No, absolutely not!" The sharp tone echoed across the almost completely empty house at Grimmauld place.
Narcissa raised an unimpressed eyebrow, tapping her dainty heels on the hardwood floor of the Lord's study. "Don't be a baby, Siri…" She said, managing to roll her eyes, yet appear cold and regal at the same time. Sirius would be impressed if he wasn't so damn annoyed at the woman.
"You are not bringing a team of decorators in here! Have you gone mad, woman!?" Sirius barked, tapping his ring against the desk twice for emphasis. "And don't call me Siri!"
Narcissa let out a drawn out sigh, "I'm not going to be calling you Lord Black, while you're acting like a child." She said drolly.
Sirius was already regretting getting the family back together. Narcissa had been coming over everyday for the past two weeks, helping clean the place out, sometimes helped by Cassiopeia, although mostly helped by Kreacher, (moving it into the attic, he wasn't stupid enough to let her leave with anything.) Truly her help had been an act of deception and cunning, she'd been so helpful Sirius had almost forgotten she was the wife of an inner circle Death Eater. She'd taken ruthless advantage, trying to convince him on numerous topics while she had access, and sounding so damn reasonable about it too.
She'd be so much easier to deal with if she just sprouted racist unhinged bullshite like Bellatrix.
He kept forgetting to toss that rabid bitch out of the family properly, he'd have to get on that when he had a moment of time…
"I'm not acting like a child," He growled, eye twitching in irritation, "I'm simply not letting anyone in - to potentially place listening charms in the walls or anything else that a team of wizards could do with access to my house."
If Sirius had access to someone else's manor or ancestral home - he'd place them everywhere - and he'd try and enchant muggle bugs to work in a magical setting and plant them too, just to cover all angles. So he wasn't letting a bunch of strangers walkabout on their own in his home!
He certainly didn't have the time to watch them, he barely had enough time to eat most days right now. If he didn't have Kreacher he'd likely miss most of his potions and his meals to boot. The little bugger was beyond useful, even if he was almost creepily loyal now that the locket had been handled.
"These people are experts, I've used them myself and they do splendid work, they transformed Malfoy Manor into a winter wonderland last Yule that was the talk of high society for months!" Narcissa explained with a chilly tone to her voice, her entire bearing practically screaming, I know what I'm talking about you big lout.
It might have been years, but Sirius still had a decent handle on how to read his cousin Cissy. Even if she was now a Malfoy, and definitely not entirely like the person he'd snuck out chocolates for back in the day, just to see her smile a real smile for once - amongst their family full of facades. And Cissy had always excelled at looking and acting exactly how she was supposed to for any given moment or setting.
It's what made her so damn hard to trust, right now… And it's why he'd been working on her these past two weeks as well, he wondered if she'd noticed the myriad of ways she'd changed her language and behavior just by constant exposure to him and his distaste for the more outdated pureblood ways. She was too focused on trying to worm her way under his armor to realize he was doing the same. Likely underestimating him based on his previous careless attitude and behavior.
"Yeah, that's the problem, right there. Malfoy…" Sirius said tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose, there had been some loooong nights lately, "You expect me to trust any contractors utilized by your husband?"
Narcissa crossed her arms, lips curled amusedly, "You think Lucius arranged for the decorations of Malfoy Manor?" She asked, some life appearing in her eyes, her amusement clear to Sirius.
"Lucius, you," Sirius waved a dismissive hand, "Same thing, it's a Malfoycontractor. They're not getting in myhouse." He sneered, "I'd sooner let Snape in!"
Narcissa sat down in the chair in front of his desk, crossing her legs daintily, making an exasperated sound in the back of her throat, "Stubborn Gryffindors…"She made it sound like a curse, "Sirius, I'm still a Black, and family is first." She met his eyes seriously, "Always!" She stressed.
Sirius knew that, knew that Narcissa would have sacrificed anything for her son. For her family. But that was the rub wasn't it? Which family… Because they were ideologically on opposite sides. "Family first is a nice platitude," He acknowledged, with a tired smile, "But you're kind of straddling two different ones Narcissa, in my position would you place your trust in someone like that?"
"Yes." She said without hesitation, making Sirius snort and shake his head, his skepticism on full display. How can she lie with such a straight face…
"You see us as opposites, but we don't necessarily have to be…" She said slowly, she met his eyes again, her own softening minisculely, "Lucius and you have a lot in common, you know…" She trailed off leadingly.
