Chereads / Spectres of the Past: Requiem of the Spectre / Chapter 93 - Lacerta: part 10

Chapter 93 - Lacerta: part 10


A friend?

Don't make me laugh!

Men like us don't have friends!


That's the thing…

All of the people James has met throughout the series appear, with only the dead ones being fully manifested


James isn't like you.




Hey James, you look pretty beat up.


I'm so sorry, it's all my fault.

I should've been stricter about keeping you and Will away from this.

It's my fight and I shouldn't have gotten you two involved!


James, we went because we wanted to.

We helped you because we wanted to.

We knew the risks.

Stop treating us like we're children that you need to watch over.

It's condescending of you to treat us like we can't hold our own in a fight.

Do you remember that time with Doctor Sunshine's subordinate?

We wiped the floor with him and both managed to win on our own.

There's nothing wrong with wanting us to rely on you, but we also want to be able to fight for ourselves.



Chuck begins getting irritated


Little comfort that will do!

Do you know what he's capable of?

He murdered me in cold blood!

Not only that, he also killed his own parents and was responsible for the death of his teacher!

Where was he when that child was killed? Hiding away in a restaurant!

That mob boss he fought died because he was running from James!

You even died because of him and his battle against Him!

"Relying on him"?

As if, he's a miserable excuse for a friend, detective, anything you can name!

There isn't a single soul that should even bother with him!

He's completely alone in this world!



Because from where I'm standing, you're the one who's all alone.

Camera pan to show all of the friends James has made in the series standing beside him as Chuck stands on his own


Ha, do you really think I care about something like that?

As long as I can prove to Spectre that we're the same monsters deep inside, that's all I care about!


You aren't though, and you know that, don't you?




You're so obsessed with making James believe he's like you, but you're just projecting onto him.

When all's said and done, James will be comforted by the memories of all the people he holds dear, and hold him dear.

You, however, can only live on through the spite and hatred of others.



Don't listen to her, Spectre!

She's just a talking corpse, what can she know?!


A talking corpse?

I'd say that's a better description of you.

A creature that should have been left behind a long time ago.

I won't pretend to relate to you or even tolerate you.

You're a sad person, Chuck.

What this whole experience has taught me is that people aren't dead as long as we still remember them, so to finally let you rest, I'll forget about you, Chuck.

Chuck begins to tear up

James makes a finger gun and points it to Chuck


I still hate you, but I hate the idea of letting you live on in me even more.

So for both our sakes, this is goodbye, Chuck.

James makes the notion of shooting a gun as Chuck begins to fizzle and fade


(What is this feeling?)

(The burning hatred I felt in me this whole time, it's becoming colder…)

(You…it's all your fault, Spectre.)

(You hate me, and I hate you just as much…)

(...So why are you making such a bitter face.)


(Even in death, you can't let me win…)

(Fine then, I refuse to fizzle out, I'd rather go out with a bang!)

Spectre, take my strength and power!

You want me to rest?

Too bad! If I give you my powers, then I'll forever be a part of you!

I'll live on as part of you until your last breath!

It's my win, Spectre!


I guess so, see you in hell, Chuck


Ha, I'll be waiting.

Chuck fades away as more of James' hair is dyed black from the flames.


Impressive, James.

Being the bigger man in the end.


No, it was just me being petty.

I don't like the idea of him winning, but I'll take his strength and use it to make myself even stronger to protect people from John and others like him.

Gregory runs up and hugs James


I'm so sorry, James!

All of this happened because I wasn't strong enough to fight back!


No, it was my fault.

I should've tried harder to find John before any of this could have happened.

This is entirely my fault, so never blame yourself.


James, please don't be sad that I've died.

I'll be like that man and become a part of your power!

I'm sure you'll become a hundred times more powerful that way!


Heh, I'd love it if you helped me out.

It would mean the world to me to know that you all are still alive through Lacerta and I.

Gregory grins from ear to ear as he starts fading


Good luck, James!


Thanks, kid.

Gregory fades as he hugs James.

James stands up and wipes the tears from his eyes


I hope you're not expecting a hug from me too.

