Flashback to years ago.

Ark meets Zesh and Aza-


Rouke walked through a ravaged village with Ark, surveying the destruction left by the government.


Ark: "This is terrible to see, Rouke. I know your vision showed you that two Anointed ones were here, but... everyone is dead."


Rouke: "Unfortunately, that seems to be the case. Their leader, Orzhen, was a great man of God. Although reckless at times, he kept his people alive for years. I Anointed the two young ones here just a few weeks ago. God has never had me Anoint anyone, only for them to die shortly after. This doesn't make sense."


Ark: "Well, we can keep searching, maybe..."


Suddenly, explosions echoed from a distance.


Rouke: "Wait a minute, that attack... it looks like it's in the direction of our camp. We have to go."


Ark: "I mean, Adon and the others are there. They should be fine."


Rouke: "No, we need to leave now. We can't risk any more deaths."


Ark: "But Rouke, we—"


Rouke: "Let's go!"


They hastily left the area and arrived at the camp, where Adon was fighting off demons while channeling his Anointing. Rouke swiftly intervened, slicing down a demon about to attack the women. Ark unleashed his Anointing, summoning two electronic sabers around his arms as he sliced through hundreds of demons.


After thirty minutes of intense fighting, the area was finally cleared.


Adon: "I almost had them all but thank God you guys came. I couldn't protect everyone... hehe."


Rouke: "Yeah, we need to move camp tomorrow."


Adon: "Where are the two Anointed?"


Rouke: "They're... "


Ark: "We don't know if they're dead, Rouke. Maybe—"


Rouke: "ARK! They're dead. I failed them, and I failed Orzhen. You and Adon can return to your tribes tomorrow. I have to get back to the Northern Edge to ensure my Anointed are okay."


Adon: "If that's your order, I understand."


Ark: "Rouke, you're not being rational. You're acting out of anger. We still have a mission. We need to head towards Ryuten Town. There's valuable intel from a source there."


Rouke: "I'll go with Gavon after I check on my village."


Ark: "You don't have to go alone. That's pride, and—"


Rouke: "Enough, Ark! I have no interest in hearing your opinions. There are other matters to tend to. Genjo could be attacking anywhere at any moment."


Rouke walked toward his tent, instructing the guards, "Clear these demon bodies, burn them, and check on the villagers."


Adon: "I can't imagine how Rouke feels. He always has so much pressure on him. His responsibility is both a burden and a blessing."


Ark: "He's the opposite of Ezon. He's panicking and showing a lack of leadership."


Adon: "What do you feel, Ark?"


Ark: "I want to go check the village, just to ease my mind. My discernment feels like there's something we missed."


Adon: "Follow your heart and see if your feeling is right."


Ark: "I will. I'll leave tonight."


Adon: "The Lord is with us, my friend." He gave Ark an elbow shake. "By the way, don't head to Ryuten alone. We don't know if that source is legit."


Ark: "Sure, sure. See you later, Adon."


Later that night, Ark arrived back at Orzhen's village. He walked over the rubble, using his arm technology to create spider bots that scanned the area. After a few hours of searching, a bot picked up a metal signal underground.


Spiderbot: "Door detected with underground tunnel."


Ark rushed to the area and created a drill, hitting the metal and discovering a hidden tunnel. He jumped into the tunnel.


Boti 3: "We have approximately seven miles until we reach the bottom, Master Ark."


Ark: "Crap, let's create a quicker form of transportation."


Ark used his Anointing to create a small hoverboard.


Ark (to himself): "This is impressive. How did the villagers die above? They could have been hidden away down here. Something's off."


Ark reached the bottom, where he found a sealed door. He created a drill to push through the door.


As the door opened, a figure emerged.


"So, you've come for my two Anointed,"


Ark's eyes widened in shock. "What? This is impossible... Orzhen? You're alive?"


Orzhen doesn't respond. 


Havibot scanning: "His ears are bleeding it seems he is no longer capable of hearing anything, also his vision is currently at seven percent out of a hundred percent, it seems he was blinded as well although temporary."


Ark: "This isn't good."


Aza: "He threw us down here when the village was attacked. He hasn't let us move at all. The robot is right; he can't hear at all and can barely see."


Ark: "Who are you young ones?"