"So this is the pitch, huh…" Sirius said, a dark grin growing on his face as he tapped his ring against the desk again idly, "What does luscious Lucius want to say?"
"Drop your ridiculous preconceptions for one moment, my Lord!" Narcissa bit out, losing a bit of her cool, "Lucius didn't agree with all of what happened, we dohave much the same goals for the wizarding world and anything else can be negotiated, he can be of help!"
Sirius closed his eyes, slowly tapping his ring on the desk, letting the dull thuds ground him as he thought it through. It galled him, but Narcissa was definitely right about how useful her husband could be for his plans. He had connections, allies. Votes. Not enough by itself to control the Ministry by any stretch… Not yet… But he'd be immensely helpful in someone gaining that control themselves. But what would the price be?
"Are you trying to say Lucius wasn't a good little Death Eater?" Sirius asked, slightly mockingly, probing for more information, and knowing that Narcissa was too shrewd to let anything real out - without pushing her buttons first.
"He was an excellent one," She sniffed, a tiny self satisfied smirk on her face as Sirius opened his eyes and gave her an odd look, "What? Did you think I'd deny it? Here of all places?" She gestured around them, to the splendid Lord's study, where countless Blacks had practically run the country from, in the past, "Lucius and I both -" She stressed the word meaningfully, " - agreed with the underlying cause. Protecting our heritage, our family, and our magic."
Sirius scoffed, "Don't try to convince me you were against killing muggleborns, Cissy! No one's that good of a liar…"
Narcissa pursed her lips, shaking her head slowly, "Don't be silly, neither I nor Lucius cares one whit what happens with them, but all the magical blood that was spilled… We didn't agree with that…" For a moment there was sadness on her face, before it all shuttered under the normal cool facade again.
"Oh, wonderful," Sirius drawled sarcastically, "So you're still racist and bigoted but you're the nice bigots. All my worries are laid to rest now…"
Narcissa stiffened angrily, eyes narrowing at him, "It is how we were raised! Both Blacks and Malfoys, It doesn't mean we want to eradicate them, just keep our station above them!"
Sirius gave a short sardonic laugh, the balls on this woman! She knows he holds all the power over her as long as she is within his reach and within the Black family wards - and yet she still dares to try and convince him with Death Eater propaganda. Slightly sanitized perhaps, for his Gryffindor sensibilities. But still stemming from the same rotten source.
"You'll be waiting a long time indeed, cousin…" He drawled darkly, staring at her with half lidded eyes, "If you expect me to fall for such a transparent attempt of converting me to your point of view."
Narcissa let out a huff, leaning back in her chair, looking at him contemplatively, "You've changed…" She murmured, before a smirk grew slowly on her face, making it come alive, "For the better, I dare say." She bowed her head slightly, eyes glittering, "Lord Black." For the first time it sounded like she meant it.
Sirius sighed irritably, pulling a hand through his hair, "Damn it Cissy, was all this just some demented test?" He growled out, annoyed at himself that he hadn't caught onto that until now. She was just probing him, testing his mettle.
"Partly," She acknowledged, tilting her head slightly, studying him, "It wouldn't have been bad for me if you were that easily led…" She shrugged lightly, "But this will do as well."
"You realize I will not be doing what your husband wants?" Sirius made sure to clarify, staring her down with hard eyes and a grim face.
"Not all of it, no, but one so rarely gets everything one wants in politics." She answered airily, unbothered.
Sirius could read underneath the underneath - if you want something you got to give us something. "I'm open to… Negotiation." He admitted, not pleased about it, and he definitely had lines he wouldn't cross… But Malfoy would be too damn useful to make him an enemy when he could make him an ally. As long as he stayed aware that the slimy bastard would change his tune the minute he heard news of Voldemort coming back. Half-blood son of a squib or not - the Death Eaters already marked would follow him, out of self preservation if nothing else. Hopefully recruiting would take a hit, however. And if he could snatch the Minister's seat, he could get to work on preventing Voldemort all together.
"I'll set up a meeting, perhaps a luncheon in Diagon Alley." Narcissa said, too polished to crow over her small victory, but wearing a self satisfied little smile still.
Sirius snorted with derision, "In public, with a reformed Death Eater, before I've had a chance to craft my public appearance… Nice try..."
