Chereads / Percy Jackson and the Curse of Lust / Chapter 28 - Breaking the Curse (Finale)

Chapter 28 - Breaking the Curse (Finale)

Fair Warning: This chapter is about the length of three regular chapters, so keep this in mind when allotting how long it will take to read (7.5k words). 

I woke up with Rachel curled against one of my arms, both of us sweating buckets.

We were already pretty dirty after 'checking for prophecies' for so long the night before, but I didn't expect to be adding to the grime now. It was just so hot inside of the room, pushing ninety at least. Maybe Hawaii wasn't as perfect as it felt yesterday if this was what morning temps were like.

But the heat wasn't what had woken me. That honor went to the pounding at the door.

"Wake up!" came Annabeth's voice.

Something sounded wrong. I jolted up, scrambling for the door. When I pulled it open, I found Annabeth and Emily both waiting there. Emily's hair was matted. She looked worried. Annabeth was breathing heavily.

"Percy," she said, "we need to hurry."

I ducked back inside without a word, getting dressed as quickly as I could. If Annabeth wasn't explaining, that meant she didn't think she had time to.

My bustling woke Rachel, who saw what I was doing and copied me. In under a minute both of us had stumbled into the hallway.

"We got the prophecy," I said. "I think I know who caused all of this."

Annabeth and Emily looked at each other.

"That's good," Annabeth said. "Because we're almost out of time."


The four of us ran through the hotel. A couple of staff members shouted at us as we passed, but we didn't stop or listen. Annabeth led the way down to the first floor, then outside. When we arrived at the hotel pool, the problem was obvious.

Clarisse, Lou Ellen, Valentina and Hylla were laying there in swimsuits, writhing on the tiles beside the water. Artemis was there too, her legs crossed, a grimace on her face. When I got close, I watched the pain on their features fade slightly. But when they all pushed their way to sitting positions, the effort it took was clear.

"The symptoms got more extreme overnight," Annabeth said grimly. "This morning, all of them were like this."

"It's better now that you're close," Lou told me, looking exhausted. "Before, I felt like someone had lit my stomach on fire!"

"I felt like I'd been stabbed," Clarisse said.

"Yeah, well, I felt as if I was taking a four foot cock, and it was pushing my organs aside to make room," Valentina said.

"It is the curse," Artemis said, putting an end to the increasingly-vulgar simile competition.

The goddess's eyes were still shut. She was gripping both of her knees. She had on the same bathing suit as the day before, which was helping her deal with the sweltering heat that was even more intense here than it'd been inside of our room.

"We are out of time," she said gravely. "You have managed to stave off the curse so far, but it was only incubating. Soon, it will become permanent. There would be no getting rid of it for as long as any of you live."

Annabeth laid a hand on my shoulder. "What was the prophecy, Percy?"

Her voice was desperate, with good reason. I recited what Rachel said the night before, making sure I got all of the words right.

When I finished, everyone was quiet. A few glances were snuck toward Valentina, who somehow looked even more uneasy now than when she'd been writhing from the symptoms.

"Love herself…" Annabeth repeated.

"Aphrodite," said the rest of us, even Valentina, though her voice was quiet.

"It struck my hunters when they were nowhere near Percy," Artemis said. "Of course it would be her. The hatred she has of me is no secret."

"When… When you were about to send me back to camp, I prayed to Mom," Valentina said. "I asked her to make sure everything worked out. And then… well, I got cursed. That was the reason I could come along."

"But why?" I asked. "Aphrodite doesn't have a grudge against me. Why would she…?"

"To her, none of this would be a punishment," Annabeth pointed out. "This is just entertainment. She probably thinks she did you a favor."

I gritted my teeth. Look, it wasn't like I hated sleeping with beautiful girls, but when their very lives were on the line I couldn't see that as just some fun. I made some great memories, but that didn't mean I could forgive Aphrodite, either.

Still, even if we knew who to confront, we were out of time.

"It took us over a week to get here," I said. "Aphrodite is on Olympus, back across the entire country. How are we supposed to make it before the curse turns permanent?"

Looking toward the horizon, Artemis said, "I believe there may be a solution."

The heat of the morning turned from hot to nearly unbearable. I started sweating again, and almost summoned the pool water to help me cool off, before stopping when I noticed that it had started to steam. Something glared off its surface, so bright I had to shield my eyes. I heard a voice wail my name.

"Peeeeeeeeeercy!" it screamed, followed by the screech breaks and a deafening bang. 

By the time the brightness faded enough for me to uncover my eyes, I found a bright-red Maserati half buried in the sand nearby. The driver-side door was booted open a second later. Out stepped a very bright, very angry Olympian. 

