likelihood of family sizes to be about five to fifteen on average at any given time – about the same as Westerosi Houses despite being thousands of years old that should have seen their extended family branches extend into at least hundreds – then surely some of them had to have had Dreams like Daenys?

What about the other magic practitioners of Valyria? Priests or mages that studied the arcane like the Red Priests or those who crafted their arts in Asshai?

The Red Priests like Melissandre are able to see the future through the flames. Was there really no one else in Valyria that could do the same?

Once again, he was brought to the conclusion the Doom of Valyria didn't add up.

Or the events afterwards.

A civilization like that should not have had this much of its remnants lost to history with only some Valyrian steel and glass candle relics around and a single family that didn't even understand itself and what made them what they were. What he was.

Dragon Dreams, Valyria, magic.

Aegon shook his head, dismissing those thoughts for now. He'd have time later.

For now, this metaphorical mountainous boulder he'd thrown into the story should cause enough of a butterfly effect to change things for the better for Visery and Gael.

It had to.

Jaehaerys was a paranoid old man who experienced enough to know about the duplicity of man. He'd seen that Jaehaerys had not shied away in disbelief or denial like when he expanded vaguely about grey ratsscurrying around unseen.

He felt a bout of guilt as he thought of Elysar.

He did not think Elysar was conniving or dishonest but he did think that the Maesters had agendas of their own. They had to. They were a multi thousand year organization that were in the very halls of power of Lords and who ruled Westeros.

They would not have lasted this long without being savvy and useful.

People had ambitions, desires, beliefs, and that was something inescapable, especially in this world where there was a pathological need for power that was almost self-perpetuating because without grasping for more power, for yourself, from others, you were unlikely to survive.

Aegon shook his head from the dark thoughts of power.

Still, he thought the Maesters were more like the Eunuchs of China, people who were removed from power yet forever close to it and forever tempted by it.

When a race of people, Valyrian Dragonlords, who are the epitome of what your faith is against at a fundamental level, who your ancestors had supposedly ran from, well, it wouldn't take much reason to plot against them.

He knew that people were not black and white, however easy that might be to believe, but he also knew that it would be foolish to leave such a powerful organization to their own devices.

Jaehaerys, with his father Baelon soon as well, were now made aware, more aware, of the pitfalls of not having such an organization under their watchful eyes.

Anyway…he thought to himself, a relieved smile blooming on his face, his hands moving towards the back of his head. He was going to have a clean break!

Gael would marry his father, he suppressed the awfulness in his chest and the regret he felt, and hopefully Rhaenyra – should Aemma not give birth to a son – wouldn't end up with Daemon and kick off the Dance but instead with a more appropriately aged Targaryen who isn't an absolute thunder…

And hopefully he'd made the point of what a clusterfuck unrestricted access to Dragons was – it was hypocritical, he knew this but it is a problem – and he'll say something about it again to drive the point. He couldn't see any good coming from Daemon's kids having dragons…

Or Rhaenys'.

He sighed as he opened his eyes again.

He had nothing against Rhaenys, in fact he actually quite liked her but her son having a dragon sets a precedent that was dangerous in this clusterfuck of a feudal system that enabled too much loose support from the Lords. He didn't know how she fitted into all of this as the Dance happened because of rival claimants of House Targaryen but he believed she would play a role. All Dragonriders would be dragged into it.

Jaehaerys would not act, at least not violently, but he knew that the man would think of something. He felt a hint of regret but what else could he do?

He wasn't sure if he'd live long enough when he was away and leaving without saying anything wasn't right…nor something he didn't want to do to Gael.

And Viserys.

This was the best he could think of without having to dedicate himself to save House Targaryen from itself, a chaotic moment in this far away point in time should cause some kind of deviation from where everything was heading.

And Viserys…

Aegon let a silent breath escape through his lips.

Aemma was the key. He knew almost nothing about the Dance but he knew that if Aemma lived, if she lived

If she lived, the chance of the Dance happening in his lifetime probablywouldn't happen. If she lived. But the chances of that…he winced before he sighed again.

He didn't think either Aemma or Viserys would listen if he told them to stop.

And honestly…they would probably be right not to stop either.

With Daemon next in line…

He set his jaw as he looked towards the walls.

