Chereads / The diary of lost love / Chapter 4 - Chapter four

Chapter 4 - Chapter four

" Luna, yeah, here you are, I knew I would find you here" Celestia said walking in. Noticing cayo she scratches her head. " Oh sorry, am I interrupting something".

" No, not at all, we were just enjoying the beauty of the rain. We never got to talk yesterday or even this morning, my name is cayo, what of you" cayo said with an outstretched hand and a kind smile.

" Celestia, but my friends call me Celesti, nice meeting you" Celestia said smiling as she held his hand. I wonder why my heart felt a little twitch at that time.

Okay, I admit the guys in our class are super handsome, but cayo was another whole level of handsomeness, even a Greek lord would feel ashamed in front of him, and it's no wonder why Celestia us busy playing with her hair right now, how she is blushing and how even thou he is trying to withdraw his hand she was still clinging.

" Celesti, tell me, why are you looking for me" I said grabbing her shoulders, she was immediately taken out of her stupor and quickly took her hands away from his. " Sorry" she muttered.

When she looked at me her face looked as red as a fresh tomato. " Uhm actually, actually, actually I wanted to call you because Nadia and I were planning something and we needed your input" Celestia said getting herself together.

" So shall we go, we don't want to have her waiting, you know she would get angry" I said and made to drag her away.

" See you later cayo" we both said in unison. He looked between the both of us but just smiled. " See you later Luna, and Celestia" he said with a slight wave.

I dragged her away and we went back to class to Nadia. Unlike earlier the class had quietened down, mostly engaged in group talks, books or phones.

" What took you two so long, I had been waiting for ages, I thought I would be old and gray before you both returned" Nadia complained as soon as we entered.

" Sorry Nads, we were just caught up with a little something" I said as I pulled the chair next to her. " Oh a little something without me, wonderful, you both can just cut me out" Nadia complained again as always.

" So my dear, what plans are you both making that you need my input on" I asked changing the topic.

" Uhm actually we are planning a vacation, am so burned out from school and I think we totally deserve a break" Nadia said with a sigh as she held her forehead as if she spent all her life in front of book.

" Come on Nads, it has only been 2-3 weeks since this academic section began, and you already want a break, come-on babes" I said with rolled eyes.

" That's your problem, you are a bookworm. It has been exactly 2 weeks 3 days since the academic section began. Don't you think we deserve a break, anyways Celestia and I have already decided, now the only thing left is choosing the destination, Egypt or Paris" Nadia asked.

" None, am not joining you two, it's been only a few weeks and once this vacation start it usually takes a month. Come on guys, don't you think we ought to be serious towards our studies" I complained, trying to reason with them even thou it's typically impossible.

" You are coming Luna, infact I can call auntie right now and tell her you are refusing to take a break and school has been burning us out, you would get an earful" Celestia chimed in.

" Call her, but am not going and that's it, I promise you guys, after this session ends we can go on any vacation to any where, infact I can bear the expenses but not now" I argued.

" You know what, once you make up your mind on something there is no going back, fine, we would hold you to it, after this session ends you are taking us to Egypt, malessia, India and Paris, agreed" Nadia asked.

" Agreed" I said.

3rd July 2004

Cayo is such a cool man, any time I entered the class I always see him sitting alone with his books as company, he is a book worm no doubt, but he is good.

I could see how the other girls keep staring at him and blushing, like seriously, just let the guy breath fresh air without you looking him to the bones, but even I am looking.

" Good morning cayo" I greeted as I sat next to him. " Morning Luna, how are you" he greeted back. " Am good, what of you" I asked looking at the book in his hand.

" Nothing, just me doing my thing" he replied and placed the book on the desk. " You seem to be always scribbling something in your book, are you trying to catch up with the class, I can help you" I offered.

" No not really, I have very much finished the courses for this academic session" he said casually and my mouth dropped.

" You did" I asked for confirmation. " Yes I did, I have one principle, before school starts I finish all the courses for the term, so that when school starts I only need to further understand what the teacher is saying, but I have the main knowledge already" he said looking at me.

" Wow, I wish I could do that. But if that's the case then what are you always doing with a book, don't you have a life outside book. You should try to familiarize with the other students" I said.

" Ofcourse I have a life outside book, but I don't like unnecessary noise, I'd rather be writing poems or drawing, it gives me immeasurable peace" he said.

" Wow, you are an artist, can I see" I asked. " Ofcourse" he said handing me the book.

When I opened the book I was starstruck with all the beautiful drawings inside the book.

In the book there were many beautiful drawings, friends laughing under a sunny tree, couple embracing with flowers blooming around them, rainfall with colorful umbrellas and joyful splashes, mother and child bonding with a sunset in the background, nature's beauty with a serene lake and surrounding trees.

" Wow, I love your drawings, they are deep" I complimented. " Well I haven't drawn my masterpiece yet" he said with a little smile at the corner of his lips.

" When are you going to draw your master piece, and what is it" I asked excited. " A very beautiful lady whose aura is filled with peace, joy and happiness. That would my masterpiece" he said.

" Would it be your lover" I asked. " Maybe" he replied picking up his pencil again. " But I already know who I want to draw, am adjust waiting for the right moment to start drawing" he said.

" Hello Luna, hello cayo, how are you" Celestia said as she walked behind me and wrapped her hands on my shoulder.

" Very well, what's up with you" I asked. " Nothing, I just noticed that since cayo joined you spend more time talking to him than with us. So to avoid loosing you, am inviting cayo to our group, he can hang out with us, and even eat with us, what do you say cayo" she said looking at him with that puppy eyes. Is she flirting with him.

" Oh no, I can't be the only guy in the group of girls" he said. " No you won't be the only guy, there is Nadias boyfriend, Rafael". Celestia said.

" Rafael, isn't he in Australia" I asked. " Well he had a word with Nadia, he is coming back today and resume school tomorrow" Celestia said.

" Still I don't think I can join you, sorry" cayo said. " I insist please, pretty please" Celestia pleaded. " Please join us, it would be easier for my to manage" I said looking at him.

" Since you all insist, fine" he said.