Exchanging stern glances, all of them were prepared to start everything, to initiate the end of this monster's cruel reign over the whole continent.
Starting by taking June and her daughters to the Cathedral, Melanie was showing her usual cheery grin as they were all alone in the building.
"Thank you so much for inviting us as well, I was getting bored at home, Minnie," June smiled, eyes searching for the bishop but he was nowhere.
"Really? Why? I thought your husband returned," Melanie continued grinning, scratching the back of her head.
"Yes but he is extremely busy, he went to see My Lord. I sometimes wish he could spend more time with us." She sighed sadly, taking a seat, allowing the kids to run around as it was empty anyways.
"Ever since he had taken over Delphia, Xerxes barely had time and I understand that too…"
Suppressing her tears, she lowered her head as her husband's disappearance began to sting her immensely.