Hirvan shot up from the bed, rushing to grab Elian's hands. His face was flushed with panic, and his grip firm as he tried to calm Elian's rising fury.
"Dad! Is not Lu Hanbing. Calm down!"
Elian paused, narrowing his sharp eyes as he studied Hirvan's face.
"That brat!" he spat.
"Fu Yan! Of course! He thinks just because he is the chief constable's grandson, he can get away with this. Haven't I warned you? I told you he was after this all along?!"
Without waiting for Hirvan's response, Elian turned sharply and began storming toward the door.
"I don't care what mistake you made, but I never let him get his way!"
"Dad! Stop!" Hirvan cried, throwing himself forward and grabbing Elian's arm with both hands. He tugged desperately, using all his strength to keep Elian from leaving the room.
"Wait! Like you said, he was so angry that night! Maybe he now has calmed down. Maybe he had changed his mind!"