Aemma dying…He wasn't even sure if he could prevent that from even happening. The only thing he knew was that it was in childbirth. 'And what do I even know of childbirth mortality and prevention?' he thought with a grimace.

He shook his head and turned over, tiredness falling over him.

Thinking and worrying about things he couldn't control…

Maybe it was it inevitable, maybe it wasn't, maybe it might be stopped now only for it happen in another time, in another set of circumstances that would lead to a Dance as a consequence of the feudal system that Westeros was built upon and the shitty people that made up most of the nobility. Though…Aegon thought as he tired.

He also knew that his family's propensity to self-destruct played in much of the havoc that was the Seven Kingdoms. The Lannisters, the Arryns, the Starks, even the Durrandons had kept their kingdoms stable for well over at least one or two thousand years. His House lasted less than three hundred.

What could he do…Aegon's breathing slowed as he drifted off to sleep.

Aegon jolted awake when he heard a loud bang!

He rolled off to the floor, his feet finding purchase as he rose to stand and drew out a dagger almost in instinct. His eyes widened when he realised who it was.

"Father?" Aegon asked confused that turned into hesitancy when he saw Baelon's face. Baelon was wroth. Aegon sheathed the dagger slowly as he swallowed harshly.

He expected this, really, when he made the suggestion to Jaehaerys.

Baelon would treat Gael as she deserved to be treated. With respect. With kindness. Perhaps even love with time. And he…he could not. He knew his father was not over his mother, Alyssa, but it was the only way it all worked out.

"Why?" escaped from Baelon's lips, the word said with venom.

Aegon kept silent as Baelon approached him. "Why keep your dreams from me? Why did you never tell me about your plans about the East?"

Baelon towered of Aegon now, his expression deepening in wroth "Why did you convince my father I had to remarry again, to Gael of all people?! What gave you the Seven damned right?!" Baelon vibrated out in quiet fury, his face twisted up in a snarl worthy as of a dragon.

"We were never close…father." Aegon said as calmly as he could, his eyes never hiding away from Baelon's fury-laden eyes. "When did you give me idea that I could trust you with something has plagued me all my life?"

This struck a cord with Baelon who displayed something other than fury and Aegon pressed on despite the bite of guilt that he felt "By the time I understood what it meant, the distance between us seemed insurmountable. You were happy with Viserys and Daemon but never with me. Even years later I am unimportant to you. So I kept my silence until I no longer could for the sake of our House."

"As for Gael…" Aegon's expression couldn't hold the calmness he tried to express "It is for the sake of our House and…" Aegon trailed off before adding "And she deserves a good man who wouldn't think of her as a piece in a game." Aegon finished honestly and the fury that had abated in Baelon's face had returned tenfold and for a moment Aegon thought Baelon would attack him.

But he didn't.

Baelon began to slowly step back, the wroth still clear to see on his face, before he simply…turned around and walked away without saying another word leaving Aegon to himself.

Aegon closed his eyes for a moment.

'Another break…but not so cleanly this time' he thought mirthlessly, his gaze set on the open window, the words 'It is for the sake of our House' ringing in his mind.

He wasn't blind to his faults. To the roots of his actions.

It blindsided him, this…thing that he'd developed for her, one that caused him to be rocked off center to the point that he was struggling to stay on board and was practically forced to run off of the board in order to have his head above the water.

Desire conflicting with desire and he wished that it could be as easily solved as war or diplomacy but he'd made his choice. The choice he'd made for too long.

He couldn't lead a life of pointlessness if he was married to Gael.

A life that might be beautiful...

But a life of responsibility. The start of real responsibility.

Perhaps he should go now, he mused to himself quietly.

In his heart of hearts, he knew that he could go tomorrow if he needed to rather than in a year's time he told his grandfather. And he needed to consider it. With the way things were going, the way hewas going, he needed to leave to re-center himself.

Yes, he resolved…he'd speed things up and just go.

He shook his head and turned back to his bed, forcing himself to sleep once more.

It wasn't until the next morning, when he was beating down against a dummy in the training yard, that everything came crashing down.

In mid-swing, he saw Aemma with a number of guards approaching him and he stopped, his panting slowing to a crawl as he caught her concerned face.

"Aemma…?" he questioned concerned "What's wrong?"

"It's Gael" she said and Aegon's heart stopped for a moment.

"She's missing."