Suddenly,Kyoga woke up from the dream and he went to the balcony attached to his room ,he saw the view outside , it is a big kingdom of Athenix.
The door was knocked and a man came in and said"It is time for your practice,young lord."How ,many times do I have to tell you not call me young lord ,cerberus" said Kyoga.
" I'm sorry young lord, I do not have the right to call you by your original name,by the way your brother and Hitoshi-sama are waiting for you "."Yeah,I will fresh up and go" said Kyoga.
Outside in the practice area ,Yuga and Hitoshi are waiting for Kyoga ,then Kyoga came to the practice area ,Histoshi said "You are vey late,Kyoga let's start the practice and your training is just to defeat me"."Just to defeat you,you are one of the most powerful mages after my dad" said Yuga.
"You have to defeat Kabuki to get you gradual link,then you will have to defeat me and you two are Twins who are 16 years old ,you should have sufficient mana to defeat me,come at me you two" said Hitoshi.
The practice started,at the beginning of the training only Hitoshi used "Magical 7 arts -fire strike" and now he attacks Kyoga,Kyoga instantly escapes and uses "Magical 7 arts -Ice chains " and ties him with Ice chains.
Then Yuga uses "Magical 7 arts -dark form" and a dark being attaches to him and becomes dark lord .
He comes swiftly from the back and attacks Hitoshi , Hitoshi instantly uses fire magic to burn the Ice chains and quickly turns and kicks Yuga on his stomach.
Then Kyoga uses "Mist cage" and traps Hitoshi in the mist and goes near Yuga and whispers him a plan . Hitoshi frees himself from the mist cage and sees Yuga coming close to him ,then he approaches him and kicks him ,but Yuga vanishes into air.
It was Kyoga's "mist clone ability ",then Yuga comes and kicks Hitoshi and takes him into air using dark form ability and releases him in mid air.Hitoshi doesn't know "flight art magic" , then Kyoga creates an Ice eagle and catches him and again throws him into the air.
Hitoshi became angry and used "Magical 7 arts -Thunder devastation" then a group of thunder bolts stiked at that place and he saw that Kyoga and Yuga became unconscious and they were lying at the ground ,Hitoshi used" Magical air walk " and landed on the ground .
He took them to the" rest ward " in the palace and there was a beautiful woman around Hitoshi's age came and said "How many times do I have to tell you , not to get them so worked up ".
" I have to give them my all or else they cannot beat Kabuki in the gradual link ,if these cannot defeat him at that ceremony they will laugh at me ". So your training them this hard for that silly thing".
Then the woman came near him and the both tried to kiss each other.Then the dor was opened by cerberus ,he came in said "this is not a place for you to do such things, by the way are they resting".
"Yeah they are resting" said Aila."By the way what move did you use on them"."No , I will no say" said Hitoshi. "I will ask once again , what move did you use" said cerberus. "I used Thunder devastation on them" said Hitoshi. "You used an Expert level spell on two kids ,are you out of your mind ,so that's why they aren't waking up" said Cerberus.
"I did that only because I wanted them to get sharper" said Hitoshi. Then Kyoga and Yuga woke up , "At last you have woke up young lords" said Cerberus.
Suddenly a big explosion occurred they went down to see what happened. They all saw that Griomire had destroyed half the palace and he had captured the king and queen .Cerberus said "I will take care of him, you take them to safety".
"You cannot defeat him all by your self " said Hitoshi,"I will atleast try, because it is better to do something than to do nothing " said Cerberus, "then we will also help you "said Kyoga and Yuga.
Then Grimoire came to attack them with his full speed.Then Cerberus said "Magical 7 arts-Mega teleportation and telepoted Yuga,Kyoga and Hitoshi. They woke up to see that they arrived to earth...