"Pity. There's a lovely new restaurant I've been dying to go to." Narcissa replied innocently, and then without missing a beat, she continued, "Malfoy Manor is always welcoming to any Black."
"He can come here or he can bloody well fuck off." Sirius stated bluntly, well aware he'd have to play these polite little games from now on, but not in his own damn home, and not with family. "I'm open to talking, Cissy…" He said quietly and with intensity, holding her gaze, "It's better than the run-around you'll get from Dumbledore, but I am Lord Black… He'll come to me, or I'll go through him when the time comes."
Narcissa met his burning gaze with a blank one, nothing showing on her face as she pondered him. Eventually she nodded tightly, once. "As is your right, Lord Black." She murmured.
"And no bloody decorators, you and Cassiopeia managed just fine to clean up this house, you can decorate it yourselves!" He ordered, pointing at her sternly, striking while the iron was hot and the damn frustrating woman for once wasn't trying to be slippery with every word and action. Slytherin from birth, that one.
"I'll do the decorating, as you wish." Narcissa said smugly, a hue of victory settling around her.
Sirius eyed her suspiciously, "Yes, you will…" He agreed, wondering why it suddenly felt like he'd made a mistake.
Narcissa was a pureblood trophy wife, surely decorating was her kind of thing, a job well suited for her pedantic and exacting personality.
Then why did it feel like he'd been maneuvered into letting her take charge over the styling of his ancestral home?
Whatever. As long as he didn't have to do it. He had enough on his plate.
If he saw a single peacock however, he reserved the right to set everything on fire.
There was being rich, and then there was just being a pillock.
The next morning, while Narcissa was doing Circe knows what to violate the kitchen and front entryway - he met with Pollux in the study.
Unfortunately, only Cassiopeia and Narcissa seemed to have the constitution and intelligence to actually be very useful. Pollux wasn't too bad, but he was an incredibly arrogant man, full of knowledge on the dark arts, and yet as personable as a root vegetable. Sirius couldn't be picky however, he couldn't sideline the entire family, it would defeat the point of showcasing the Black's were back. Hence he was using Pollux even though the man wasn't ideal for the task he'd set him upon. The less said about Cygnus the better…
Arcturus had his own tasks which prevented him from helping Pollux with his, plus Sirius didn't trust Arcturus skills overly much either, (Outside maybe the old folks club in the Wizengamot.) The old man had allowed the Black family to wither in the first place. Not exactly something that gave Sirius confidence in his abilities or his strength of will.
No, Cassiopeia and Narcissa were his most useful family members (Dammit Andi!) Which was a headache and a half for him, since he couldn't trust Narcissa any further then he could throw her… The woman constantly prodded him to figure out how best to influence him and he hadn't gotten a full handle on what she actually wanted yet. Cassiopeia on the other hand was plenty competent but there Sirius faced the problem that the woman saw others as so much lesserthan her, that he couldn't send her out to deal with anyone on behalf of the family - because she'd surely start a blood feud!
This family was going to drive him to alcoholism… And he hasn't even heard Pollux's report yet. Merlin let it not be a problem, He thought, he could really use something going right, without him having to fix it for them…
He offered the man a drink genially, lounging back in his chair, knowing that he couldn't come off as too harsh now, after the family dinner, without scaring the family members with a… he'd be kind and call it a weaker constitution.
Sounded better than bloody craven worms…
Pollux was settled soon enough, sipping appreciatively at some whiskey, while Sirius had some apple juice - it was 8 in the morning, he wasn't that stupid… Anymore.
"I wonder if Malfoy is pleased or upset that I've monopolized his wife for weeks now…" Sirius mused out loud, listening to the racket as Narcissa and Kreacher magically altered his kitchen. Some small talk to set the other man at ease would hopefully keep the other man from being too uneasy. He didn't have time to secure their absolute loyalty unfortunately, and had to hope the family ties would be enough.
Pollux chuckled into his drink, "Considering her sharp tongue, you might have an ally in him already for saving him from it." He said conspiratorially.
"Trust me, I've seen enough of it myself. I'm still not sure if I decided to have her decorate, or if she decided and then moved me into ordering her to do it." Sirius chuckled lightly, tapping his ring twice on the desk.