Aza: "I'm Aza, and this is Zesh."


Havibot scans: "She has the Anointing of Jael, and the boy has the Anointing of Joseph, the dreamer."


Ark, in shock but happy: "I knew you two were alive! I felt it." He steps forward, reaching out his hand.


Orzhen, seeing a blurry image of a demon, grips Ark's hand aggressively.


Orzhen: "I'll say this one more time. Stay away from my Anointed!" He punches Ark with an uppercut to his chin, sending him flying through the ground to the surface.


Ark lands on the ground, rubbing his chin.


Ark: "Dang it, that one hurt! Almost took my head off."


Orzhen jumps through the hole and jumps to the surface...


Orzhen: (Mid Air)"You'll die here, you demon! You've already taken everything from me. You will not take my students from me. This is all I have left... Annnnnnoooo, Ishbael!" He charges straight towards Ark.


Ark yells out to him, but Havibot reminds him:


Havibot: "Remember, Master Ark, he cannot hear you or see you. However, maybe with your Anointing, you can craft a hearing aid to place in his ear."


Ark: "Good idea; however, with his Anointing it will be hard. From what Rouke has told me, he's a close-range warrior. In order to craft, I'm going to need time... BRACE FOR IMPACT!"


Ark swiftly conjured an instant shield, deflecting Orzhen's powerful punch. Seizing the opening, Ark unleashed two swift, precision-guided punches that connected with a loud crack.


As Orzhen stumbled back, Ark's left hand began to morph into a gleaming, metallic cannon. With a fierce battle cry, Ark launched a blast of energy that barely missed Orzhen, who had dodged to the side at the last second.


Undeterred, Orzhen countered with a lightning-fast kick to Ark's chest, sending him flying backward. In a blur of motion, Orzhen seized Ark's neck, lifted him off the ground, and hurled him across the battlefield.


Reappearing behind Ark, Orzhen unleashed a devastating dropkick. However, Ark, anticipating the attack, snatched Orzhen's leg mid-air and transformed his right hand into a colossal hammer.


With a deafening crash, Ark slammed the hammer down, sending Orzhen's leg flying in the opposite direction. Unfazed, Ark clasped his hands together, merging them into an enormous, radiant cannon.


"WABOOOOM!" The air shook as Ark unleashed a colossal blast of energy that sent Orzhen soaring backward, his body vanishing into the distance. 


Ark quoted the scripture, "So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong... Annnnnnnnooooo, King Solomon!"


As he began to say, "Okay, let's try to create this hearing aid... Sm3-Wisdom of build ear—"


BOOOOMMMM! Orzhen suddenly struck Ark mid-sentence, his relentless assault catching him off guard.


Ark stumbled back, assessing his situation. "What's my power glove percentage? I've been using them a lot today."


Havibot provided the update, "It seems you are at thirteen percent on your power gloves, Master Ark."


Ark nodded, "Okay, time to play chess, not checkers." He yelled, "Sm1, Shock Cage!"


A massive cage materialized around Orzhen, electrifying him as he tried to jump. The electricity pulled him down, sealing him within. The top of the cage closed, encasing Orzhen.


Ark said, "Sorry, Orzhen, but I've got to finish the earpiece."


Orzhen's voice echoed from within the cage, "Sm3—Beheaded Judgements!"


Suddenly, he vanished, leaving Ark shocked. "What happened?"


Orzhen suddenly reappeared directly in front of Ark, his head materializing face-to-face with him. Ark's eyes widened in shock.


Before he could react, Orzhen's body began to reappear slowly. His fist emerged first, cocked back and ready to strike. With a loud "WABAM!" Ark's entire face armor cracked under the impact.


Orzhen followed up with a swift kick to Ark's stomach, sending him crashing to his knees.


Ark groaned, "Dang it, this is a lot."


Orzhen yelled, "Die, demon!" as he sliced at Ark's neck.


However, Ark's body suddenly dissipated, revealing it was just a robot clone.


From a distance, the real Ark observed, "Good thing he didn't notice that it was just a robot clone. Plan worked. Earpiece done."


Ark inquired, "How in the world did he detach his head and reappear?"


Havibot replied, "Based on his scriptural history, he was beheaded, and his head was sent to King David."


Ark: "Ah, I see – one of those associations Anointed. Interesting."


