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Chapter 29 - Hogwarts: Neville's Insert Chapter 29

Hogwarts: Neville's Insert Chapter 29

But the hooded figure flicked his wand effortlessly, deflecting the Diffindo to the side. The spell struck a tree behind him, slicing it cleanly in half and The top half crashed to the ground with a deafening thud.

The figure snarled, raising its wand. "Crucio!" he spat, a jet of white light streaking toward them.

Neville reacted instinctively, shoving Harry to the side while diving in the opposite direction. The curse missed them both, hitting the ground with a burst of sparks. Scrambling to his feet, Neville raised his wand again. "Diffi—"

The curse hit him before he could finish.

Neville's world exploded in a blinding white light as pain engulfed him, sharp and excruciating. His wand slipped from his grasp as his knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground, screaming.

"AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!" he cried, his body writhing uncontrollably. The pain was all-consuming.

Through the haze, he could faintly hear Harry calling his name, but the pain was too overwhelming to process anything else. All he could think was one desperate 'Make it stop.'

Neville's agonized scream cut through the forest like a knife. Harry, still on the ground where Neville had pushed him to dodge the curse, tried to scramble to his feet. The pain in his forehead was unbearable. Harry called out, "Neville!" upon seeing his friend screaming while the hooded figure held him under the curse.

Neville writhed under the effects of the curse, screaming at the top of his lungs in agony. All Neville could think was, 'Make the pain go away...'

Harry tried to move closer to Neville to help his friend when he heard a sudden rush of hooves pounding against the forest floor. A shape burst into the clearing, moving so fast it was hard to tell what it was at first. Then he saw a horse's body with a human torso—it was a centaur. Harry recognized it because Hermione had once told them about the centaurs that lived in the Forbidden Forest.

The centaur galloped straight toward the hooded figure. Hooves struck the ground, sending up clumps of dirt and leaves. The hooded figure jerked his wand around, trying to fend off this new threat.

As soon as the curse holding Neville was released, Neville's eyes shut tight, and his body went limp.

"Back away!" the centaur shouted, his voice echoing in the dark.

The centaur slammed his hooves down, the force shaking the ground and loosening the hooded figure's stance. Before the hooded figure could fire another spell, the centaur reared up, forcing the attacker to retreat a few steps.

Harry pushed himself upright, his scar still throbbing, and stumbled to Neville's side. He grabbed Neville under the arms and picked up Neville's wand from the ground, hauling him away from the immediate danger.

The centaur threw a quick glance over his shoulder at them. "You must leave," he said urgently. "It's not safe here—especially not for either of you."

The hooded figure snarled, regaining his footing. He whipped his wand out. "Avada—"

"No!" the centaur roared. He lashed out with his front legs, striking the figure's arm so hard that the aim went wild. A burst of green light blasted a nearby tree, sending splinters flying.

Harry tugged Neville with him as the hooded figure snarled again. The sound made Harry's blood run cold. He looked ready to try the curse once more, but the centaur stomped the ground and tossed his head angrily. Realizing he was outmatched in close combat, the hooded figure spun around and bolted into the trees, vanishing like a dark shadow.

Suddenly, the forest fell quiet, except for Neville and Harry's ragged breathing and the centaur's heavy panting.

Harry, feeling sweat drip down his face, croaked, "H-he's gone?" to no one in particular.

The centaur turned to them. "Are you two hurt?" Without waiting for an answer, he knelt down, looking from Harry's scar to Neville's trembling form. "I saw the unicorn," he said softly, motioning to the lifeless white creature in the clearing, "and I sensed something dark was here. I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner."

Harry said, "Thank you… for saving us."

"Is Neville—will he be okay?" Harry asked, looking at the limp Neville.

Firenze placed a hand on Neville's chest, as though checking for his heartbeat. "He was hit by a dark curse," Firenze said softly. "It did not last long, so he should recover. But we need to get him help as soon as possible." He turned his gaze to Harry, his expression serious. "We must get you both out of here."

