In a world where magic has supposedly been erased, Don Lee has grown up in an orphanage, pondering on the unknown story of his birth and his strange arrival at the orphanage.
Things are soon to change when a mysterious new boy, Zenil, arrives at the orphanage. The two form an unlikely bond and truths about Zenil begins to unfold leading Don Lee to question everything he has ever known.
As Don Lee grows with Zenil at his side, navigating this new world of mysteries, self discovery, forming unexpected alliances, falling in love and facing dangerous obstacles; great changes are about to occur.
Is Don Lee about to get answers to the story of his birth? Is it related to the one life threatening secret of his that he has always kept even without understanding the source?
Is magic truly a thing of the past? And why actually was magic tried to be erased?
Find out in this fast-paced story.