Meanwhile, Orzhen cried out in desperation, "Help me, Father! I need you, Jesus! Please, God, I can't see or hear!"


Havibot crawled up Orzhen's leg and gently inserted the new earpiece into his ear.


Orzhen suddenly heard his own screams and realized, "Wait, Jesus, you healed me! Thank you, Lordddddddd!"


Ark approached him, saying, "Well, yes and no, Orzhen."


Orzhen, still disoriented, readied himself to attack, but then recognized Ark. "Wait, it's Master Ark of New Babylon!"


Orzhen's expression changed from hostility to confusion. "Wait, what? You couldn't help me with the demon I was just fighting? And what do you mean 'yes and no'? Jesus just healed me!"


Ark explained, "Well, that's part of my Anointing, which is King Solomon, given by Jesus, so yeah. By the way, you just killed a cloned robot version of myself. Once I put you in the shock cage, I made a clone to give myself time to make the earpiece. I felt you would break out, but losing your head... sheesh."


Orzhen's priorities shifted, and he asked, "My two students, where are they?"


Aza replied, "Here, Orzhen!"


Orzhen rushed to hug them, tears of joy streaming down his face. "Oooo, I've missed you so much!"


Zesh added, "We're over here, Orzhen."


Orzhen hugged them tightly, overcome with emotion.


As they reunited, Ark informed Orzhen, "Master Rouke thought you all were dead, so he's headed back to the Northern Edge this morning."


Orzhen's expression turned to disappointment. "Rouke just gave up that easily? Hmmm, I see. We can let him know we're alive."


Ark pauses, "Don't worry I'll send one of my birds to inform him. Unless you're going back to Rouke's camp?"


Orzhen inquired, "Where are you headed, Ark?"


Ark replied, "Back to my tribe. We have a base set up near Broken Coast. What about you?"


Orzhen resolved, "Well, now I've got to head to Ryuten Village. They have my people prisoner. I may not be able to see, but I can hear and fight now. Thank you, Ark."


Ark cautioned, "Ryuten Village? I was going to go there as well, but do you want to risk taking these two? I've heard there's a powerful Cursed one commanding demons there."


Orzhen: "Maybe you can help me, Ark."


Ark: "There is intel that I could possibly use, but it's risky."


Aza, tears streaming down her face, pleaded, "Please, Master Ark, they have my mom and dad. Please, we must free them."


Zesh added, "Aza's parents have been the closest thing to family I've had. Please, help."


Ark nodded, "Okay, I will. But I need to use the downstairs bunker to create a small army to help us. Plus, I want to create a thermal eye scanner for you, Orzhen, so you can see again. We'll make our move in three days. I also want to know more about these two Anointings."


Aza and Zesh hugged Ark, thanking him. "Thank you for coming back for us and Orzhen."


Orzhen declared, "From this day forward, I swear my loyalty to you, Master Ark."


Ark smiled, "I don't need that title. We can be great allies; that's enough for me."


As the days passed, Ark worked tirelessly in the bunker, creating thousands of combat-ready robots. He also delved deeper into understanding Zesh and Aza's Anointings.


Finally, Ark presented Orzhen with a thermal scanner that fit over his eye, allowing him to see thermal signatures of people's bodies. Overjoyed, Orzhen hugged Ark, grateful to have his sight restored.


Aza walked into the room, curiosity on her face. "What's this you're making?


Ark: "This is yours; it's a metal hammer that shifts, similar to my power gloves."


Aza: "Power gloves?"


Ark: "The gloves you see me create everything with are infused with my Anointing. It allows me to create anything, shifting my gloves into mostly weapons. Your Anointing creates a spiritual form of a hammer, but this physical form will allow you to minimize how much you condense the power uses. When you summon your hammers, it takes twenty percent off your spirit gauge; now, it will be encased in this metal hammer, reducing it to five percent."


Aza: "Wowwwww, that's awesome!"


Ark: "Zesh is an extreme talent; I'm still trying to think of how to enhance his ability to see before things happen. He'll be a great prodigy, not to mention he's extremely intelligent. He told me he didn't know his mother but knew his father. His father sold him to the government once he discovered his Anointing. Shortly after, Orzhen broke you all out of a base and raised you in his village."


