Rouke, Gavon, Tega, and Vojim approach Northern Edge after two long days of traveling.Gavon jokingly tells Rouke, "It would have been awesome if you could have teleported us here instead of this long journey."Rouke rebuttals, "We needed that time to discuss Master Vojim's intentions. Now we're well aware of his mission.

"Upon arriving, they reach Northern Edge's gates, and Rouke yells up to the guards, "Open the gates!"

"Disciple Rin sees Vojim and approaches him, "Well, well, my friend! Am I glad to see you still alive! Master Rouke, please remove the cuffs from his hands.""This is one of the great apocalyptic warriors," Disciple Rin says. "I'm not sure if you know, Master Rouke, but this man was the second to receive his anointing after Master Ezon."Vojim replies, "No worries, my great friend. They had every reason not to trust me. I was working with a cursed to get here, so I understand their concern. But we had a lot of discussions on the way, and I'm sure we have an understanding now."

Lady Vena of New Hampshire approaches alongside Disciple Kion. "I've heard the problem has been taken care of, Master Rouke," she says. "I must say, we truly appreciate you as a great leader

Rouke nods..

Disciple Kion, shocked to see Vojim, exclaims, "I never thought I'd see my master again! The man, the myth, the legend. I'd heard rumors you were still alive, but seeing you now, I'm more than grateful. We have much to catch up on."Rouke implies, "I'm glad you're all reunited, but there are more pressing matters at hand. Unfortunately, Genjo appeared before me, protecting his cursed. There was a kid, named Kyll, around Khayjin and Zeyta's age. He's extremely powerful; I'm sure Vojim can explain his abilities.""According to my information," Rouke continues, "the cursed have become more powerful than ever. We need to hear Master ezons message,Which Vojim carries to determine our next strategies."Kari nods, "We'll meet in one hour at the hall." As she unlocks Vojim's cuffs, Vojim smiles slightly and says, "Thank you."

Everyone disperses, and as Vojim walks by, he gazes directly at Khayjin and Zeyta. He tells Rouke, "I want these two young anointed at the meeting, alongside Gavon and Tega."Rouke responds, "As you wish master vojim.

Thirty minutes before the meeting, Gavon approaches Khayjin and Zeyta. "So, did you guys use my little device? Hope the Havie bot came in handy?

Havie-A small drone type device that can record footage and send back to a monitor. 

Khayjin replies, "Of course, we watched you two and 'Chicken Bone Man' fighting that bloodlust weirdo. All I could think was, 'This is way out of our league.' If Zeyta and I went there, we'd have died in minutes. I've rewatched it at least 70 times in the last two days. I wonder if we can ever be that strong."

Gavon responds, "Look at it this way: Tega and I have no anointings, but our skill is exceptional. We've mastered discernment and fighting skills. If you two master those as well, you can definitely be elite."Zeyta nods, "Yes, we must be determined and focused. If we do, I believe we'll surpass you two

Tega chuckles, "I don't know about that one, lol."

Gavon smiles, "You never know; it would be awesome to see. But what I've learned from our training is that the cursed are doing the same thing. That kid we fought was as strong as some elite demons."We've encountered. Khayjin asks, "So, is the 'Chicken Bone Man' really the second person to ever receive his anointing?"

Tega confirms, "Yes. On our way back, he shared many stories. But the big thing is Master Ezon's message. According to Vojim, it's going to be life-changing."Tega glances at the time. "Well, time to head to the meeting. Let's go, you guys."

They arrive at the meeting, and the leaders take their seats. Disciple Kion offers an opening prayer.Vojim notices Khayjin and Zeyta and beckons them. "Come here, you two. I've met Tega and Gavon; they're extremely gifted soldiers, even without powers. What about you two? What anointings do you possess?"Zeyta replies, "I have the anointing of Deborah, the warrior-judge from the Bible. I can summon two blessed swords and harness kinetic energy from them for ranged attacks."Vojim nods impressed. "And you, boy?" He looks at Khayjin, who's dozing off.Zeyta slaps Khayjin awake. Khayjin rubs his eyes, "Well, um, I have the anointing of Samson...