"Narcissa has always been very good at getting what she wants. Maybe stay clear of her for a bit before she drags you into a ball at Malfoy Manor." Pollux said, wincing slightly. No doubt remembering one of the many times his granddaughter had gotten the better out of him. Sirius could mention a dozen times alone and that's only counting his childhood from before he ran away. A genius, Pollux was not. But he had his uses. Decent hand at magic, and most importantly, he's good at doing what he's told. The man had never held any aspirations to ascend to the Black lordship. The quintessential yes man.
"Maybe," Sirius murmured, before he turned steely eyes on Pollux, "But that's for another day, how are you proceeding on the task I set you?" He queried softly.
Pollux played with his whiskey glass, grimacing slightly, "It's not easy…" He began, wilting slightly as Sirius eyes hardened at the ready excuse. "I've managed to contact most of them… And they're willing to sell!" He hurried to get out. To placate Sirius.
"Then what is the problem, because there is one, correct?" Sirius asked, hands tented ahead of him as his eyes pierced through his second grandfather, one who'd not protested once for having his daughter, Walburga - sent away. Not that Sirius would have cared if he did. But it did show the backbone of the man - or the lack of it, to be clear.
"I can't even find the damned Briarwood's to enquire with them if they're willing to sell." Pollux grumbled. Before downing the rest of his whiskey, letting out a deep breath afterwards, avoiding Sirius eyes, "Without their shares, no one can realistically get a majority ownership in the Daily Prophet…"
"I know that, Pollux…" Sirius said with forced calm, "That's why I asked you to be careful…" He should have done this himself, but he was swamped with work, family business and the like - as well as preparations for his political career. He couldn't be everywhere. "Did I not tell you to approach them first, so they wouldn't spook and go into hiding?" He asked, just barely maintaining politeness.
He'd literally given the man point by point instructions!
Pollux winced, running a hand across his jaw nervously, "Ah, that is, I already have a cordial relationship with the Rosenthal family…" He saw Sirius face and hurriedly continued, "They're willing to sell! All of their shares!"
Sirius took a deep breath, he could not afford to turn Pollux into a newt right now, no matter how tempting. "They only own 7 percent of the shares, Pollux. That is why I specifically requested that you contact the Briarwood's, due to them owning the largest set of shares at 35 percent." He frowned, eyes cooly assessing his maternal grandfather, "Am I mistaken, Pollux?"
The man nervously played with his empty glass, "Ah… No you did say that, Sirius. I just thought -"
"It is Lord Black when you're arriving to report failure, Pollux." Sirius interrupted him, aghast at how a man at four decades his senior could fumble such an easy instruction. "I could understand them turning down your inquiry, you can't control all variables after all. But to fail at even finding them because you disobeyed clear instructions and managed to spook them into hiding…" Sirius shook his head disappointedly, "This is a problem of yourmaking."
"They have a daughter at Hogwarts!" Pollux quickly spoke up, even as he sunk in his seat slightly, wary of Sirius growing anger.
"Under Dumbledore's nose… This is your solution?" Sirius couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Just… Go… Finalize the deals with the families willing to sell. Quickly, quietly, and with no more foul ups, understood?" He ordered, a growl rising up from his throat at having to now take on this task himself.
Pollux nodded rapidly, looking relieved to have a chance to make up for his mistake, "And the Briarwood's?"
"I will… Deal with finding them…" Sirius ground out, fists clenching at the thought of dealing with Dumbledore.
This couldn't wait however, the Daily Prophet was the key not only to getting elected - but to stay in power afterwards. Even the Wizengamot could be swayed by public opinion eventually, and the Daily Prophet controlled public opinion. Wizards were unbelievably easily led through the daily paper, Sirius couldn't miss the opportunity owning it presented.
Unfortunately many families had shares in the paper, preventing it from a clear dedicated course, and likely why it so easily simply fell under ministry control under Cornelius Fudge in canon - none of the small shareholders wanted to rock the boat too much. The Briarwood's was his best bet. Their 35 percent - together with what promises Pollux had already gotten from several smaller shareholders - would give him a majority. His other option was Malfoy… Who owned 17 percent of the paper. The cost there would be too heavy - not in money, but in what else he'd owe the man for it. If he would even sell. Sirius wouldn't if he was in his position.
Or at least not without heavy concessions, under an unbreakable vow just to ensure it. Sirius was not willing to pay that price.