Ark: "Zesh told me you were all he had as friends and family, and that he always stayed at your tent because your mom and dad could cook the best Nigerian food he's ever had."


Aza: "Yup, that's my little brother; I always wanted one. I'll always protect him."


Ark: "Good, that's what big sisters do."


Orzhen: "Hey, Master Ark, I've got at least fifty men willing to fight with us. They're outside the village now."


Ark: "Great, we attack Ryuten Village tomorrow. By the way, here's the armor I made for you three."


Orzhen: "Thanks, brother; the Lord is with us."


Zesh: "From what I gathered, there are 2000 demons and one Cursed. The Cursed seems to be more of a strategist, less of a fighter."


Aza: "How did you get that information, Zesh?"


Zesh: "Me and Havibot snuck in last night and scoped the place."


Everyone was shocked by Zesh's revelation.


Zesh: "There's also a prison built underground. They're feeding humans to Leviathans."


All shocked


Aza grabs Zesh, "My mom and dad, did you see them?"


Ark sternly told Zesh, "Don't you ever in your life make a move that risky. You could have been killed."


Zesh apologized, "I'm sorry. It's just that I wanted to prove my worth to you all."


Ark cautioned, "Only fools try to prove themselves, Zesh. You must learn to think smart, not act on your own mindset."


Zesh explained, "But I did what you did for us. You said Master Rouke told you to leave us alone, that we were dead, but you came back for us, and now we're here. You inspired me to think bigger."


Ark sighed, "Sometimes our flesh overtakes us. I don't want you to ever allow your flesh to overpower your spirit. Always seek God for the answer."


Orzhen nodded in agreement, "True words spoken, Master Ark."


Zesh understood, "Understood, Master."


Ark concluded, "Now, we rest and get ready for the battle of Ryuten."


Battle of Ryuten-


They arrived at Ryuten Village the next morning. Orzhen whispered, "Here we go, Ark. You ready?"


Ark nodded, "I'll send all the robots ahead of us as we infiltrate the inside. From what I can discern, there are no elite demons up here, at least. Maybe inside the mountain, as Zesh said, there's a Leviathan."


He turned to Aza and Zesh, "You two stay alongside us at all times."


Zesh received his instructions, "Once we enter, there will be laser wire traps. We'll need you to call them out as we head through the security until we enter the volcano."


Zesh nodded, "Yes, sir."


Ark touched his arm scanner to send the bots to invade, but a voice interrupted, "Great plan, but unfortunately, you've been outsmarted, Ark."


They turned to see a huge demon appear behind them.


The group was shocked and caught off guard. When they awoke, they found themselves hanging upside-down in a huge mountain with fire burning below.


Ark exclaimed, "No! How did they know we were coming?"


Looking down, they saw Ark's robots being thrown into the fire. The fifty men who came to fight were tied up and being pushed towards the flames.


Orzhen pleaded, "No, wait! Leave those men alone! They're innocent!"


The demon lord, Kyche, sneered, "Innocent, you say? Hahaha! No, no, no! They were aligned with you. Fools who thought they had a chance!"


The demons pushed the fifty men into the volcanic fire, killing them all. The group was horrified.


Orzhen shouted, "Noooo! What the heck!?"


Kyche introduced himself, "Well, my name is Lord Kyche, and I'm the commander of this operation. Ark, you have information I need. I know you came here for intel, but I'm a man of deals."


Ark refused, "Never. I will never work with you."


Kyche sneered, "I thought you'd say that. That's why I gave you an example of those fifty pathetic soldiers. But I have a lot more to negotiate. For instance, these two young Anointed..." He lowered their chains.


Ark and Orzhen shouted in unison, "Nooooooooo!"


Orzhen pleaded, "Take me, Cursed one! Leave the kids alone!"


Kyche replied, "Awwww, sorry. Seems Ark won't work with me, so it's all three of you."


Ark yelled, "No! What do you want, Kyche?"


Kyche revealed his intentions, "So, what I'm looking for is located near Broken Coast. Here's the problem: Lady Hela's base is built over this hidden artifact. I need you to give me the exact hidden coordinates and allow me entry into the base so I can attack without losing my soldiers."


Ark refused again, "Never. Are you stupid, Kyche?"