At the same time, I couldn't help but blink. This was definitely Apollo… and he definitely looked livid… But something was wrong with his appearance, too. 

He was shirtless for one thing, and he wore only one sandal, the other foot being bare. His hair was mussed up, and all along his chest and face, dipping suspiciously low, were lipstick marks.

"I'll kill you!" he roared, pointing at me.

I held my hands up. "Heeey, Apollo. Would you believe me if I said I had no choice?"

He stalked forward, growing brighter with each step.

"It wasn't enough that you touched my sweet, innocent, helpless little sister—"

"Helpless?" Artemis asked dangerously, only to be ignored.

"—you even seduced my Oracle!"

At the end of his sentence, Apollo's eyes caught on fire, looking a little like Ares's burning pits. But, even as livid as he was, I had to say, "I thought you'd be here sooner."

Apollo flinched like I'd pulled his dad's Master Bolt on him. His eyes extinguished themselves.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Well, I did what I had to," I said, "but I knew you wouldn't be happy about it. I honestly thought you would've showed up like this ages ago."

"I wasn't busy!" he said. "I definitely, definitely wasn't preoccupied, especially not by the Graces and their… soft lips and… sweet voices..."

"The Graces are Aphrodite's attendants," Annabeth said. "You slept with them? And they came to you?"

"Of course they did!" Apollo said. "I'm a handsome guy! Women flock to me all the time! Because I'm cool!"

He got pitying looks. It made sense that Aphrodite would want to keep him distracted. If we were her fun, the last thing she needed was for another Olympian to bust in and interrupt the show. But he'd gotten loose, and he was here now to get even.

"Any last words?" Apollo asked me, his bow appearing in his hands and fire returning to his eyes.

I figured there was nothing I could say that would calm him down, so I thought about telling him how good Rachel and Artemis felt, just to get my money's worth. But before I could commit suicide by smart-assery, Artemis acted.

"Don't be that way, brother," she said, surging up and wrapping her arms around him from behind. "It was only a bit of fun."

"No!" Apollo said, although a dopey look was growing on his face. "He… I need to…"

"Brother will always be my favorite!" Artemis said in a voice so cheerful, I couldn't believe it was really coming from her. "Nothing could get in the way of that!"

Apollo shuddered. He dropped his bow and smiled goofily, beginning to giggle. As soon as she saw this, Artemis said, "Go!"

I jolted. The others stood up, adrenaline overcoming the curse's side effects.

"Take the chariot!" Artemis cried. "With that, you can make it!"

"What?" Apollo jolted. "No!"

But, before he could react any more, Artemis squeezed him tighter.

"Now!" she yelled.

We tore off across the sand. When we reached it, the Maserati grew into a Hummer large enough to fit us all. Annabeth drove, while I hopped in the passenger side, the others piling into the back.

Emily stayed outside.

"I think this is as far as I go," she said cheerfully. "Blackbeard offered to show me the seas, and I think I'll take him up on it. Good luck!"

I looked out the windshield at where Artemis was still holding Apollo.

"Go!" pleaded the goddess. "Free my hunters, while I still have him distracted!"

If she had been able to use her full powers right now, she might've been able to fix this for us all on her own, now that we knew Aphrodite was who we had to confront. But even now, she was doing what she could. If we pulled this off, it would be thanks to her.

"We will!" I said. "I promise!"

Emily waved. Annabeth turned the key. Apollo roared as he realized his ride was getting jacked, but Artemis whispered something that made him go slack again. We gunned it into the sky, leaving behind our pirate friends, the hotel, and Hawaii itself.

Next stop: Olympus.


I've got to admit, I've never been the most comfortable person when it comes to flying. I have a pretty good reason though. Whenever I do it, there's a fifty-fifty chance that my Uncle obliterates me.

Luckily, saving Olympus twice seems to earn you a few perks, because the Sun Chariot didn't run into a single stormcloud as we soared across the country. We traveled even faster than a plane, homing in on New York City.

We'd traveled so far, and the culprit had been a day's drive from Camp Half-Blood the entire time. I won't lie, that was pretty frustrating. But at least we had a real solution now.

"Mom won't let this be easy," Valentina warned us as we crossed the Hudson. "If I know one thing about her, it's that she's stubborn."

The car was silent. All of us were thinking about what it would take to fix this. And, I can't speak for the others, but for me…

I was resolved to do whatever it took.

All of a sudden, my eyes widened.

"Look out!" I yelled.