"My name is Firenze," the centaur said briskly. "I wish we had time for introductions, but we must leave. That dark wizard could return at any moment." He lifted Neville and placed him on his back, then gestured for Harry to get on as well.

Firenze gestured toward a narrow path that led out of the clearing. "Come with me. I'll take you to Hagrid. He's been searching for the unicorn as well."

Harry asked, "Who—or what—was that?"

"Firenze!" Bane thundered. "What are you doing? You have a human on your back! Have you no shame? Are you a common mule?"

"Do you realize who this is?" said Firenze. "This is the Potter boy. The quicker he leaves this forest, the better."

"What have you been telling him?" growled Bane. "Remember, Firenze, we are sworn not to set ourselves against the heavens. Have we not read what is to come in the movements of the planets?"

Ronan pawed the ground nervously. "I'm sure Firenze thought he was acting for the best," he said in his gloomy voice.

Bane kicked his back legs in anger. "For the best! What is that to do with us? Centaurs are concerned with what has been foretold! It is not our business to run around like donkeys after stray humans in our forest!"

Firenze suddenly reared onto his hind legs in anger, so that Harry had to grab his shoulders to stay on. "Do you not see that unicorn?" Firenze bellowed at Bane. "Do you not understand why it was killed? Or have the planets not let you in on that secret? I set myself against what is lurking in this forest, Bane—yes, with humans alongside me if I must."

And Firenze whisked around; with Harry clutching on as best he could, they plunged off into the trees, leaving Ronan and Bane behind them. Harry had no clue what was going on.

Harry shot Bane and Ronan a nervous glance, but they made no move to stop him. They only glowered as Firenze headed off, carrying Neville with steady care.

"Why's Bane so angry?" Harry asked. "What was that thing you saved me from, anyway?"

Firenze slowed to a walk and warned Harry to keep his head bowed in case of low-hanging branches, but he did not answer the question. They made their way through the trees in silence for so long that Harry thought Firenze didn't want to talk to him anymore. They were passing through a particularly dense patch of trees when Firenze suddenly stopped.

"Harry Potter, do you know what unicorn blood is used for?"

"No," said Harry, startled by the odd question. "We've only used the horn and tail hair in Potions."

"That is because it is a monstrous thing to slay a unicorn," said Firenze. "Only one who has nothing to lose, and everything to gain, would commit such a crime. The blood of a unicorn will keep you alive, even if you are an inch from death, but at a terrible price. You have slain something pure and defenseless to save yourself, and you will have but a half-life, a cursed life, from the moment the blood touches your lips."

Harry stared at the back of Firenze's head, which was dappled silver in the moonlight. "But who'd be that desperate?" he wondered aloud. "If you're going to be cursed forever, death's better, isn't it?"

"It is," Firenze agreed, "unless all you need is to stay alive long enough to drink something else—something that will bring you back to full strength and power—something that will mean you can never die. Mr. Potter, do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment?"

"The Sorcerer's Stone! Of course—the Elixir of Life! But I don't understand who—" Harry's eyes widened as he said it.

"Can you think of nobody who has waited many years to return to power, who has clung to life, awaiting their chance?"

Harry's eyes widened in realization. He swallowed hard, then looked at Neville and back at Firenze. "Do you mean," Harry croaked, "that was Voldemort?"

Firenze nodded, and they soon found Hagrid. Alongside him stood Malfoy, arms wrapped around himself as though he were freezing, eyes wide with alarm. The moment Hagrid saw Neville draped over Firenze's back, he let out a shocked cry.

"What in the—? Neville!" Hagrid rushed forward, taking the limp boy into his own arms with surprising gentleness. Malfoy stared, pale-faced, at Neville's still form. He opened his mouth like he wanted to make a snide remark but thought better of it.