James and Caroline share a laugh before straightening back up


I know you said I wasn't responsible, and that it was your choice, but I can't help but feel guilty for what happened to all of you.


That sounds like you, but it's fine if I can't change your mind on it.

I just wanted to tell you my opinion on the matter.

I wish we could've spent more time together, but I wanted to let you know something before I go too.

Caroline begins to stutter and stumble over her words as she begins to tear up


Th-th-thank you, James!

We didn't get to spend too much time together, but the time we did was some of the best days of my life!

I've been alone since childhood, so having a friend like you who cared so much about me meant the world!

I'm sorry that it's time to say goodbye, but there's someone here I think you need to talk to even more than me right now.

Well, two people.

So I guess this is our final goodbye.

Do me a favour, don't become all dark and depressing when you leave.

That isn't the message you should be taking away from all of this, you were a truly special person, you've touched so many lives and helped countless people both directly and indirectly from your actions.

For me at least, I don't know where I'd be without your help.

I know you already promised to see Chuck in hell, but I'll be waiting for you in the afterlife too.

Take your time coming to visit, just make sure you have some good stories to share when you do!

James smiles with tears in his eyes as Caroline and his fist bump each other as she fades and his hair gets dyed by the flames.

James wipes his tears again as he takes a deep breath

James opens his eyes and looks sternly in the direction of two figures.

The figures are James' long deceased parents

James' father


James' father opens his arms for a hug, however James runs past him and hugs his mother

James begins to break down in his mother's arms


Mom…I'm so sorry…

I'm so lucky…too lucky…

I don't deserve to have known such wonderful people, and I'll never forgive myself for cutting their lives short the way I did!

James' Mother

Shh, it's alright James.

We're here for you now, and it makes me happy to know that you've been able to make such wonderful friends in your life.

It's been a long time, but it's nice to see you again, James.


You too, mom.

I'm so sorry, everything that happened, it was all my fault…

It's because I killed you that all of this had to happen.

James' mother

Don't say that.

To know that something like dying would lead to you being such a positive influence on others warms my heart.

I have to admit, I never expected the young master to be capable of such despicable things, but it makes me proud to see you standing up against impossible odds to protect others.

You're the greatest son anyone could have asked for.



James' mother

Now, I think the two of you need to have a talk.

James attention turns to his father, who clears his throat before standing upright

James' father




James' Father

I'm sorry!



James' Father

I'm so, so sorry, James!

What I did to you was horrible!

I never should have treated you the way I did!

This whole time, I've been watching you mature into such a strong, kind man, and every second I spent seeing the world through your eyes made me regret my decision more and more.

I was a terrible person, I don't deserve to be called your father.


Father, raise your head.

James' father looks up as James has a calm demeanor across his face


I'm sorry, but I agree with you.

You don't deserve to be called a father.

Your words and actions scarred me for a lifetime, scars that might never fully heal.

But I don't hate you.

James' father

I'm so sorry, I was so blinded by grief that I wasn't thinking about what I was saying–



James' father



You don't have to explain yourself, I understand.

James' father

I'm so glad to hear that, I wasn't able to look your mother in the eyes until you had forgiven me.


Who said anything about forgiveness?

I said I understood you.

There's a big difference between being able to relate to someone's emotions and forgiving them.

James' father

But…don't you want to move forward with your life?

Shouldn't you forgive me to make sure of that?


No, I don't have to do anything for you.

Why should I give you closure when I was the victim?

I've slowly come to terms with who I am.

I don't need to do everything you say just because you're my father.

Like Caroline was saying, I'm free to make my own decisions.

Father, I don't forgive you, and I don't know if I ever will be able to, but I can come to terms with what happened and move forward.

For now, that's the best I'm able to do.

Given time, I might find it within myself to forgive you, but right now, I just can't do it.

Goodbye, father, mom.

I have something I need to do, and I can't stay here any longer.

James turns his back as his parents smile

James' mother

He's grown up so well, it makes me feel so relieved knowing that.

James' father

Yes, you took the words right out of my mouth earlier.

His parents begin to fade as James' hair is engulfed one final time in the black flames

James' father

He's truly a son I can be proud of.

John smiles to himself


Well, well, looks like you woke up.

I'm waiting for you, James.