Annabeth swerved, but it was too late. Two arrows fired out of the clouds in front of us, ruining the front tires and sending us into a nosedive. We were close enough to Olympus not to fall all the way to the New York streets, but our landing was far from smooth. An airbag deployed in my face, while behind me I heard the girls get thrown all over.

Groaning into the puffy nylon hugging my face, I wondered what just happened. My first thought was that Apollo had caught up, but that was impossible. No matter how angry he was, he would never have done that to his favorite ride.

I forced open the door, stumbling out, then yanked open the back, dragging Valentina and Rachel free. On the other side, Annabeth did the same for Clarisse, Lou Ellen, and Valentina. As soon as they were out, the girls stumbled and fell, and it didn't have anything to do with the crash.

Only me, Annabeth, and Rachel were on our feet, while the others lay groaning. Nature spirits and minor gods poked their heads out of windows, looking for the source of the noise. I didn't like the way many of them seemed to recognize us. Hylla definitely wasn't the only one who caught our 'fun' being broadcast on Hephaestus TV.

Watching the others writhe in front of us, Annabeth summarized my thoughts pretty succinctly.


I didn't want to leave them behind. I didn't know what breaking the curse would take, but I had a suspicion we would need everyone in order to pull it off. Just like how Artemis had done her part, distracting her brother, who knew what help we might need. Would Annabeth, Rachel and I be able to pull this off without them, if we left them behind now?

I couldn't say. So I stood there, temporarily frozen, until I heard honking.

For a second I thought it was a stray goose migrating south. Olympus was high enough for something like that. But it came again, and again, and the more I heard it, the less it sounded like a bird. It was more like…"

Tires squealed, and it certainly wasn't coming from the totaled sun-chariot behind us. A large, tye-dye van sped to a stop beside us.

"You!" Annabeth said.

"Honk honk!"

It rolled forward slightly, before reversing back to where it had been, repeating this a couple of times as if pointing. If I remembered Olympus like I thought I did, that direction was toward Aphrodite's temple.

"You want to help us?" I asked.


"Why? Didn't Aphrodite create you?"

"Honk!" it said. "Honk honk, honk, honk honk honk honk, hooooooonk!"

It rested there, very proudly, waiting for us to hop in. We traded looks, and my hope that either of the other two could speak car-horn were quickly quashed. But we really needed the help right now, so I decided to just believe the van was telling us we'd won its loyalty for all the good sex we fed it, and started pulling the cursed girls toward it.

The doors opened automatically. We piled in, and the van sped through Olympus, dodging immortal pedestrians and honking to make nature spirits clear the way. The cursed girls still looked bad, as if they were suffering under extreme fevers. 

"Just a little more…" I muttered.

Sure enough, when the van rolled to a stop, we were exactly where I hoped we'd be. 

Aphrodite's temple in many ways looked the most like what you'd expect a Greek god's home base to be. It had tall pillars that supported a long horizontal beam. The entire thing was made of spotless marble, as if it were specifically designed to shine in the sun. It was pretty, is what I'm getting at, and the moment we braked in front of it the van's doors opened.

Looping the girls arms over our shoulders, Annabeth, Rachel and I carried the others, hobbling up the steps to the open arched entrance. The van honked behind us as if cheering us on.

The closer we got to the temple, the less we needed to support the girls. Their strength returned, until by the time we were stepping over the threshold they could walk for themselves. Color returned to their cheeks. Clarisse cracked her knuckles. Hylla and Valentina looked determined. Even Lou was glaring, ready to get some revenge for the pain that had wracked their bodies.

I had seen the outside of the temple before, but the interior was completely new. The first thing I noticed was the smell. It was like a whole flower patch, with hundreds of different blossoms rolled into a single earthy aroma. The floor was soft and springy, almost like a trampoline. Cushions lay scattered everywhere you looked. Three women lounged on them, eyeing us and giggling.

Each of them was gorgeous in a different way. One had curly blond hair and a fuller, chubby figure. Her breasts were enormous, while her hips were comparatively narrow. Next to her was a redhead, slimmer but no less beautiful, with the kind of smile capable of blinding you. The last one had dark hair and youthful, almost glowing skin, radiating an aura of perpetual youth.

All three women wore low-cut togas that were working overtime to cling onto their bodies. I recognized their lipstick, smudged and smeared, from Apollo's bare torso. These were the Charities— Thalia, Euphrosene, and Aglaia. 

But as eye-catching as these three were, it was hard to spare them more than a glance.

Lovely, carved fountains were built into the corners of the room, spewing pinkish water filled with rose petals into basins. Against the far wall was a titanic wardrobe bigger than a tank. Other than these, the temple had only one piece of furniture, positioned right at the center.

