A blue portal appeared sky-high atop a city in decadence, and two men fell from it.
They both activated their flight abilities and immediately zoomed to the largest structure in the city: the palace. The two levitated and as they flew, they saw the dire state of those below, and their scanty numbers.
"It seems like the quake didn't reach here." Park said to his savior.
"Oh it did."
The houses, buildings and the land surface all looked to be untouched by the quake that terrorized the world. Their structures still stood strong and beautiful in contrast to the people who were once so. The chaos with the new government, and the uncontrollable disaster had lessened the quality of life in all of Mage'Earth, and even the wealthy men of the royal capital felt it too.
Unlike the buildings however, the palace looked to be broken, and largely destroyed from within, though some parts appeared to still be standing.