It wasn't any wonder why the Death Eaters had such easy press for most of Canon - Malfoy owned enough of it, and the Briarwood's had a son who'd been found with the mark as well - and they owed the largest share. Together they held a majority and they'd quashed any questions through the press. That's the power Sirius wanted to hold on his own. The power to control the narrative.
Even in the muggle world, or his own old world… Control of the Media was incredibly beneficial. Even more so however in the magical world, because muggles were naturally skeptical - while magicals were somehow naturally accepting of anything they read.
Obviously the Briarwood's had cottoned on to the Black family being after the paper (Damn you Pollux!) And hid to avoid the pressure. Not that willing to sell then… At least he now knew about it. That information was valuable if nothing else.
And now his only quick way forward was Hogwarts. Which meant Dumbledore. Joy… He couldn't afford to spend the time hunting down the Briarwood's, he needed them found yesterday. So he'd have to do it himself.
He eyed Pollux with hidden distaste, "Don't fail in getting the others bloody well done, have them sign the contracts immediately." He snapped.
Pollux jumped up, eager to get out of the office and get started. As he made his way to the door, Sirius stopped him.
"Remember, it's for the Black family. It's for us. This will put us all on the top." He said seriously, meeting the older man's gaze for but a moment, impressing on him how important this was.
Pollux puffed out his chest, "It will be as you say, Lord Black!" He said, stuffed full of self importance.
Well… Whatever got the job done, Sirius thought, watching Pollux leave. That reminder at the end from him, had likely been necessary, especially with how it immediately got the ponce all puffed up and proud again. It was early in the game yet, they weren't as competent as he'd wish, nor were they fully loyal to him. They were to the concept of family, but if he didn't remind them now and then… They might equate their own wishes with that of the family.
Sirius couldn't allow that. It was his wishes that mattered. His hand on the wand. Or these bigoted lunatics would all muck the country up and make it all worse.
Now he had to figure out how to convince the Briarwood's to sell, after using not so nice means to find them in the first place.
And he'd have to meet with Dumbledore.
What a bother…
Although I could turn it to my advantage
As much as he wanted to get started on hunting down the Briarwood's - even though meeting Dumbledore was the lastthing he wanted to deal with right now… His schedule did not have an actual hole for the activity right away.
Hours each day was being spent at Gringotts, not only going through all the family assets, but also to grease the wheels somewhat. The goblins had a lotof information about the Ministry of Magic, its budget and department financials and where funds were being diverted - because there were definitelyseveral suspicious trails of galleons like that hidden under normal bureaucracy reports. The goblins were willing to share, for a price. Something he'd have to fixwhen he took power, because that's just really bad for internal security.
Knowing how much each Auror made just made it laughably easy to figure out how to approach bribing one, or sow discord by letting an Auror know that his partner made so much more, etc.
It really worked out for him right now though. (Even if the Goblins were greedy little shits!) It was not only useful for knowing where all the money was going, so that he could figure out who was corrupt or not.. It allowed him to plan, because before ever taking the seat, he'd already know the budget of all the departments like the back of his hand. He'd be ready to take off running, stopping the grift and institute some actual efficiency and reliability into the system.
Once finally done with Gringotts for the day he could still not make time for a trip to Hogwarts, he'd scheduled an interview, a first attempt at managing his press coverage. Ideally he'd have managed to buy the Prophet first, but he couldn't wait any longer to speak out, he'd never truly expected to have it done within the last few weeks. If he didn't craft his response to the curiosity of the wizarding world - they'd do it for him.
And with Sirius' less than stellar reputation from his Hogwarts years - he couldn't afford to let someone else gain momentum with a different narrative.
Right from Gringotts he swept through Diagon Alley, head held high, wearing robes of the finest Acromantula silk, subtle red and gold accents to the sleeves and collar to hint at his Gryffindor roots. With the help of Narcissa and Cassiopeia he'd styled his hair into a well coiffed silky look. Going with a smart goatee instead of continuing well shaved (Narcissa's idea) - to give him some gravitas and appear older than he was.
People could get over being a former Azkaban inmate, but being young and inexperienced was a deathknell. And that ageist judgment was fixated more on looks and bearing than a number on a page. So he'd prepared accordingly. Although he'd vetoed Narcissa's attempt to color some of his hair gray to further sell an older look. That was just taking it to absurd levels that would just as likely backfire as coming off as fake. Whether Narcissa was trying to help or sabotage him there… Just another question to add to the pile on trying to figure out what she's after.