A king-sized poster bed with a carved wooden frame stood tall above the cushions spread around it. Sheer white curtains shielded its occupant from view. As we watched, the silhouette of a woman sat up and stretched, showing off an impossible hourglass figure, thick thighs, and the largest pair of breasts I'd ever laid eyes on, both with visible points at the tip. The silhouette stopped, allowing us a few seconds to admire it.

"So they've come," Aphrodite declared liltingly.

"I told you they were here, Mother," said a figure beside the bed.

He was a tall man, shirtless and holding a bow in his hands. His face was handsome, yet even as I watched his features shifted, changing eye colors or the brightness of his teeth in real-time. I got the feeling each of us were seeing a slightly different person when we looked at him.

"You did, Eros," Aphrodite said. "You also said that you shot them down."

"They arrived anyway." Eros looked past us, toward the open door and the cobblestone road beyond it. "I believe they hitched a ride… from a traitor."

"It hardly matters," Aphrodite said. "Even if they're here, what can they do?"

Eros chuckled. The charities laughed loudly. I didn't like the way they were looking at us one bit— as if we were prey.

Rather than unsettled, the whole situation made me angry. Did these things know what we went through for their fun? If they did, would they care?

I walked forward, deeper into the room.

"It's been a while Aphrodite," I growled.

"Oh, dear. You don't sound happy to see me. I can't imagine why. Your life has gotten so much more fun because of me."

As I walked past, the Charities made a grab at the cuffs of my pants, but I stepped over them, ignoring their giggles.

"Undo it, Aphrodite," I said, stopping in front of the bed. "This isn't right. I don't want it."

"Phooey." Aphrodite's silhouette tilted her head. "Don't be a curmudgeon, Percy. Accept your gift with a bit of grace."

"And watch your tone when you speak to mother," Eros added icily.

I looked back and forth between him and the silhouette. My hand went to my pocket.

Eros raised and drew his bow in an instant. I was faster. Riptide formed, the hilt bashing his perfect nose in, sending him sprawling in a spray of godly blood. The Charities screamed. In the same motion, I brought Riptide's blade through the sheer curtains, cutting away Aphrodite's veil.

I leaped forward as it was falling. The bed squeaked as my weight landed on it, Riptide's point facing down at Aphrodite's throat beneath me.

The goddess was smiling.

"None of that now," she said.

Riptide disappeared, returning to pen form and reappearing in my pocket. A moment later my clothes met the same fate, appearing next to the door in neat piles.

All of my friends got the same treatment, standing naked in an instant. The Charities recovered their composure, crawling sensually toward them across the floor. Eros rose, his nose already healed, and glowered at me. Instead of lifting his bow, he too walked toward the girls.

Aphrodite giggled, reaching up and tracing my collarbone with one finger.

"Because I am benevolent, I'll give you the illusion of a choice," she purred. "Your side, against mine. You, versus me. Prove that you learned my domain even better than I know it, and the curse will be gone! But if you fail, my magic will remain. You'll live exactly the kind of exciting life every hero should, with none of that boring monogamy!"

I swallowed despite myself, feeling her finger slide up to my Adam's apple. I noticed what my rush for revenge had blinded me to— Aphrodite was stunningly naked, her puffy breasts and perfect body completely bare, directly beneath me. My cock reacted.

And you know what? I didn't fight it.

"You better prepare yourself," I told her.

Because if she was giving us a chance like this, I was going to take it. Like I said before…

Whatever it takes.

I descended on Aphrodite, muffling her giggles with my mouth. Her body was so soft, I felt as if I were sinking in. Her breasts swelled beneath me, the complete opposite to my toned chest. Even though I was the one that started this, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was getting drawn into a trap, like I'd pounced on quicksand.

Her legs wrapped around me, squeezing my back with a soft grip that felt impossible to escape from. I had kissed her first, but in seconds her tongue had taken the lead. When I tried to pull my head back, her arms linked behind my head, holding me in place.

The harder I pushed away, the more stuck I became. Everytime I flexed she found a way to turn it against me. Soon I was completely tied up. Just as I panicked, running low on air, Aphrodite moved for real.

She rolled us over so that she was on top. Her shimmering, cascading hair hung down, framing her torso. Those enormous breasts hung free, defying gravity in a way that shouldn't have been possible, each tipped by a stiff pink areola. My cock stood straight up, resting against the shaved skin above her vagina. As she leaned forward, running her hands slowly up my pecs, she brushed her tummy against my shaft.

"So cute," she said.

I felt helpless and condescended to all at once, but there was nothing I could do. In my peripherals, I saw that the others had started as well.

