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Spectres of the Past: Prince of Spectres

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The second part of Spectres of the Past follows James Spectre's son, Prince Spectre in 1962 as he, along with a small group of Manifesto users are tasked with going to Moscow to stop the Soviet threat before they unleash powerful new weapons on the world. During his journey, Prince must fight against new enemies, confront figures from his past, and learn for himself how he can keep smiling in an ever changing world.

Chapter 1 - Devil's Trill: part 1

Dallas, Texas, United States of America, 1962

Outside of a school, a young african-american man dressed in a three piece suit and tie exits a car, as he removes his hat and looks around the school

The boy is met with the questioning gazes of the students around him

A tall blonde boy comes up to him

Blonde boy

Nice car you got here.


Thank you, my name is Wade and I was hoping you could help me find–

Blonde Boy

Y'know, I don't think someone like you should be driving a car like that.

I can't believe they're letting people like you own cars this nice.


I'll overlook that because I'm busy right now.

Since you're clearly not going to be helpful, would you mind moving out of the way?

Blonde Boy

Heh, cough up the keys for this and maybe I'd think about it.


What's your name?

Blonde boy

Darrel, Darrel Philips.

You may have heard of me, I'm the school's quarterback, gonna win the state championship.

So, someone like me is much better to drive a car like that, then someone like you.

Got it?


Oh good, I'm glad you aren't the one I'm looking for.


And why's that?

A strong gust of wind blows from behind the boy as Darrel's pants fall down and all the students laugh at him


Because, I'd feel bad for embarrassing my future teammate.

No need to feel bad if it's some random nobody.

Darrel's face is flushed as he gets up and winds up a punch


Why you…know your place!


Right back at you.

The boy steps aside as another gust of wind knocks Darrel off his feet, causing him to fall flat on his face


Ugh, how come this keeps happening?!

The forecast didn't say it was going to be windy at all!

As the students continue to laugh, Wade goes up to a group of girls


Excuse me, but do you know where I could find a boy named "Prince Spectre"?

Girl 1


Is there a guy named Prince at our school?

Girl 2

Oh! Spectre!

He means that soviet labrat!


Soviet labrat?

What does that mean?

Girl 1

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that guy!

You're better off forgetting about him.



Girl 2

Well, as far back as anyone can remember, there was always something weird about him, even when he was a little kid.

Girl 1

For example, something would fall and it wouldn't make a single sound!

Or he would tap a desk and it would sound like a loud drum.

Girl 2

The reason why is that his father is a communist scientist who tried to create a human weapon or something in his son, and that's why he can do all of this!

Girl 1

Oh, I thought it was because he was a soviet spy, and that's why he only has a mom.

Why else wouldn't his dad be around?

She's totally a communist spy that was placed here with her monster son to lie in wait before attacking us!

Girl 2

Point is, you're better off not getting involved with someone like him


 How dare you spout lies like that.

Girl 2


Excuse you?


Forget it, I don't have time to waste my breath on ignorant people like yourself.

Just tell me where I can find Prince Spectre.

Girl 1

He's on top of that hill, underneath the tree


Thank you.

Girl 2

Geez, what's his problem?

I thought I should help him cause he's hot, but he's weird.


(I can't believe these are the rumours spreading around this school.)

(James Spectre, one of the most powerful known manifesto users.)

(His speed, strength, and feats in combat are unmatched.)

(For his son to be treated as a subject of mockery is horrible!)

(I'm sure he's just like his father, tall, strong, with a heroic presence.)

(Just being around him fills you with awe and confidence–)


As Wade was walking, he gets to the tree and sees a boy falling out of it in a yellow rain jacket


Yellow boy

Uh, hi–


Sorry, give me a second.

Wade starts laughing to himself before taking a deep breath in and going back to his normal composure


Ahem, are you alright?

Yellow boy

I am, thanks for asking, it was a lot higher of a fall than I was expecting.


What were you doing in the tree if I may ask?

Yellow boy

I was hiding from Darrel and his friends, mom taught me not to fight back cause I shouldn't hurt other people.


Right, well, I'm looking for a boy named–

Yellow boy

Prince Spectre, right?


Oh, yes, how did you know?

Yellow boy

I have good ears.

Anyways, why would someone with a fancy car like you want to speak to a freak like him?


Why does everyone keep saying that about him?

He isn't a freak or some soviet spy, he's the son of an American hero, and even if he only inherited a fraction of his father's skill, that would still make him one of the most powerful humans in history!

So, could you please stop insulting him and tell me where I can find him?

Yellow boy

Uh, this is kinda awkward…



No, please don't tell me…

Yellow boy

Nice to meet you, name's Prince…

Wade looks at Prince for a second in his large yellow raincoat, his long messy hair covering the left side of his face and takes a few deep breaths


Prince johnson or something like that maybe?


Nope, Prince Spectre.

Wade starts rubbing his eyes as he takes another deep breath


Ha, good joke.

I'm looking for a tall, well dressed, smart, calm, collected individual named Prince Spectre.




I thought it was a pretty unique name, I guess there are more people named that than I thought.


Hate to break it to you, I'm the only Prince Spectre at this school.


I must have the wrong address then.

Human error, right?

There's no way this messy short kid could be the son of THE James Spectre–


No, that's my dad's name.



Do you like music–


Please stop talking, you're ruining my image of my hero.


Is my dad really someone that impressive?


Ah, I suppose you must be used to it, but to us agents, he's a role model.

He fought tooth and nail to prove the use of Manifestos to the federal government.

He pioneered a whole new branch of the CIA.

He saved me when I was young, and has been my hero ever since.

So, you need to forgive me if I have a hard time accepting that his son is…this.


Wow, when you put it like that he's a pretty big deal.



