Derot was doing better than fine. He had even managed to regain some meat on his bones. The alchemists at the Nyasm Desert Guild had also done splendid work even without Alzara's oversight, but they were overjoyed to receive her boon as she delivered a stack of papers that contained not only pure recipes but also her thoughts and theories on various alchemical ingredients and crafting methods.
It was another boost to the alchemists' productivity.
Derot didn't have anything else to report other than the soaring numbers in Zach's bank account. Zach had already told Derot to reinvest most of what he earned so he was disappointed to hear that until Derot clarified that those were his profits after he had already used most of it to invest in trade routes, ingredients, and expanding the guild.
That made Zach happy enough to smile brightly as he checked the numbers Derot showed him again.
Wealth was amazing.