Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 118 - 119

Chapter 118 - 119

Note..: Second part of the heavily based on Cannonshop works. Now, the WarShip toys...

As was to be expected, the sale of WarShips, even the lighter classes, to Earth, was not well accepted at first by the Taurian elites. However, once the high price per WarShip was known– along with the various advantages that the Concordat got, ranging from an obscene amount of licenses, to a complete copy of the Prometheus database version or to various exceptions in taxation, the opposition to the sales died quickly.

What was not announced in the media on Taurus, was that since only the Aurigan Province produced Pintos, the bulk of the (financial) slice would go to them.

In the meantime, a new type of Corvettes, the Tribal class, began to enter service in the Taurian Concordat based on the experience earned from the sales of the Pintos to other nations, what they had learned in the meantime from the growing population of spacers and the feedback from the different war missions of the Orcas and Pintos.

Highly based on the Pinto design, the differences were nevertheless immense.

For starters, the armor was Heavy Ferrous-Aluminum. It was equipped with LF, the latest Black Box generation available to the TC and with one of the most compact HPGs ever produced (similar to the 14 ton SL mobile HPG for ground forces). The sensor and communication suites were also state of the art.

The armament was also quite different - 4 NL55, 2 LNPPC, 2 Light Naval Gauss, 2 AR-10 tubes (loaded with "standard" missiles in normal, anti-piracy and patrol missions, with nuke loaded missiles when heavy fights were foreseen). 16 LPL and 16 MPL provided it with AMS and anti ASF capability. It kept the 12 ASFs and the DropShip docking collar from the Pinto.

The targeting computer used with the Light Naval Gauss, took in consideration, that in space, the range of the weapons was basically unlimited, and could calculate very long ranged shots – another first for a space navy.

In fact, tests/exercises made to validate the design, showed that with a competent crew, hits could be achieved at more than 3 light-seconds – the actual record against a moving target (that didn't do fancy maneuvers, that is) was a bit in excess of a million kilometers. That exercise was against an invading DropShip moving in a usual (aka, predictable) trajectory… and the shooter was never detected during said exercise.

To ensure its safety and for anti-piracy and boarding missions, it carried 48 Marines, with a combination of PA(L) and Battle Armour.

The other difference was the massive use of Radar Absorbent Material (RAM) on it giving it both a black paint and a black sail.

Nothing too over the edge but the layered materials were able to absorb as many electromagnetic spectra as possible, including frequencies above and below visible light. it's an absorptive, rather than reflective tech. Because it's less concentrated, and has to have 'tuning elements' spread throughout to convert received signal (into the radio spectrum) into electrical power, the sails are unusually large for the mass of the vessel, and require some care when retracting, often requiring crew to be on the surface of the ship in hard vacuum to prevent snags and address malfunctions in the retraction gear.

Finally, it had the most advanced jump-point calculator/advanced navigational computer available thanks to the many lessons passed on by the spacers.

Another factor was that both the crew and the Marines were prepared/trained from the start to fight in vacuum, with the atmosphere drained.

Simulations, and careful testing had demonstrated that the survivability of a WarShip rose brutally if this training took place, allowing it to keep on operating in situations that would have destroyed any other WarShip.

The RAM coating/black paint was also very good at absorbing/hidden the heat signature, turning the ship very stealth, unless under very focused active search from modern systems. The negative side was that it made it mandatory to have two sets of maneuvering thrusters – the 'standard' high energy/hot plasma and a low power one, using high pressure cold gas, virtually undetectable unless at very short range. Another problem, was that in order to hide the heat signature, a massive internal heat sink/dump system was needed, that could only be activated for a couple of hours, until its capacity was exceeded, and the radiation vents had to be reopened. But, during these hours, it was the most stealthy WarShip known by the Taurians.

Obviously, this WarShip was not included on the "available for other nations" lists.

Another much less technological challenging 'WarShip' was also brought into production for a specific use in the Coromodir system, first and later also in Bolthole and Taurus.

In short, this cheaper vessel was a modified ferry short JumpShip, with an HNPPC spinal mounted, 12 LPL in dual mode, and four Killer Whales in single shot tubes. Taurians being Taurians, these were in reality, Peacemakers. Since they suffered from the same limitations as the ferries – aka, imprecise and short jump, only a few were constructed to help patrol the system. But to act, as a single system patrol and as a first line of defense, they were good enough. Contributing in no small part to their efficiency was the fact that their existence was not publicly known with only few people outside of the high ranking officers being informed. They were only deployed to the Taurus system, Bolthole, and to the Coromodir system and with no official existence.