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When Our Mind Evolve Naturally

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In today’s hyper-connected world where a quick google search for “GENESIS 2:18” returns over 2 billion results mostly dominated by the traditional sense of the starting point of everything overwhelming as male while the female roles in everything as an helpmate, It is by now abundantly clear that irrespective of the preacher, a majority of narrative across the corpus are pegged to this diversity disaster and if left unchecked they are a risk of replicating or perpetuating historical biases and power imbalance that leave the growing population of women as just subordinate. In the real world where every successful society is successful exactly to the extent that it does something others can’t, the world would only shift from this period containing what is thought of as a fixed truth and geopolitical certainties until evidence in the “WOMEN” climb aboard one freight train of narrative scheme after another.

Chapter 1 - Eve (The dark-side of the primordial/pre-mother)

Life is an ongoing dance between the subjective reality of what it feels like to be alive, to tremble with grief, to be glad about what it feels like to be you and the objective reality of a universe insentient to our hopes and fears, those rudiments of the imagination, the imagination at the heart of consciousness. Despite not having determined how these two dimensions of existence can be harmonized into a whole along with the coherence of known physical laws and their role in the emergence of consciousness, humans have throughout history gazed at the stars, pondering how the universe evolved into its present state. Based on the tendency to assume cause and effect due to the fact that everything that happens can be assumed to have had a cause or it would not have happened in the first place, this never-ending debate among the people who have tried to uncover the mysteries of the universe development has created two camp where on one hand, the development of the universe is akin to the form of tsunami caused as a result of a tectonic activity unlike the other camp pushing a body of knowledge based on the other form of tsunami triggered by a massive landslide, massive enough to send over a billion tonnes of rock sliding into the ocean and then causes a mega-tsunami which surged upward and outward, thus setting off a chain reaction of deadly waves in all direction.

In the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible, Chapter one through five which act as the guiding map for the people in the second camp, there are two creation narratives with two distinct perspectives. In the first perspective captured in Genesis 1:26-30 where Adam and Eve are not named, God created Man in God's image and instructed them to multiply and to be stewards over everything else that God had made. In the second narrative which begins at Genesis 2:4 and seem like an elaborate depiction of the prior narrative, God fashions Adam from the dust of THE GROUND (Genesis 2:7) and places him in the eastward garden in Eden. Adam is told that he can freely eat of all the trees in the garden in Eden, except from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil obtained alongside other trees good for food from THE GROUND (Genesis 2:9). Subsequently, Eve is created from one of Adam's ribs to be his companion. They are innocent and unembarrassed about their nakedness. However, a serpent convinced Eve to eat fruit from the forbidden tree, and she gives some of the fruit to Adam. These acts not only give them additional knowledge, but it gives them the ability to conjure negative and destructive concepts such as shame and evil. God later curses the serpent and the ground. Then prophetically tells the woman and the man what will be the consequences of their sin for not obeying God, and then banishes them from the Garden of Eden.

The creation story has undergone extensive elaboration in later Abrahamic traditions and has been extensively analyzed by modern biblical scholars. Interpretations and beliefs regarding Adam, Eve and the story revolving around them have varied across religions and sects; for example, the Islamic version of the story holds that Adam and Eve were equally responsible for their sins of hubris, instead of Eve being the first one to be unfaithful. Historically, a singular meaning in the theological circle drawn from this scriptural text have been replicated over time and has perpetuated an historical biases and power imbalance that have placed a great deal of blame that has been passed down to the growing population of women as the cause of the entrance of sin into the world due to the consumption of the forbidden fruit. While that seem like the case, much of the weight of this meaning as well as that of the idea of God laying a curse on Adam and Eve all vanishes when one bring into conscious understanding the meaning underlying the term "THE GROUND" cited in Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2:9, Genesis 3:17, Genesis 3:23 and its relationship with the only begotten son.

Human history has been redirected time and time again via insights embodied in the form of prayers, prophecies, mathematical formalism, scientific laws, theories and equations. One reason why a great scientist such as Albert Einstein is celebrated is that his discoveries have enabled thousands of other scientists to tackle problems and create solutions that they could not have solved without relativity theory. Yet even this deep and beautiful theory is, though, of great help in cosmology and some other parts of physics, it is of little use to a geneticist, a paleontologist, a banker, a composer, a chef or a neuroscientist, unlike the idea of creating hypotheses and subjecting them to stringent empirical tests popularly term the Scientific Method. Before the Fall of Man into our current level of consciousness which over the last decades have empowered the human species with the ability to transform our worldviews, produce dramatic changes in lifestyle and make major progress that have us experience things no other life form does, Adam was simply supposed to have been another creation in the eastward garden in Eden, not until the very blueprint everything was formed from (THE GROUND), when brought forth in Genesis 2:19 and embedded as an Helpmate helped unlock a general-purpose level of consciousness similar to the scientific method that not only made Adam give the right names to entities brought in front of him without prior knowledge, a different but similar manifestation of Himself gotten from his ribs was designed to make it possible for God's most sophisticated creation with the inbuilt capability to have spotted the alleged foul play by the Serpent to fall from the posture of having dominion over everything on earth (Genesis 1:28so as to give room to attain the posture of having dominion over everything on earth and also in heaven (Matthew 28:18)

Modern science and technology have provided the world with new kinds of adventure. The search for new knowledge has taken humanity to the bottom of the sea and to the moon itself, to tropical forests full of strange plants and insects and to the frozen lands of Antarctica to learn such things as climate and weather. It is surprising to what extent human progress owes its origin to our current level of consciousness, or perhaps this is not so surprising, seeing that the main thing which distinguishes humans from animals is the ability to consciously, cognitively and consequently improve on the past. Our consciousness which can often benefit from external nudging and mental frameworks that act as structures around which we can build our thoughts and experiences has though aided in navigating this new location and gaining new view points, unfortunately, all that we are able to perceive at any given time is perhaps a tiny slide from a very specific perspectiveingrainedinabinaryoversimplificationthat continue to lead to unnecessary severe polarization and social divides. Many of the religious ideals concerning the role of the female gender (Genesis 3:16, 1Timothy 2:9-15, 1Corinthians 11:7-9, 1Corinthians 14:34, Colossian 3:18, 1 Peter 3:1, Ephesian 5:22-24) stem from this Original Sin. That's why the only plausible solution that can totally displace this feminine mystique held in the minds of the general public on the female gender role as nothing but an afterthought or an optional adjunct to an independent self-sufficient man lies in the unveiling of the very reason why the Fall from the greater-than-human-consciousness to our current level of consciousness happened in the first place - Access to the consciousness that makes Jesus Christ fully God and fully man, thus unlocking the Second Coming.