Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 69 - 70

Chapter 69 - 70

The Federated Commonwealth, sick of the pirate attacks launched from the Tortuga Dominions, finally decided to settle the matter once and for all.

The Lexington Combat Group brigade was sent, with extensive support from CV DropShips, assault DropShips, the first Pocket WarShips built in the FC - Overlord A-3 - and the two Mako Corvettes, that fortunately had just undergone a complete refit.

A large group of space marines, special forces, and several tug-class DropShips were also sent.

A force perhaps excessive to eliminate pirates, even considering the size of the groups that operated from Tortuga, but the AFFC Navy took advantage of the occasion and the fact that it was a relatively low intensity operation, far from the usual opponents eyes, to test new doctrines and gain much needed combat experience.

Note: Because in this AU the collaboration between the FC and the DC don't exist (no Clan invasion so far) the Overlord A-3 has 2 AR-10 tubes instead of 1 AR-10 and 1 Kraken-T.

The operations started with almost simultaneous emergence at both Nadir and Zenith jump-points of Tortuga Prime. At each site, one Mako Corvette accompanied by an Invader JumpShip carrying 1 Overlord A-3, 1 Avenger and 1 Leopard CV exited hyperspace and quickly took control of the present JumpShips and the few forces that the pirates had locally.

Two hours later, the rest of the invading force emerged at the Nadir jump-point, and immediately headed for Tortuga Prime III.

Even though the operations at the jump-points was very favorably to the Federated Commonwealth, at least one pirate JumpShip was stationed at a pirate jump-point, very close to the planet and because they detected the invasion in time, managed to escape.

The rest, even if they fought viciously and with the energy of despair, knowing well what was waiting for them, had no chance. The mercenary unit in charge of this operation had recently modernized their equipment, and easily won total space and air superiority. Paula Trevaline's body was taken from the wreckage of her Banshee, Lady Death.

This situation was repeated in the other five systems of Tortuga Dominions - Morgan's Holdfast, New Port Royal, Fletcher's Feast, New Hati and New Gascony. For some obvious reasons, the few pirates that escaped each time did not alert their fellow groups in the other systems of the Dominion, preferring to depart to distant and safer places at full speed, rather than facing once more the Federated forces (I guess this is what you get when you use a hammer to smash a nut with a sinking morale). In the end, only 3 JumpShips carrying half a dozen DropShips escaped destination unknown. Several thousands of slaves were liberated, about a dozen JumpShips and two dozen DropShips were captured in diverse state, some needed parts and a tender ship with skilled technicians to be operational again, but that could be arranged.

Note: In this AU, there was no 'clean-up' operation in 3042, executed by 9th FedCom RCT – at that time the FC was distracted with the HPG Crisis. And as such, Paula Trevaline is the leader of the pirates in 3051, when this operation is executed.

Following up, several regiments of militia / second rate units took home on the just conquered planets, and a half supported program of colonizing the 6 systems started with some terraforming and water purification systems being delivered.

How does the Taurian Concordat know about this ?

During the last decade the ex-agents of MIM that moved to the Reach had started a school in seduction, compromising and infiltration, to be attended by selected members of the Reach Intelligence – very beautiful woman with the right mentality. This school was later expanded to the full Taurian Concordat, and a full collaboration with TMI started.

One of the best results was the seduction and subsequent compromising of a high level clerk with very high classified clearance in New Avalon. The information of said source was transmitted back to the Concordat via selected JumpShips of the growing Taurian commercial fleet, that routinely visit the Federated Commonwealth.