Chereads / HP: Handbook for Transmigrator / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28

Harry and Ron came to Detention before Halloween. They stomped like elephants, sniffed like they'd just been on a full cover march, and smelled. They didn't stink, but they were boys, and showering twice a day was out of the question. Ron doesn't seem to shower more than once every two or three days. He eats sloppily, and his robes are always stained.

Thanks to my animagic form, my senses are heightened. The body seems to remember a different perception and tries to adapt. In general, hygiene and living conditions at Hogwarts are at the level of the early twentieth century. So it is possible to live.

Especially for those who are not lazy to learn the household charms. There is a whole section at the library with cosmetics, so a knowledgeable wizard or witch will always keep himself well-groomed, even away from the benefits of civilization.

I didn't get the guys to write answers to the fans like they did with Harry in the canon. I can do it myself, a quick-writing pen and a few dozen sample answers, nonsense, in a word.

I had them take a crash course in how to use the artifact. They didn't make much progress, but at least they began to understand a little what to do and what to learn from the charms to increase the efficiency of stealthy movement. I also managed to look at the masterpiece of artifacting and get a terrible migraine. I couldn't resist and used the Ritual of Knowledge on the temporarily confiscated invisibility cloak.

This miracle was not performed by Death incarnate, but by an ordinary, albeit gifted, mage from Peverell. And the so-called gifts were just an assassin's kit. Sneak in, kill and, if necessary, capture a soul.

That's why they had the appropriate equipment: invisibility cloak, elder wand, ring with a stone. And that the stone was resurrecting, well, so a necromancer stole an aura in the body and subdued it — no problem. Again a fairy tale, or rather a legend, where without the effect of a deaf phone, speculation? No way!

The artifact itself was remarkable only for how cunningly the creator managed to fix the charms. Honestly, it wouldn't have occurred to me to put runes on every thread. I don't even know what to compare it to, it's not even hard work, it's something forbidden.

 It's like unloading a wagonload of grain with tweezers and sorting it out. And the spells you cast, that's nothing. I could have done a lot more with that kind of base. Apparently, the creator ran out of strength and patience when it came to casting spells.

I guess he hated his creation at that point. However, the legend says that in his old age, the youngest one threw off the mantle and voluntarily went hand in hand with death as an equal. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: the invisibility cloak was created last, which makes sense. First the weapon, then the soul trap in the form of a ring with a stone, and only then a tool. After all, there are many other ways to disguise yourself.

If you have the power and knowledge, it will be much better than with the cloak. It is not impossible that the author was in a hurry to finish the creation, because he was dying under the burden of years and maybe something else. Nevertheless, the genus' sphere of activity was fraught with unpleasant consequences. Necromancers and assassins were certainly not everyone's favorites.

When Ginny's aura became clear, I decided to solve the problem with the Horcrux, he can caused a lot of headaches. First problem it is Basically.

Basically, the basilisk is a miscarriage of chimerology, which I don't respect very much. I dislike this branch of magic for a very simple reason — its efficiency is low. In fact, everything a Chimerologists can do can be easily replicated by transfiguration. The only difference is that golems can't reproduce. But they're more effective militarily.

 Stone is stronger than bone. And buff spells are easier to cast on them, and if you add runes, they're a killing machine. Breeding mages are quite good at breeding useful animals. Moreover, the useful traits of such new species are much more reliably fixed than as a result of chimerological manipulation. This is more a matter of obtaining useful ingredients.

How do basilisks come into the world? If you follow the canon, you need a chicken egg and a toad to hatch it. This is basically true, but as always, there are nuances. The egg can be anything, as long as it was laid by a bird. Moreover, it must be related to the future owner of the snake.

This is a very important point, without it basilisk will not bind with owner. Of course, use storage devices to suppress the counterflow of mana, but the connection is reciprocal, so such a "smart guy" runs the risk of becoming quite similar to Voldemort.

And not just in appearance. There's also a huge chance of damage to the head. If he survives at all. Basically, familiars are made for several purposes. For example, the toad begins to produce magical slime — a very popular ingredient in potions. It is only for personal use, but it is still a very useful substance. Speaking of which, it is under its influence that a snake rather than a chick hatches from an egg.

Another important reason is to take on certain traits, abilities, and dispositions. The same phoenix, the child of fire and life, if you contact it, you will acquire an affinity with the element, in addition to valuable healing tears, feathers and remnants of ashes after rebirth. You can literally set it on fire. In addition to its valuable skin and venom, the basilisk is also good with energy, basilisk will keep its master energy in exemplary cleanliness and order just by being there. And you can also redirect pullback to it.

In principle, this can be done through any strong enough connection, while at the same time aggravating the guilt, but the same cat, despite the nine lives, will die quickly. After that, the cunning mage will feel very badly, because everything the animal took upon itself will return a hundredfold. The best way to do this is to use the stone of the family and the altar. Relatives and descendants will not be grateful, of course, but it is still the most reliable option.