But, tragedy struck last year when he suddenly vanished!

He disappeared without a trace, and no one in the department has heard from him at all!

Then, earlier this year, there were reports of a man matching his description being found in the Soviet Union, so I was tasked with recruiting his son to join us on a search and rescue mission to bring him home and spread freedom to anywhere we pass through!


Ooh, interesting story.

But, no thanks.


Great–wait, did you just say no!?


Uh, yeah, I'm not really interested.


What do you mean you aren't interested!?

This is your father we're talking about!

Weren't you worried when he just disappeared last year?!


Not really, I only ever met him once or twice, the most interaction we've had was him giving me a stuffed toy when I was younger.


No way…how about the idea of helping to spread freedom and the American way?


No, I don't entirely get what freedom is.

Everyone talks about it, but every culture has a different understanding of what it means.

So by forcing our view of freedom onto other cultures, isn't that inherently a contradictory act?




Am I wrong?


No, it's just, I didn't think you were able to have complex thoughts.



I have a ton of great ideas!


Oh really, name one.


Well, uh, h-have you ever thought what would happen if we could go to the moon?


Oh good, you're back to talking about nonsense.



It's important to have big dreams.

It's people with dreams who get stuff done!


Oh really, and what's yours?


I want to spread peace and free thinking through music!


So we're still talking nonsense.


You're so mean!

I'm sure you have a dream too, oh, uh, sorry, I never got your name.


It's Wade.

Anyways, if I had to say, my dream would be to become a hero and role model, like what your father was for me.


See, that's a good dream to have!

I'm cheering you on!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find a new hiding spot before Darrel stops tripping–


Hold it!

A large gust of wind stops Prince in his tracks


Woah, what's this?


I already told you, I was tasked with bringing James Spectre's son back with me.

And I'm still not entirely convinced you're his son!

So show me your Manifesto, if you have one that is!


A Manifesto?

Behind Wade, the wind forms into a large bear with some black accents


Can you see this?


Uh, yeah?


Then that means you have a Manifesto

So show me.

Or else I'll take you back by force.


Look, I don't really get what you're talking about, I just want to leave…


Sorry, but I did warn you!

The wind gets stronger, as it begins to push Prince towards the bear


Don't worry, my Anemoi: Zephyr will knock you out, then we can talk more in DC.

Prince clutches his fist


I said…no!

A Manifesto's arm appears, decking Anemoi: Zephyr, knocking Wade to the ground


Koff…see? I knew you had a Manifesto…

(Though, I have to admit…)

(This is nothing like we expected!)

Behind Prince stands a large Manifesto resembling a human, with cymbals for pauldrons, and hearts and spirals decorating its body, with a large heart in the centre of its head


Oh, I'm really sorry!

Ugh, now I've done it, Mom said not to use this thing against people because they couldn't stand it!

I even tried pulling my punch, but look what it did!

Are you alright?!

Need me to get someone for you!?


Don't worry about me, just so you know, that thing is what I meant by a Manifesto.

(I was expecting a brawler type, but I thought it would resemble Lacerta's slimmer build, with a niche for long range combat…)

(...but no! This thing is clearly meant entirely for close quarters combat, given its large hulking figure, protective wear, and just raw strength!)

(I imagine it must not be very maneuverable, still, I'm not sure I'd be able to defeat this thing!)


Oh, good.

In that case, I'm gonna get going now–



Let's make a deal.




If I can defeat your Manifesto with mine, then you'll come back with me to DC.


Alright, and if I win, then you let me stay here and tell your bosses that they had the wrong person.



Prince stretches as he steps behind his Manifesto


Ok then, this will be the first time I use it in a fight, well, ever I guess.

Wade takes up a defensive position with Anemoi: Zephyr in front of him


Come at me whenever you're ready

Prince clears his throat before whispering something


What was that?


Oh sorry, let me say it louder this time!



Prince's voice is amplified far beyond what is normally possible, as Wade's ears ring, he falls to his knees and looks at Prince smiling smugly


What do you think?

Pretty cool, right?

I call it: Devil's Trill.

I think it's a pretty good name, personally.


(What happened!?)

(Anemoi disappeared!)

(Is it because the air moved by his sound had more force than the wind holding Anemoi together?!)

(I've never seen anything like this, not to mention the sheer force behind it.)

(Without even lifting a figure, his whispering was able to bring me to my knees!)

Ha, ha ha ha!!

You really are father and son, but I won't let that stop me!

Prince smiles and starts laughing too



You're fun!

Let's see what you've got!

Wade stands back up, and with a large smile plastered on his face, and blood dripping from his ears begins to speak


Anemoi: Boreas!

Suddenly, the winds become cold and intense. Storm clouds begin to gather overhead, above Wade, the clouds begin to form into the shape of a large, fearsome Buffalo



I never thought I'd be fighting that big in my life!

Devil's Trill!

As Anemoi's attack collides with Devil's Trill's, both Wade and Prince are knocked onto their backs

They're both covered in injuries as it starts to rain

Despite this, the two look at each other and start laughing


Hahaha, you're so weird!

When facing a giant Manifesto, you just laugh and charge in!


You're one to talk!

You had blood leaking from your ears, and had a big smile on your face while laughing!

Shame it was a draw, you know what that means–


Fine, I'll convince the higher ups we had the wrong person, but it was fun fighting against you, Prince.

I'll tell your dad to call you when I find him.


What are you talking about?

I'm going with you.



But, it was a draw.


Yeah, it was a draw, so we have to talk it out.

And after talking, I decided it would be more fun to go with you and find my dad.

Besides, I have some things I want to say to him when we find him!


Pft, hahaha!!!

You two really are one of a kind, in very different ways!



…I think…