Aphrodite's challenge wasn't limited to us alone, and she wasn't the only one that needed to be satisfied. The charities had split up, shedding their clothes and pouncing on the girls. I watched Thalia roll with Hylla, pinning the Amazon under her greater weight while their hands pulled at each other's bodies. Euphrosyne had a fist inside of Valentina and Lou each, pumping their pussies too fast for them to fight back. Aglaia had Rachel pinned against a wall, while Clarisse had immediately lost momentum, ending up beneath Eros while his hands hit her g-spot.

"Are you beginning to understand?" Aphrodite asked me. "You have challenged love itself, all of its aspects. You were always going to lose. But don't worry… even defeat can be sweet."

Her pussy engulfed me.

I gasped, and for a horrific moment I was certain that I would cum in the first second. She was like a warm, wet vacuum, her fleshy insides seeming to suck at me just by making contact. Aphrodite stroked my cheek, beginning to move.

Her hips undulated with as much grace as Artemis speeding through a forest, or my father swimming. Just like them, this was her domain. Every flick was exactly the way she imagined it. She was born to do this, and instead of resting on natural talent, she had perfected lovemaking through centuries of dutiful practice. Why had I ever thought I could beat this?

Because I had to. There were lives on the line. I struggled, fighting back. My hands came up to grope her chest, but as soon as they wrapped around her flesh, her hands found a sensitive spot on me, too. I lost my breath as Aphrodite began choking me with surprising strength.

"Good boy," she purred. 

I squeezed her chest with all my strength, pinched and twisted those breasts desperately, trying to break her composure. She only choked me harder. I felt my vision getting fuzzy. The closer I came to losing consciousness, the more my willpower faded. I released Aphrodite's chest, shutting my eyes and focusing with everything I had on not cumming. Even then, I wasn't sure how long I could last.

"You need to hold on, Percy. If you can do that, we'll win."

Annabeth didn't shout, but I still heard her voice loud and clear. It occurred to me that she alone had stayed back, watching the orgy instead of joining in. Aphrodite didn't even acknowledge that Annabeth had spoken. But I knew better. I knew that if Annabeth was saying something like that, she had a plan.

"I'm alright!" I gasped out.

Turning my head as much as possible, I watched my girlfriend begin her work.

She started with Euphrosyne. The redheaded Charity was still bent forward, keeping Lou and Valentina indisposed with her fists plunging into their them. Annabeth slipped by her, grabbing a hold of her fiery locks, and yanked her back without stopping. The Charity shrieked, falling back and grabbing her burning scalp. Before she had the chance to rise again, Valentina and Lou had descended on her, holding her down.

Next Annabeth stopped where Thalia was holding Hylla down with her weight. Annabeth knelt beside them, grabbing a fistful of belly-fat from Thalia's side to hold her in place. When the Charity gasped, hurling her head back, Annabeth brought an open palm down on her wide ass with so much force that even Tyson would've been proud. The Charity's back arched, a wanton moan escaping her lips. The distraction was enough for Hylla to flip them over, taking the lead herself.

Aphrodite, sensing that my attention wasn't on her, got mad. She sped up her hips, sacrificing technique to clap her immortal ass loudly against my muscled thighs. She released my throat, instead planting her hands beside my head and leaning forward, filling my face with her enormous breasts. But instead of sinking my teeth into them (the way my brain urged me to) I turned my head flat, watching Annabeth from underneath the twin meat-bags.

Unlike the others, Rachel hadn't been outright losing. Maybe because Aglaia was the youngest Grace, or maybe because Rachel was just that good, they had been going back and forth constantly, biting at each other's necks and breasts. Rachel was on top when Annabeth got to them, meaning all the blond had to do was stoop down and grab Aglaia's perky tits, giving her nipples a sharp twist, for Rachel to cement her advantage. The oracle smirked at her, before quickly making sure that Aglaia could do nothing more but writhe and moan.

Last up, Clarisse had been thoroughly manhandled. She was bent over, moaning girlishly while Eros kneeled smugly behind her, hitting her weak spots too quickly for her to gather any strength. Annabeth just watched for a few seconds.

"And here I thought Ares kids were at least tough," she said disdainfully. "All talk, I guess. Looks like there's nothing you have over us children of Athena."

I could almost hear Clarisse snap. With a roar like a hibernating bear woken too early, she surged up, twisting around and jumping on Eros so that she buried his face in her snatch, riding his head all the way down to the floor. If the surface hadn't been bouncy, that impact probably would've shattered his skull, but as it was it still left him dazed, letting Clarisse grind her clit on his mouth.

