Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 111 - 112

Chapter 111 - 112

Two and a half months after the Revenants left for the Outworlds Alliance, news arrived - via TMI - that the Alliance Military Corps (AMC) had executed an operation against the Clans on Rushaven. Information was sparse, only that some of the best ASF units had participated, and there had been no news since.

This was obviously an operation with political components and it was likely that someone important in the AMC or in the government did not want to wait for the help of the Concordat and show that they were more than able to solve the matter by themselves.

It seems that something didn't go right, as no more news came until the Revenants arrived on Alpheratz.

Reinforced by ASF units from the AMC, the Revenants and the Wolf's Dragoons arrived at Rushaven, where they found a mystery.

At the Zenith Jump point was the wreckage of a battle, which included many ASFs, 6 DropShips and two JumpShips, The strangest thing was that the Clanners had pulled out of the system, and taken the core of the local HPG with them.

An exhaustive survey of the battlefield, indicated that they had lost about a hundred ASFs, all conventional models since no wreckage of OmniFighters was to be found. The remains of the DropShips and JumpShips were part of the AMC forces that had tried to liberate the system a few months earlier.

The Goliath Scorpion had also collected anything useful, leaving only wreckage.

Risin, Dneiper and Prinis Prime had also been evacuated by the Clanners, which had taken not only the HPGs but also everything they could remove from what little industry there was.

The Clanners having left the Outworlds Alliance, it was decided, after some discussions, that the Taurians and Dragoons would stay for six months training of the AMC forces, but would not go on a possibly futile quest to find out where the Goliath Scorpions had gone.

Meanwhile, four of the six Pintos that had come with the expeditionary force were sold to Outworlds Alliance, creating an embryonic naval force that would aid in the defense of the nation. The remaining WarShips and JumpShips went through Quatre Belle, which had finally entered service, receiving some maintenance.

Meanwhile, in the Taurian Concordat, the marriage of Antony Calderon to Sara Arano Bassot had taken place in Taurus on September 12, 3063, bringing together the two most powerful families in the Concordat. 

Because the wedding of our children represented a shift in the balance of power in Concordat, exceptional security measures were taken so that nothing would interfere with the ceremony. Fortunately, everything went well, and it was a dignified ceremony with evident popular support.

Interestingly, it was the opposition itself that carried out an internal purge, removing the most radical elements/ against the new alliance. Clearly the more pragmatic elements of the opposition had won.

And to add further support to this wedding the TCS Thomas Calderon (former SLS Bismark) entered Taurus orbit during the ceremony, being at least declared ready for service after a lengthy rebuild, modernization and shaking cruise.

Part of the works done on It included facilities for performing as a flagship together with Black Box and Naval Grade ECM suit.

A new WarShip of the same class was already under construction, using much of what the Taurian shipyards had learned during the Thomas Calderon operation.