"Vojim continues, "I need to assess their capabilities. From what I read, they're significantly behind power-level-wise compared to the other anointed children from the other tribes.

Everyone is shocked.

Khayjin and Zeyta exclaim in unison, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Vojim reassures, "No worries, we'll work on it. The other tribes face strong foes, and some anointed naturally possess exceptional gifts from day one.""For instance," Vojim continues, "in the Sun-Kissed Lands, there's Raiza, with Moses' anointing. This kid has developed remarkably fast; he's already hunting level 10 demons. He roams the lands, collecting bounties and sending resources back to his village. A true prodigy."

"Then there's Sol, at Broken Coast with Hela," Vojim adds. "He has King David's anointing and defeated a group of bounty hunters when Hela was ill."Vojim concludes, "These kids are extremely gifted, and that's not mentioning the 20-plus others."

Khayjin's eyes widen in alarm, "20 plusssssssssssssss? We're terribleeeee!"

Rouke says, "I've anointed so many when they were babies; I forget they're all getting older now.

"Vojim changes the subject. "Regarding Ezon, last you heard, he was gathering intel on the Seven Deadly Sins, right?"Rouke confirms, "Yes, that was years ago. He'd appear in my dreams with messages, but I haven't heard from him in a while.

He gave me this scroll the day before his attack on the seven deadly sins.I was with him."Vojim summons a skull, and Rouke retrieves the scroll. As it lights up, an audio message plays:

Ezon's voice says, "Hello, apprentice... I hear you're doing well. Unfortunately, I won't return to Shadowlandz for a while. There's a waaaa static.... We must collect the four static... It's not just demons, but static too. Our key to the static d static..... Talk to you all static...cuts out

Rouke looks concerned. "Ezon, wait! What's happening? He mentioned a war and collecting four pieces?"

Vojim nods. "He clearly had a lot to say. We're missing something."

Rouke asks, "Did you gather intel working with the cursed kid, Kyll?"

Vojim shares, "Kyll was my entry point. With his cursed pass, I met him after he killed a village. I noticed his cursed energy and pretended to turn rogue, gaining his trust.""I helped Kyll with missions and gained Genjo's trust," Vojim continues. "He sent me to kill Rouke, but I gathered intel on demonic camps instead."Vojim recalls, "Kyll has a brother, Cyro, in a lab tube. Kyll spoke of enhancing anointings or curses with a powerful piece. Maybe that's relevant."Rouke ponders, "This could be crucial. We need to learn more about Cyro.

Disciple Rin interrupts, "This was the prophecy Master Ezon shared with me years ago in New Babylon... Rouke, when you were younger, Ezon told me you'd need my guidance as your advisor. He said it was because of the Child of Death, who would bring devastation."

Everyone is shocked.

Vojim explains, "As Cyro is young, he'll grow stronger, and Genjo's training will amplify his power. Kyll's bond with his curse makes him powerful. Cursed individuals like Kyll willingly host the curse, creating a symbiotic relationship."

Tega sighs, "What do we do with two powers similar to Kyll?"

Vojim advises, "Training must remain your tribe's focus, Master Rouke. I'll teach you techniques and discernment. There are cursed and demons you're unaware of."

Vojim reveals, "Demons have ranks: Imps (level 1-4), Possessors (1-10), Demon Knights (5-12), Demon Elites (8-15), Strongmen and Leviathans (10-20), and Demon Commanders (20+).

Rouke declares, This is all alarming. "Monday, training begins. We'll prepare for Spirit Trials."

Vojim affirms, "It will be crucial and intense. Young ones be prepared....,now let's strategize our next moves.

Disciple Kion suggests, "This discussion is for leaders only. Gavon, Tega, Zeyta, Khayjin, please leave."Rouke instructs, "Let's decipher more of Ezon's message as well.