Maybe Aphrodite noticed the tide turning, or maybe all she noticed was that she didn't have my attention anymore, but she quickly made a change. She spun around, from cowgirl to reverse-cowgirl. I got a firsthand view of her thick lower cheeks rippling as they clapped against my body. She bent back at the waist while riding me, making eye contact.

"Cum for me, Percy!" she demanded. "I know that you want to!"

I did want to. I wanted it more than I could remember wanting anything, ever. My body all but demanded the sweet release. But I couldn't grant it. I had to hold back, because that was what I promised.

Aphrodite's hips kept going. Her eyes — blue right now — stared soulfully into mine. Still bent backwards, her hands came down from above, tweaking my nipples and bringing out sensations I didn't know were possible. My breath hitched. I'd held up the sky with willpower alone… So why did holding back now feel even harder than that?

I wasn't going to make it. I was going to break—

A foot booted Aphrodite in the side, sending her sliding off my cock.

I gasped, feeling like a steamroller had pressed my sweaty body to the bed. But, at the last second possible, that unresistable pussy had been torn away. I could feel myself calming down, even as Annabeth leaned over me.

"Good job," she said. "I know that wasn't easy."

"Ow!" Aphrodite complained. She sat up, rubbing a bruise growing on her side. For the first time she looked truly angry as she glared at us. "That hurt!"

"Kicks are supposed to do that, bitch," Annabeth said, crossing her arms. "Let's go, Aphrodite. Round two. But this time… just try to handle us both."

Let nobody say that Aphrodite was afraid of a challenge in bed. Or maybe she was just really mad. Either way, she pounced directly on top of me, ignoring Annabeth completely. That didn't work well for her. 

When Aphrodite tried to get on top of me, Annabeth would push her off again. When she tried to slide beneath me, eager to milk my balls from below, Annabeth would pull me out of the way. It got the goddess so frustrated that she finally tackled Annabeth instead, pinning the more muscular blond.

Aphrodite lay on top, suffocating Annabeth's perky breasts under her own enormous globes, ready to take her out of the equation first. Annabeth just smirked. 

"Now, Percy!" she said.

For the first time, I was free to do what I wanted. Aphrodite had briefly forgotten about me. I grabbed her wiggling butt, holding it still and slamming myself into her pussy. And now, for the first time, I was the one controlling the tempo.

Aphrodite tried to squirm free, but there was nowhere to run. We had her sandwiched. Annabeth bit into her breasts without a need to hold back. I plundered her pussy from behind with enough vigor to make Blackbeard proud, wherever the pirate was. The noises I made colliding with Aphrodite's body were deafening. Annabeth reached along the goddess's body, wrapping her hands around and parsing her ass cheeks, fingering Aphrodite's asshole at the same time her teeth worked on the goddess's breasts. Aphrodite screamed.

I glanced around the room, and what I saw only boosted my spirits. 

Euphrosyne had been rolled onto her stomach. Lou was between her legs, digging through the Charity with her fingers, while Valentina kneeled at the front. Euphrosyne's shining smile buried between her huge dark cheeks. She was reaching back, holding the Charity's head and forcing her tongue deeper inside her asshole. That was one fuck the Charity wasn't recovering from anytime soon.

Hylla, meanwhile, had a crater of destruction around her. She had ripped apart pillows with her bare hands, fashioning a robe out of their fabric— a rope she promptly tied like a leash around Thalia's throat. The chubby Charity was being forced to eat her out, being pulled up into Hylla's dark pussy from below while the Amazon kneeled above her, showing off a thrilled smile.

Rachel on the other hand was the one doing the eating-out. She had Aglaia's back curved like a suspension bridge, the Charity spasming as she came for what couldn't be the first time. Her youthful body was flushed with sweat, while her eyes were barely staying open.

Rachel pulled her face up, chin glistening with hard-earned arousal. "I swore off boys for eternity. Do you have any idea how good you get at stuff like this after that?"

Algaia just shuddered.

Hearing a succession of brutal bangs, I looked toward Clarisse and winced.

I was no fan of Eros. In fact, I thought the god was a complete dirtbag. But I imagined after a position like this, he was going to be sore for the next two centuries at least.

Clarisse was squatting like a sumo wrestler, holding his ankles straight up in the air. Eros was folded beneath her, his dick sticking straight up, while she dropped her full weight onto his hips repeatedly. The noises alone sounded like gunshots.

"What was that?" she roared, her eyes only on Annabeth despite the weak grunts from the love god beneath her. "Could an Athena kid do this? Could they?"