Firenze looked at Hagrid, nodding once. "He was hit by a Dark curse," the centaur explained. "I believe it was the Cruciatus Curse. Hurry and get him to your hospital wing."

Hagrid nodded, his eyes on Neville's slack face. "I'll get him there quick," he said, voice thick with worry. He turned to Harry. "Harry, yeh all right?"

Harry's scar still throbbed, but he managed a nod. "I'm okay. Just worried about Neville."

"We can't stand here all night," Hagrid muttered, adjusting Neville in his arms. "C'mon, Malfoy, we're goin' back."

Malfoy, still looking unsettled, followed without complaint. Harry glanced back at Firenze, feeling an odd sense of gratitude. "Thank you," he managed. The centaur gave a small bow of his head. Then, with a last warning look into the darkness, he turned and galloped back into the deeper parts of the forest.

They hurried across the grounds toward the castle. Hagrid led the way, Malfoy trailing behind him, while Harry jogged to keep pace. Neville hung limp in Hagrid's arms.

The second they entered the main doors, their footsteps echoed on the stone floor. Filch's lamp glowed near the entrance, but he merely stared wide-eyed at the sight of Neville, clearly thrown off. Hagrid brushed past without stopping, heading straight for the hospital wing.

Hagrid burst into the room, shouting, "Madam Pomfrey!"

Madam Pomfrey almost leapt out of her seat when the doors banged open. "What on earth—?" she began, but then she saw Neville's slack form and her face took on a look of professional urgency. "Put him on that bed, now!"

Hagrid laid Neville down, stepping back to let Madam Pomfrey work. She immediately began checking Neville's pulse, breathing, and any sign of further damage. While she did, she said, "Hagrid, use the Floo in my office to contact Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster while I tend to Mr. Longbottom."

Hagrid nodded. "Yes, ma'am," he said, then rushed off to Madam Pomfrey's office, leaving Harry and Malfoy standing by, watching.

Malfoy, regaining some of his nerve, asked, "So what happened, Potter? Did Longbottom trip and hit his head again?" He mocked, though he clearly looked shaken.

Harry scowled at Malfoy. "If you have to know, he was hit by a curse. Firenze the centaur saved us."

Malfoy opened his mouth to ask something more, but just then they heard hurried footsteps. Turning to look, they saw Professor McGonagall—dressed in her nightclothes and a long robe—walking briskly toward them. Hagrid followed, worry etched on his face.

"What has happened?" McGonagall demanded, her gaze flicking from Neville's pale face to Hagrid, Malfoy, and Harry.

Hagrid removed his moleskin cap, twisting it nervously. "Attacked in the forest. Cruciatus Curse," he said in a low voice. "That's what the centaur said."

McGonagall blanched. "What? How could it be—" Just then, another person arrived: Dumbledore. Hearing Hagrid, he said in a serious tone, "Are you sure about that, Hagrid?"

Madam Pomfrey nodded grimly. "Yes, I can confirm that. There are signs of the curse on his nervous system," she said, waving her wand over Neville with a gentle swirl of light. "It's not permanent—he wasn't under it for very long—but it will leave lingering effects. He'll need rest and potions for the pain."

Harry breathed a small sigh of relief. "He'll be okay?" he asked Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey nodded firmly. "Yes. But he's out cold right now and likely won't wake until morning. You can come see him tomorrow."

McGonagall asked, "But who could have done that?"

Dumbledore nodded gravely. "We will have to lock down the castle and search it. I will assemble the rest of the professors. Minerva, would you mind escorting Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy back to their common rooms?"

McGonagall nodded and looked at Harry and Malfoy, her lips pressed into a thin line. "You two," she said sternly, "back to your common rooms at once. You heard the Headmaster."

With that, she pointed to the door. Malfoy looked relieved to be dismissed and quickly slipped out, eager to put distance between himself and the hospital wing. Harry cast one last, worried glance at Neville, who lay still on the bed, then trudged after McGonagall.

