Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 33 - 34

Chapter 33 - 34

A few days later, in the Calderon's palace.

'So unless you have access to the file structure I found in New Dallas data core, it will take years to extract the information in a usable way, while we have it fully available and perfectly organized.' My report on Helm datacore concluded this way, before the incredulous eyes of Edward and Thomas Calderon.

'I still can't believe the amount of information this finding has...' Edward said in a dreamy tone 'it will enable us to raise our nation technologically almost to the level of the Terran Hegemony at their best.'

'It's not that easy as unfortunately we don't have the necessary funds to build everything' replied Thomas.

'How is the investigation on the HPG we discovered in 3021 going?' I asked.

After a look between the two Calderon, Edward replied, 'We have managed to replicate it, having now two more operational. The cost is astronomic, as the most complex parts have to be handmade by highly skilled technicians and the failure rate is really high, but I think that with the information this new database has it will be easier from now on. This is extremely secret, of course'.

'Hmmmm, I bet that next year, if the invasion of 'our' neighbors continues at this rate, Comstar will find some excuse to interdict Davion.' Before the astonished eye of both Calderon, I explained 'The First Circuit likes the situation to remain as it has been until now, with all the Inner Sphere nations carefully balanced, something that a final victory of Davion over Liao would spoil. A ban would be a way to not only interrupt the conquest, but to cause tremendous damage to Davion economy'. Hanse and Katrina would be particularly sensitive to a proposal that would give them the means to circumvent future Tiepolo's interventions. And they would pay almost any price we ask, giving us not only the means for a major Concordat reform, but also focusing all of Comstar attention on them and the source of their new HPG research, which would give us some time to build safely our projects.'

'Interesting in theory, but your entire plan is based on Tiepolo's interdicting Hanse in the coming year.' Thomas countered 'for the moment this is just a theory.'

'Hey, plans for the future are based on possible events most of the time. I'm no fortune-teller, but I think it's a good probability.' And I've only read about a zillion books and fan fictions about this universe, duh 'After all, we won't have to do anything if there isn't an interdiction. Anyway, as long as hostilities last, it's best to stay alert and to not create waves.'

'By the way, I want you to start production of the Marauder II at VMI. The TDF would greatly benefit from having a local supply of Assault 'Mechs.' said Thomas.

'I'm sorry Thomas, but the company has no funds available for that, as you well know. With the new productions we just started, we stretched our funds to the limit, if not beyond them. But, if you want that, I can propose a way. The government gives VMI a loan, one with a low interest and long term payment, enough to pay for that production line and about half the cost of the DHS one. Let's say that then the TDF puts an order for the first two years of production from both lines, apart from a dozen DHS a month for my Revenants. This way, VMI shall be able to produce your monster toys with a bonus, that is upgrading the Marauder II Heat Sinks and giving it an extra pair of Medium Lasers' I counter-offered.

Edward trembled, but Thomas nodded. 'If it's the only way, I'll have to open the purse strings.' he said grudgingly.

'What about the production of systems for purifying the atmosphere and producing potable water?' Edward asked 'Are the models and techniques described in this database technically and economically feasible for us?'

'I think so, but they're not in my area of expertise.' was my answer 'You will have to consult both technicians and financiers, people that might keep it secret.'

'Well, now that these business are done, only missing the ceremony of your investiture as a Count and you're receiving the control of the system of New Vandenberg.' said Thomas calmly.

'Wait, what ?' was my only answer, looking perplexed to both.

'Politics, I'm afraid' Edward clarified ' You are already well-connected in the military-industrial complex, you are also a strong voice supporting the detente with the Davions and were instrumental in the re-alignment of the Aurigans with us. Not counting what you have provided the Concordat, WarShips, datacores, HPGs. You are also the noble with the most powerful independent military force. After the Shraplen case, we need a proof of support for the detente and you are already know to support this position of mine. The last governor of New Vandenberg was a close ally of Shraplen, so the position is now open and you are one of our best choices.'

'So, you are rewarding me to provide you with better allies?' I said after a few moments, and after seeing both looking at me 'i can do that.' 

Now, if only I had some free time to visit Coromodir and Kamea… but unfortunately my very busy schedule didn't allow that for a few months. I hoped Kamea wasn't going to be unhappy and that she would understand.

Predictable, for me that is, the first training mission that put the GDL against the first Revenants battalion ended with a defeat to Vasseur. 

While his unit was made of former Taurian Guards veterans and half his 'Mechs were Royals, they were neither prepared for the tactical brilliance of Grayson, nor for the clearly unorthodox use of anti-'Mech infantry tactics that he had unleashed on the unaware first battalion.

I just hoped that they could learn fast and that there would no bad feelings from their defeats while they were learning.