Annabeth paid her no mind, too busy suckling on Aphrodite. Seeing how well everybody was doing filled me with resolve. It was time to do my part.

I put my weight forward. My fingers sunk deep into Aphrodite's puffy ass cheeks. I fucked her pussy with all the speed I could generate, as if I were trying to shatter her hipbones with thrusts alone.

The way her body clapped drowned out even Clarisse's brutal pounding of Eros. It was so loud that everyone looked over. Ripples passed through Aphrodite's whole body, jiggling every inch of her. While Annabeth attacked her breasts and ass, I made sure her pussy took a pounding that not even Ares could've matched.

I didn't hold back, either. I came quickly, seeding her womb, and kept on fucking. I wouldn't be satisfied until I knew that I'd flooded her arrogant womb.

The sounds of our bodies colliding turned wet. Aphrodite was screaming her throat raw. She was orgasming over and over under our onslaught. The goddess of love herself was cumming all over my cock, mewling and shuddering.

When I came for a second time, I felt my strength waver. That was unacceptable. I summoned the water from the fountains, letting it splash across our bodies. Annabeth and I remained completely dry, but Aphrodite I let become as soaked as her pussy was, her hair ending up matted with moisture.

With the power suddenly filling my body, I hefted her. Everyone was watching now; the other girls, and even the love deities they had conquered. I hooked my arms around the inside of Aphrodite's knees, lifting her up. I held her there, folded in half in my arms, for everyone to see, my slick cock still pumping through her insides.

Freed from Aphrodite's body, Annabeth rose. She grabbed the goddess's face, squeezing her cheeks and forcing her to look up into Annabeth's face.

"Never, ever, fuck with my boyfriend," Annabeth told her. "Do you know why?"

"Why?" Aphrodite gurgled.

"Because he has me. And I will make sure that you pay for it."

Annabeth spat, slowly, so that the saliva hung from her lower lip, descending into Aphrodite's mouth. The goddess shuddered again. I tightened my grip. I was thrusting directly up into her, beating her cervix into submission. Annabeth grabbed her nipples, twisting them harshly in opposite directions. Some of the other girls, whose partners had already had enough, began to touch themselves at the display.

When I came a third time, Aphrodite did too, and she came hard. She wailed so loudly that I was worried momentarily she would assume her true form on accident. Instead, my cock slid out of her in time for her pussy to turn into a hose, spraying clear fluid across the bed beneath us. As soon as her orgasm finished, she sagged. I dropped her, and she landed bonelessly on the bed, leaking me seed. Annabeth and I were left kneeling above her, breathing hard, aroused and naked. She leaped on me.

In seconds she had wrapped her legs around my back. I stood up, rising to my feet on the bed. I grabbed her fit backside, lifting her and plunging her down on my cock repeatedly, grunting as she moaned. We fucked above Aphrodite's downed body, spraying her with leftover juices. Annabeth leaned forward, capturing my lips.

This was different from anything with the love goddess. It was pure passion. It was completely honest. We weren't dueling for control, or trying to outdo each other, or anything silly like that. We were reminding each other that after everything, we were still each other's.

Annabeth's body shouldn't have been able to compete with Aphrodite's. The goddess had been the epitome of physical perfection. But with our lips together and our bodies twined almost into one, I wouldn't have traded the feeling of Annabeth for anything, not even the goddess.

She must have been feeling the same, because she growled my name with our mouths still pressed together, letting me feel it in the back of my throat. I hefted her one more time, slamming her down, and we came together, completing our victory lap in style. One thin line of my cum dribbled out, down my shaft and off of my balls, landing on Aphrodite's unconscious body.

At least, I thought she was unconscious.

Without warning, she began to laugh. It wasn't smug, the way she had been at the start, but it did sound vaguely… triumphant? That was all kinds of wrong in this situation, and it set off warning bells inside my head.

"You did it," Aphrodite admitted. "You bested me. The curse is gone now. I hope you can handle what comes after."

It would take nine months before I properly understood that warning.

The Epilogue

Forget fighting Kronos, escaping Tartarus, or defeating Gaia. This was the hardest thing I'd ever done.

"Come on," I said. "You've got this. You've got it!"

I squeezed Annabeth's hand, but it kept trying to slip out of my grip, too slick with sweat.

"Gah!" she screamed, her back rising up from the white sheets she was laying on. Her eyes were shut from pain. I flinched with every noise, all while trying to hide it. My thumb slid across her knuckles, stroking them softly.

With one more great scream, louder than the rest, Annabeth's body abruptly sagged. The sound of crying filled the room. I looked over in time to see Hestia, dressed in a full nurse's outfit, lift a tiny bundle of flesh, cradling the newborn child in her arms.