With only minutes to spare, he entered Diagon Alley's most exclusive restaurant - one he'd bought out for the day, just for the interview. Partly a flex of his monetary resources for all to see - partly because Grimmauld place would not give the right impression, under renovation as it was.
"Lord Black, thank you so much for agreeing to an interview!" The reporter practically gushed out, as soon as he entered the dining room.
Sirius gave her a once over with a suave smile, the Daily Prophet had not sent Rita Skeeter thankfully. He had his own plans for that woman, after all. She was not yet the lead reporter at this time anyway - so this worked out just fine. Considering the twenty-something woman in front of him had an hourglass figure, a mischievous tilt to her rosy lips and bright blue eyes, with wavy blonde hair that fell all the way down her back, Sirius had clearly gotten the right woman for the job.
"It's my pleasure, miss?" He said smoothly, walking up and grasping the reporter's hand, glad to not see a ring anywhere, lifting the hand to his face and giving it a kiss.
"Davies, Violetta Davies." She replied, eyes twinkling as she smirked at him, one eyebrow raised challengingly, "The ladies man reputation still holding strong then, Lord Black?"
Sirius chuckled, "Only for the truly rare women that are worth it, Miss Davies." He said, giving her another appreciative once over, before taking his seat. Only the reporter and him in the dining room. Her photographer was waiting outside for the end of the interview, Sirius had seen him on the way in, lounging in the entryway.
Violetta grinned, taking her own seat, her short aqua robes showcasing quite a lot of her smooth legs as she got situated, "I'm engaged to be married, Lord Black." She said reprovingly, the teasing glint in her eyes not matching her tone.
"So not married yet is what I hear," Sirius said with an over the top wink, and no ring on her finger yet, so likely an arranged marriage then…
"You're incorrigible, it might be best we start the interview before we get too sidetracked." Violetta said, lips curving pleasantly into a warm smile.
Sirius gave her a small nod, indicating he was ready, eyes taking in the beautiful reporter, drinking her in. Someone at the Daily Prophet was pretty clever. The old him would likely indeed slip up something, too distracted by a pretty face. And pretty everything (Because damn!) Sirius however could appreciate her just fine and remain in control of exactly how he needed this interview to go.
Violetta put a brightly coloured quill to her notepad, "So, everyone's dying to know, what are your thoughts on everything that's happened?" She asked, her tone turning more professional, even as her eyes sparkled with interest.
Sirius hoped it wasn't entirely for the great story she'd have from him. He considered himself quite the catch after all.
"It's been eye opening, Violetta," He said honestly, keeping his face open and earnest. "I've seen the best and the worst of our world, and come to the realization we need to do better."
Violetta eyed him thoughtfully as she quickly took notes, Sirius was glad to see she didn't take shortcuts nor did she use a quick quotes quill for this, "That is an interesting way to put it, Lord Black. Is that a shot at the Ministry for their mishandling of your trial and the previous lack of one?"
Sirius wagged a finger, smirking widely, "Now don't put words in my mouth, sweetheart," He shrugged, "I don't hold a grudge," He lied blatantly, "The Ministry were in a difficult position during the aftermath of the war, mistakes happened. It was not ideal, and I paid a price, yes. But I believe the Ministry as a whole, is after nothing but the best for all of us."
Violetta tilted her head slightly, studying him with an enigmatic smile, "That is… Very generous of you, Lord Black. Many have raked the Ministry over the coals for the mishandling of you in particular, but alltrials over that time as well." She tapped her notepad with a long nail, "Are you saying you support the Ministry and their position in this scandal?"
Sirius leaned back, giving off a laid-back vibe, "Now, there is a difference between the scramble and mix-up of the war, and what happened for my long delayed trial." He paused to let Violetta catch up with her note taking, it also gave him a moment to ogle her some more. "The Ministry as a whole is doing a good job for the magical world, even in these difficult times, they can be trusted to do what's right." Sirius smirked a little as Violetta sent him a skeptical look even as she continued taking notes. "However, the actions of its Minister must be called into question. The Ministry once advised of the mistake - worked diligently on correcting it with my trial, but Millicent Bagnold seemed determined to bulldoze through her own people to impede justice - an oddity don't you think?"
