Chereads / Legacy The Inherited Sword / Chapter 12 - Legacy character chapter 3/Reagon

Chapter 12 - Legacy character chapter 3/Reagon

Name:Reagon Dragonsonn

Birthday:1 december

Height: 185 (6.1)

Favorite meal: Seed Cookies

Hair: Slightly wavy but straight grey hair that is long

Face: White old skinned, with a bit wrinkles on his faces and bony facial features

Eyes: Dark blue aged eyes filled with experience and tilted upwards like a hunter

Hobbies: Normaly Reagon loves fighting for fun but since he is retired he now likes telling stories to kids and has a secret hobby to pastry. and loves going to pavilion.

Ideal type of girl: He likes every type of pretty girl, but he prefers those who are fit and have nice, big curves. However, that's not a strict criterion for him; the only criterion is that she is genetically a woman.

General infromation:

Reagon is a top-tier character and a former member of the Twelve Commanders Dragon Sign. He can easily kill 1,000 normal people if he wants to, but since he is a good guy, he doesn't do that. Reagon has a really big ego, but he is one of the few people whose ego suits him.

Note from author:Well, if you read it this far, thank you! I have a request for those who read it till here: I would be happy if you could comment on my novel. I would appreciate reading your honest thoughts about it.