Kyche sneered, "Okay, okay, sorry. Let me help even more. Bring out the Anointed's parents!"


Aza and Zesh were in terror and shock. Kyche sneered, "So, I want you to use emotions here. Maybe if you watch them suffering and crying, it will make you think more... hahaha."


Demons pushed Aza's parents towards the fire. Aza cried out, "Pleeeeease, Master Ark, please! That's my mom and dad! Please!"


Aza's mom reassured her children, "It's okay, don't worry, my daughter and son. I love both of you. Master Ark, please don't tell him it's not worth it."


Kyche ordered, "Hey, doesn't matter to me. Push them."


Aza and Zesh screamed, "Nooooooooooo!"


Just as Aza's mom was about to fall, her husband jumped in front of her. As he started to fall off, he said, "Bye, my son and daughter. I love you. To my wife, Akalaya, I love you."


Everyone screamed and cried. Aza yelled, "Please, Master Ark, not my mother! Pleeeeease!"


Orzhen urged Ark, "Ark, you have to. I know it's terrible, but we have to."


Kyche gloated, "Push her!"


Ark pleaded, "Wait!"


Kyche taunted, "Yayyyy! Good job, Ark! Let them down. Bring Ark in front of me."


Ark painfully gave all the information needed to keep Aza and the others safe. After a few minutes, Ark walked toward the others. When he arrived, he saw Aza hugging her mother, then she said:


"Mom, remember our famous line?"


Her mother replied, "Yeah, of course."


Aza asked, "Say it, Mom. It's always reassuring."


But her mom hesitated to say it. Aza noticed, "Wait, Mom, what's wrong? Is it because Father is gone?"


Aza's mom struggled to respond. Aza reassured her, "Don't worry, we will kill those demons in due time."


Aza looked up, and her eyes widened in horror as her mother's face transformed into a demon's.


"What?! Noooooo! How?! Where's my mom?"


Zesh yelled, "Aza, duck nowwwwww!"


Aza ducked just in time as the demon, disguised as her mother, swung its blade, aiming to slice her head off.


Aza screamed, "Noooooo! How?"


Ark glared at Kyche, his eyes blazing with anger. "Noooo! Those were never her parents!"


Kyche burst into laughter. "Gotta love artifacts! Hahaaaaaaa! It was just an illusion! We're outta here! I've got places to invade! Demons, kill them all! Until the future, Ark... until the future! Hahaaaaaa!"


Kyche summoned a massive Leviathan from the lava. The beast opened its mouth, and Kyche walked in, accompanied by a few demons.


"We're going straight to Broken Coast, Ark!"


Orzhen and the others fought bravely as Aza remained frozen in shock.


Ark suddenly grabbed Aza, lifting her onto a hovercraft. "We must go nowww!"


Zesh spotted the huge elite demon that had captured them. Enraged, he sprinted towards the demon.


Ark yelled, "Zesh, no! Don't!"


Demons surrounded Zesh, but he drew his sword, dodging and ducking every hit. With a fierce cry, he plunged his hand into the elite demon's chest, ripping out its heart and killing it instantly.


More demons closed in on Zesh, but Orzhen intervened, taking them down with swift, powerful punches.


Ark created a small plane, and they quickly boarded it, escaping the chaos below.


As they escaped the mountain, the group was shrouded in shock and disbelief. Ark's voice was laced with urgency, "We must go to Broken Coast. Kyche will kill everyone there. Zesh once again I worry about your recklessness."

Zesh: "Forgive me Master Ark I'm beyond angry."


Ark's voice was barely above a whisper, his words dripping with regret, "I'm so sorry... what have I done Hela?"


The weight of his betrayal hung in the air, a palpable force that seemed to suffocate them all. Ark's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing with a mix of anger and disappointment.


The scene faded to black, the sound of arks anguished whisper lingering in the darkness. The face of Master Ark, once a beacon of hope and strength, now contorted in a mixture of shock, despair, and betrayal.


The words "The Face of a Traitor" echoed in the silence, a haunting reminder of the devastating consequences of Ark's actions. The fate of Broken Coast, and the lives of its people, hung precariously in the balance.


Scene switches back to the Dark Tournament:

Aza's eyes filled with rage, "My Mother, My father, now my beloved little brother. I have nothing left."