"You've done it," she cooed to both Annabeth and the child. "Good work. Rest now."

I felt the fingers I was holding squeeze mine back. When I looked up, Annabeth was smiling at me. I smiled back.

"I wonder when it was," she said, her voice much quieter than usual. "Aphrodite's temple? Or before the curse altogether?"

"I guess we'll never know," I admitted.

"I guess we won't.

We sat in silence, watching Hestia carefully weave the child into blankets— our child.

"Thanks again," I told the goddess. "I don't know what we would've done without you."

Hestia chuckled. "Neither do I."

No sooner had she said it than the sound of crying filtered into the room, just after the child in her arms had finally quieted. The crying grew louder, seeming to come from multiple voices. Hestia looked at the wall and shook her head, smiling.

"I suppose thirty minutes without our help was a bit too much," she said. "Shall we go back?"

I fed Annabeth multiple sips of Nectar from a cup beside the table, and gave her a square of Ambrosia to chew on. She should've been totally knocked out, but divine blood helps with the weirdest things. After the healing foods, she was almost back to normal, even able to stand on her own two feet after Hestia helped her clean up.

We followed Hestia down the hall, just to the next room over. The house we were staying in was basically a mansion. Emily called it a gift when she sent the keys to us in a postcard, along with a photo of the South Pacific from the deck of a familiar ship. Her fortune had to be dwindling… but that was what she wanted, and it still came in handy for things like this.

I opened the door for Hestia, who was still holding Annabeth and I's child, a little girl with the same green eyes as me. Hestia slipped through. Annabeth followed her. I stepped in last, immediately being blasted by the sound of crying.

There were so many voices saying so many different things. Children crawled all over the floor, despite being so young that a regular child would barely be able to roll over by themselves. Some were speeding around on all-fours, a few were sleeping in laps, and one had even managed to bump a table hard enough to make a vase fall and shatter. A short girl scooped up that little boy, making sure he hadn't been cut and cooing to get him to calm down, although that cooing was done in ancient Greek. The boy relaxed and the crying stopped. She turned around, glaring across the room.

"Valentina, you were supposed to be watching him!" Lou complained.

"I was watching him!" Valentina said. "I saw every step as he crawled over to the table and slammed into it!"

"Then why didn't you stop him?"

"Well, I just did my nails…"

Sitting on the opposite side of the room, Artemis said, "Do not coddle him. Mistakes must be learned from."

She promptly jerked forward, Rachel having slapped the back of her head.

"He's a week old," said the oracle. "We're not ready for that kind of parenting yet."

"Why not?" Artemis grumbled. "When I was a week old—"

"They aren't gods, niece," Hestia reminded her gently but firmly. "They can die. As you and Apollo would have, if you got into half the things that you did without being immortal."

I looked around the room, taking it all in for a moment. Clarisse, Lou Ellen, Valentina, Artemis, Hylla, and Rachel all sat in different places, trying to keep an equal amount of children in check. Annabeth leaned against me. We exchanged a look, and I swore I could hear her wry voice in my head. 'How did we end up here?'

The simple answer? Aphrodite had always been planning to make my life entertaining, one way or another. Just because the curse broke, didn't mean it was over. It wasn't an accident what the curse's treatment had been, and as soon as the magic broke, all of it went into effect at once, basically guaranteeing everyone afflicted would start developing a tummy bump.

It had been quite the shock, but… well, I thought we'd adjusted pretty well. 

Just as I was stepping forward to help the others, all of us froze. A soft, artificial chime pinged through the room.

"The doorbell?" Lou said. "Were we expecting company?"

"We weren't," I said. "But it seems like we have it anyway."

I left the room, going to see who it was, and Annabeth followed me. Her steps were still a little clumsy, but I matched her stride.

When I opened the door, chilly air rushed in, scouring away any drowsiness I'd been feeling. When I saw a figure standing there in a trenchcoat, my mind instantly sharpened.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

Aphrodite shifted awkwardly, for once seeming embarrassed to have her beautiful face seen. Slowly, she grabbed the sides of her trench coat, opening it to show us what was beneath.

Annabeth and I stared at the swollen stomach, exactly the kind I'd been seeing a ton of over the last few months.

"It didn't all end up bad, right?" asked the goddess. "So… room for one more?"

Annabeth and I looked at each other. I let her answer, stepping back. Sighing, Annabeth also moved back, allowing room for Aphrodite to enter.

"Come inside."

The End.

(Sorry for ending the entire story on a shitty pun)

((I'm not sorry))