Violetta's eyes brightened and she leaned forward slightly, "The Minister went over her own Ministry? Is that what you're saying, Lord Black?"
"I can only speak to what I saw," Sirius said, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "The people working at the Ministry - the backbone of our great institution, did their jobs excellently. The only one who seemed intent on breaking procedure, impeding justice and weirdly intent on ruining one of the sacred twenty eight - was Bagnold."
Sirius knew Millicent Bagnold was in a precarious situation right now, he needed to make her either hand in the towel or force a vote of no confidence. To strike while the iron was hot and he was still on everyone's tongues, he didn't want to wait for her term to end with her retirement. A campaign would take months either way - but the sooner he was in the race the better his odds. And playing benevolent, forgiving of the injustice against him, supportive of the Ministry as a whole - it would sell him well, while dumping the whole mess on Bagnold.
He could have sunk Bartemius Crouch even further as well… But Sirius was seeking the man's support, just as an extra lever to gain power. So he was holding off on destroying the man in the hopes they could come to an understanding. If not he could always remind the public later that the man had been in charge of tossing Sirius into Azkaban without a trial. And Crouch was politically astute enough to realize the situation. The man would play ball.
And if he didn't… Well, Sirius knew what was hiding at his house. Crouch could be removed at any point he felt like it.
"Are those words expressing an intent to run for the position, Lord Black?" Violetta asked, obviously she was an intelligent woman, she'd immediately picked up on what he was doing. And eagerly jotted it all down. Hopefully without any negative spin.
"If the people of Britain would wish me to serve, I would of course be honored to serve that call." Sirius answered, not confirming anything, but markedly not denying it either. "I think questions need to be asked either way of the Minister's office, before they color the hard working members of the rest of the Ministry of Magic under the same brush."
Violetta tittered slightly, looking delighted at what she was getting, "Let's move on to your recent appointment to head of the Black family…"
Sirius was sure she'd return to the ministry questions, but likely wanted to move another route to throw him off and perhaps get something more out of him when she returned to the subject. Sirius wouldn't falter, of course.
Sirius spent two hours speaking of his family, a sanitized version of his own history, and carefully selected praise for certain people within the Ministry and without - whose support could be useful.
His reporter promised that she had enough material to keep writing articles about him and everything he'd spoken about for the entire week at least. The perfect start to his PR blitz to showcase himself to both the Ministry and the public.
"Is there any way I can thank you for your diligent work, Miss Davies? You've truly captured everything I had to say." Sirius asked as they wrapped up, photographs having finished off the interview.
He wasn't below bribing a woman if it helped him.
Violetta Davies eyed him, a slight blush dusting her cheeks as she was running a hand through her hair, "I need to collate my notes at home…" She bit her lip invitingly, "I could use another set of… Hands…" She hinted suggestively.
"What kind of interviewee would I be if I didn't offer to assist." Sirius immediately offered, waggling his eyebrows. Surprised but pleasantly so.
Sure he needed to go to Hogwarts… But some things were just too important.
4 hours later…
Sirius ran a hand lightly over a shapely naked hip, letting his breathing settle down. Either he'd been doing things wrong in his old life - or magicals had some extra benefits to them that he would be happy to explore further in the future. Either that or all the potions he was on for his treatment, the ones giving him so much energy lately - counted as doping. Because he didn't remember his liaisonsat Hogwarts being this insane.
"Merlin! Circe! Morgana! Fuck!" Violetta Davies moaned tiredly, not for the first time. Her sweat covered body laying limply on her bed. "Your reputation was well earned…" She mumbled out, already slipping into sleep after their extended liaison.
Sirius snorted quietly, keeping quiet so as to not disturb her rest as she slowly slipped into sleep. He'd been holding on with his fingertips to just survive - as the lovely Miss Davies rode him into oblivion in every way. If anyone deserved a godly reputation here it was her.
He might have given some of his tasks a miss for this, but it had certainly been enjoyable - and he no longer had any worries on what kind of slant the stories about him would have, even if that had not been the reason he'd taken her to bed.
Just a very nice side benefit.
Dumbledore could fuck off for one night.
Sirius laid down, just inhaling the scent of a happy coupling, cuddling into Violetta to sleep, for once not worrying about politics or threats, just enjoying the moment.
It was the best sleep he'd had since entering this world.