The walk through the corridors felt longer than usual. McGonagall said little, except to remind Harry to remain in the tower. At the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, she gave him a curt nod.

"In you go," she said, "and do not leave until the morning, understood?"

"Yes, Professor," Harry mumbled. He gave her a small nod back. As soon as the portrait swung open, he slipped inside.

Ron and Hermione were waiting near the fireplace. Ron shot to his feet when Harry appeared, and Hermione's eyes went wide as she rushed forward.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "What happened? What did Filch have you and Neville do?" She glanced around, expecting Neville to be right behind him. "where's Neville?"

 Ron, looking confused, asked, "Yeah, mate—where is Neville?"

Harry sighed and said, "He's in the hospital, Hermione." Running a hand through his hair, he took Neville's wand from his pocket and handed it to Hermione. "Here. It's Neville's wand."

Hermione's eyes widened with worry. She clutched the wand to her chest. "What? Why? What happened? Why is Neville in the hospital wing?"

Harry said, "Calm down, Hermione. Neville is fine. Madam Pomfrey said he'll be out for the rest of the night, but he'll be okay."

"As to why he's in the hospital—well, we were attacked," he added, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Filch took us to Hagrid for our detention, and we were sent into the Forbidden Forest."

Ron exclaimed, "The forest?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, something's been killing unicorns, and Hagrid took us to find out what was doing it."

He let out a long breath. "We split up. Malfoy went with Hagrid, and Neville and I followed another trail."

Harry continued, "We found the unicorn—and we also found what was hunting it. A hooded person. We couldn't see his face clearly. Neville signaled for me to back away, but we tripped, and the hooded figure noticed us. He attacked us, and Neville was hit by a curse. We were only saved by Firenze, a centaur. He said it was the Cruciatus Curse."

Hermione gasped, tears filling her eyes. "Oh no," she whispered, voice trembling. "Neville…is he…" She couldn't finish her sentence and looked as though she might bolt straight out the portrait hole.

Ron said, "Blimey, mate. He was hit by the Cruciatus?"

Harry asked, "Yeah—do you know what it does?" looking confused by Ron's alarm.

Ron went pale. "Mate, that's one of the three Unforgivable Curses. It's the worst torture curse there is. A one-way ticket to Azkaban if you use it."

Harry felt his stomach twist with dread.

Hermione still looked on the brink of tears. "We have to go see him!" she demanded, voice shaking, and started toward the portrait hole, but Harry gently grabbed her arm.

"We can't," Harry said, shaking his head. "Dumbledore's locked the castle down while the professors search for whoever did this. We're not allowed to leave the common room."

Hermione looked torn between anger and heartbreak. "But—but Neville—"

"I know," Harry said quietly, "but McGonagall told me we have to stay here. Madam Pomfrey said we can visit him tomorrow. We'd just cause trouble if we went now."

Hermione stood still, tears slipping down her cheeks. Ron stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He'll be all right," Ron muttered, though he looked shaken too. "He's tough, Hermione."

Taking a shaky breath, Hermione nodded and brushed away her tears. She slowly sank down onto the couch by the fire. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I just can't believe this happened."

"That's not all," Harry said, lowering his voice. "Firenze told me that the hooded man was Voldemort."

Ron flinched. "Don't say his name out loud, mate!"

Harry ignored him. "Don't you get it? Snape is after the Stone for Voldemort. He attacked that unicorn to drink its blood…" Harry's chest tightened at the memory.

Ron let out a low whistle, looking pale. "Blimey. So You-Know-Who is still alive, and Snape is after the Stone to help him?"

Harry nodded. "If Snape manages to steal the Stone, then…" He trailed off uneasily.

Hermione wiped her eyes, staring into the flickering flames. "But…Dumbledore is still here, right? He won't let You-Know-Who get the Stone. Voldemort's afraid of Dumbledore."

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