Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 78 - 79

Chapter 78 - 79

Lothian League

Lothario System

February 23, 3054

Zenith Jump-Point

Eight JumpShips suddenly emerged, transporting the I Legio of the Mario Hegemony. Caesar Sean O'Reilly believed in going for the jugular, so he had decided to start the invasion of the Lothian League by directly invading the capital world, thinking that after securing Lothario, conquering the rest of the League would be little more than mopping up.

After a year and half of constant raiding, he was confident that the enemy forces were exhausted, even if the number of mercenary units under Lothian colors had been superior to what was expected.

However, less than half an hour of the emergence, just as the DropShips had formed and started to move itowards the distant capital planet, the alarms sounded – an emergence jump-point was detected almost on top of his forces.

What emerged was a WarShip, one that immediately launched four big spheroid DropShips, easily bigger than the only Overlord of the I Legio, and a continuous number of ASFs.

On all frequencies the same message was heard – 'This is Space Master Adam Ostergaard of the Taurian Navy. The Lothian League is under our protection. Surrender (pause) or be destroyed.'

TCS Zarantha Calderon Bridge

'Don't be stupid, power down…'

'You said something Ensign?'

'No Sir. Sir, they are accelerating in our direction!'

'So, you chose Death. So be it. All ships, open fire.'

The first ship hit was the Overlord Maximus, flagship of the Marion Hegemony Expeditionary Force. Stricken by 3 Naval Lasers 55, it lost power immediately, venting atmosphere from several places. It was quickly followed by two Unions, hit by several NAC/30 shells, while two Triumphs and another Union were hit by several Killer Whale, fired by the two Lee PW.

During this time, the 32 ASFs from the I Legio were targeted by 52 Heavy ASFs, a mix of Hell Duck, Vulcan 6N and Thunderbird D36b, all loaded with AAM. Even before they got in range, the Marian Fighters were all killed, each hit by two or more Arrow IV missiles, while the lighter ASFs, Sabre 27b and Dragonfly MM-3 stayed behind guarding the Taurian Fleet.

'This is not a battle, it is a massacre.'

'You are right, Ensign, but it was their choice, I asked then to surrender. They decided to attack.'

'Sir, the radio. They are asking to surrender.'

'Put me on.'


'Reduce the relative speed to zero and shutdown your engines. Prepare to be boarded. Any resistance will be dealt with deadly force.'

'Well, I see that our ground-ponders friends are going to be disappointed.'

'Navy Rules, Sir.'

'Navy Rules, indeed.'