Mysteriousman:- Let's Fight Really ha ha ha haa
Simon:- Ok Skeleton
Mysteriousman:- BLOOD OF THE HELL 7th Form Armor inn!
Simon:- GRAVITY OF BLOOM 8th Form Armor inn!
Narrator:- They wear an Armor and they become more powerful
Simon:- Gravion- FLOAT ON SKY yaaha!
Mysteriousman:- Nooo! I am floating on sky but--- SHARPING KNIFES
Out of the gate
Kevin:- Some people can break the outer gate if they are weak but powerful people take to break this to minimum 20 to 30 days So, I want you to try to break the gate
Link:- Ok Kevin I try to break the gate
In the gate
Mysteriousman:- It's my chance yaah! HELLS METEOR
Narrator:- It is a big meteor which is 80 lakhs kg It's fully covered with black fire but it take to 5 to 10 minutes to touch and destroy the ground
Out of the gate
Link:- Slash-Slash-Slaaash
Narrator:- The gate breaked
Kevin:- Yes you did it run-run-run fast
Narrator:- They ran very quickly
Mysteriousman:- Nooo! Who break the gate
Simon:- Yes thanks Kevin
Mysteriousman:- I will huh??
Narrator:- Suddenly A gate opens on the sky but its not a kage door its a galaxy door it is used to travel around all planets and universes it can be open by very less people
Foot steps-----
Link:- Oh no! Why he came hear
Kevin:- Link Who is he??
Narrator:- A man came out of the gate wearing an Armor and he also have a very dangerous looking sword his name is Doma
Mysteriousman:- Who are you??
Doma:- My name is Doma but who are you skeleton man
Mysteriousman:- I don't tell anyone about me
Doma:- Okay don't tell me because I'm not a police man or a newsreporter and I came to kill
Link:- Please don't kill me
Mysteriousman:- Who kill you Link??