Chereads / New Life in the World of Magic / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Readers key

"Speaking aloud"

'Internally speaking'


$when the snake speaks back$


Well, the term rude awakening would be the understatement of the year to describe what I went through this fine morning.

If you don't count the rather unfitting language to come out of the mouth of a caretaker of children, yelling for me to wake up from afar. The real crazy thing to happen this morning was the snake, happily curled up on my chest as if it belonged there.

I'm not proud of it, but I must admit that to say the most girly scream known to man came out of my mouth, would still be down playing how high pitched this scream was. In my defense though, there was a whole snake in my face first thing in the morning.

After cooling down from the original scare and seeing the snake had no plans of leaving my bed, I decided it best I just do my morning routine. I grabbed the bucket by my bed to fetch water for myself from the spicket , then continue to wash up and brush my teeth. Luckily for me, the matron was feeling generous and left two loaves of bread outside for me.

Eating and freshening up, I decided it was time to see the snake that had scared me half to death this morning.

$Hmmm, now why is it that snakes are following me around. I doubt I'm a parseltongue, with how rare it is.$

$The ssspeaker finally ssspeakss back, it'sss been ssso long sssince you blocked our voicesss out of fear$

All I could do was stand there and just stare at the now talking snake. Thinking back in my newly acquired memories, I think I do remember a moment when hissing voices were never ending.

To a young child or even an adult, it would effectively freak them out. I'm thinking the previous Greyson somehow blocked the endless voices using his will and fear, his magic reacted creating probably something like an occlumency barrier targeting his parseltongue gift.

Now with me taking over it would seem the shields disappear and this snake in particular got a little excited feeling the connection once again.

$Hello there, I'm unsure if I'm speaking in your tongue right now as I'm unskilled in controlling this gift. I can't say I'm all that found of snakes though, so please be patient with me$

$We will take into consideration your need for adapting, Ssspeaker$

With that out of the way, we had a rather pleasant talk. I must say, I was happy to finally have a speaking companion.The memories I had from the previous Greyson made it feel as if I haven't spoken with anyone in years.

Our conversation was short lived though, as we were interrupted by a knock at the door. Looking at the door I wouldn't be surprised if I had a look of surprise. I never had anyone check on me, let alone knock before entering.

Excusing myself from the snake, now named Ally, I made my way to the door. Upon opening it, I was pleasantly surprised to see one, Minerva McGonagall.

Though the surprise on her face was confusing. She looked like she had seen a ghost, though I just put that curiosity to the back of my head to sit on the the back burner.

"Hello there, you must be the witch I requested as my shopping guide. If not, you are quite the bold women wearing that pointy hat when Halloween isn't for a while yet."

I stated to the professor who seemed to have gained her bearing once I spoke. Then I continued.

"Ah, how rude of me, please come in. Though a bit shabby, it makes up for in space to move around. If you would be so kind, could you make some chair to sit on? With you being a witch and all, this much shouldn't be a problem."

Asking her to come in, I also made the request for chairs because firstly I have no furniture except for my bed, desk, and broken mirror. Second, what kind of lunatic just accepts magic without first confirming it themselves, and lastly… I really just wanted to see magic.

"Very well then young man"

She said with a serious tone while pulling out her want and giving it a flick. It was a spectacular sight, as she not only made two chairs and a table from the broken rubble in the corner of the shed, but also cleaned the entire shed with what I can only assume to be a silent cast of the scourgify spell.

"Truly magnificent ma'am, though I must say I didn't expect you to show off to an 11 year old" I said with a teasing smirk

Unfazed by my remark she sat in a chair and point at the one across from her.

"Please have a seat Mr. Sayre, I believe we have a few things to discuss before we make our way to diagon ally."

"Yes ma'am, how can satisfy your curiosity"

Sitting down I was rather excited to get these question out of the way so I finally get my wand and magic books.

"First I'll introduce myself, I'm professor Minerva McGonagall. Starting this school semester I'll be you Tranfiguration professor." She paused for a half beat than continued

"Now first, have you notice anything strange happening around you. Things that can't be explained by natural common sense?"

Well I'm not sure if I should tell her about the whole snake speak thing due to the shenanigans that's going to go down with the chamber in year 2. Though it may be better to not hide it so Mr. Greater Good doesn't find out I was hiding it and think I'm up some world domination scheme. That would be a nightmare.

I decided to just tell her everything. Though I can't trust Dumbledor, Minerva is probably the most trust worthy person out there. Her only flaw is she follows the whims of Dumbledors a little to much, big example is when she caved when leaving Harry with the Dursleys.

"Hmmm, well I've had these moment that I would teleport to safety sometimes when scared or in extreme moments when I'm angry with the matron things would explode around me. Though with time I've learn to calm myself with breathing exercises."

Pausing for a moment taking a nervous breath. I continued to speak.

"When I was younger, around when I was 6 I believe. Snakes began taking an interest in me, this really scared the matron as the snake and the devil have some linked history in the Bible and such, leading me to living out in this shed. Though not until today did I try to talk back, and interesting enough it actually talked back."

Letting this out I looked up at her. I could see some fear at the aspect of my Parseltongue gift, but mainly I could see sympathy for my situation. Luckily no hate or disgust in her eyes could be seen, to my relief.

"I see, your magical out burst are normal for your age, we call that accidental magic. Before the age of 11 your magic is very unstable, acting purely out of your own will. The examples you gave on when you were scared or angry should be more than enough proof for that."

She paused allowing me to take in the information. Then continued.

"As for your gift to speak with snakes, that is what we call Parseltongue. Depending on your proficiency with the gift you can enhancing all magic spells, especially those of healing magic."

If Parseltongue had such capabilities, I wonder why Voldemort only used it to talk to snakes and control a Basilisk. He always seemed to stick to Latin when sending out his bread and butter, the killing curse. He could be saying speaking the tongue in his head while silent casting spells, I will definitely need to research that aspect later.

Taken from my thoughts by the professor, as I heard her continue to speak.

"It's a truly special gift that did a lot of good at one point in time, until someone with that same gift went rampant in the wizarding. They dirtied the gift, have most of the magical community associate it with dark arts. You were given a great gift young man, but I must ask you to keep it secret for your own safety."

She looked rather worried when she asked that of me, so I promised to hide it for as long as possible as that was the plan before I even told her about it.

With my agreement, the professor stood up and stretched out her hand to me.

"Now then, with all the questions out of the way why don't we make our way to diagon alley. I small heads up though, you'll feel rather sick your first time so please refrain from throwing up in my direction."

She said with a rather annoying smile in my opinion. Though to call it a smile would be a stretch, it was more like a small twitching movement on her lips.

Though I didn't mind in the slightest, for I was way to preoccupied with getting to step foot in the world of magic.

Then suddenly I remembered that Ally was still in my bed.

"Sorry professor just give me a moment, I have to tell Ally to get going as I'm not sure how long I'll be gone."

Knowing that the snake speak will kick in when I see a snake, I made my way to the bed to find Ally exactly where I left her. Though I'm pretty sure I heard the professor gasp when I made her presence known.

$Sorry Ally, looks like I'm leaving indefinitely and can't take you with me. The world, as of right now, thinks of my gift to talk to you as something evil so I have to hide it for the time being. Please return to the wild and liveyour life.$

At my word the snake gave a nod of understanding then spoke.

$Very well ssspeaker, live a long life. I hope we ssshall meet again sssomeday$

I waved goodbye as Ally slithered out of the shed. Giving the professor a victorious smirk as I saw her face in shock I grabbed her arm.

"Alright professor, let's head out" I said before almost instantly feeling the awful sensation of being squeezed into the world skinniest tube.