Chapter 61 - Caelum: part 3


Where did you take Detective?

Professor Elemental

That's none of your concern, as you will soon be joining him.

I'm not sure what the doctor has planned for you, but I'm sure you'll both be wonderful additions to the doctor's collection

Just imagining the expressions you'll make once you're on death's doorstep fills me with an indescribable–


Shut up already!

I'll just beat the shit out of you until you cough out the information!!

And besides, if it's your Manifesto that's attacked Detective, if I defeat you, then he'll be free!!

Detective's strong enough to hold out long enough against some weak Manifesto like yours!

This comment seems to irk Professor Elemental

Prof. Elemental

"Detective this," "detective that," do you actually know your own comrade's name?!

Ugh, people like you are why I'm glad we didn't have any women fighting with us on the front line!

Sure, you can talk a big game, but when you were truly face-to-face with the glory of the battlefield, you couldn't do anything except bitch and–!!!

Prof. Elemental gets sent flying back with a punch from Lyra


I told you already, but it looks like you weren't paying attention.





Prof. Elemental

(What's with this absurd strength?!)

(I could've sworn I was reinforcing my entire body with Caelum!!)

(I can manipulate Caelum like putty, however it can tear through human flesh as if it were nothing!!)

(For her to be able to ignore my armour and attack anyways…)

(...she's not someone I can take lightly!!)

(How should I…?)

Lyra grabs a pinecone and tosses it up before catching it


Y'know, some people like to fight with "honour" and "fairness."

And sure, that might be true in a duel, but this, this isn't a duel.

This is a brawl.

And in a brawl, there's only one rule:

Might makes right.

Lyra launches the pinecone as it rapidly grows into a tree being hurled towards Caelum

Prof. Elemental


Prof. Elemental snaps his bones to dodge out of the way, the tree flies past him as he forces his joints back into place using Caelum


(What the fuck's up with that movement?!)

(There's no way a human body should be able to move like that!)

Prof. Elemental

You look confused, Doctor.

Shall I enlighten you?

Using Caelum, I'm able to change my body's appearance.

While typically, I would just use Caelum to build a shell to enclose my body, sometimes when I must appear smaller than I am, I'll need to break a few bones and dislocate some joints in order to keep proper posture.

Once I've finished, I can use Caelum to force my joints back into place and keep them in their proper location.

I work mostly in the morgue performing autopsies.

This position–along with my former experience as a doctor during the war–has provided me with an opportunity to gain an intimate knowledge of the human body and it's composition.

I'm sure you know already, but our bones are held together by ligaments, however using my Manifesto I've replaced all of my Ligaments and replaced them with Caelum!

In short, I can completely control my body's physical structure now!


Is that why you look so creepy?

Prof. Elemental

When I was younger, I was scared of being drafted. I came up with a way to avoid it by using Caelum to cripple myself so they'd never think of asking me.

I did it.

I used my Manifesto and successfully crippled myself, but when I met with the doctors…

Flashback doctor

It's a miracle!

You shouldn't be able to walk by any stretch of the imagination, but despite that, your body has continued to hold on!

There seems to be another layer of muscle-like fibers that are filling in for your muscles!


Do you mean…

Prof. Elemental

Yes, my body is paralyzed from the waist down, with every single bone being broken and all of my ligaments being removed.


H-how can any human survive that?

Prof. Elemental's arm transforms into a large black blade

Prof. Elemental

Through divine intervention.

Without my Manifesto, I could never survive such injuries!


Divine my ass!

Without your Manifesto, you never would've gotten those injuries in the first place!?

How can a person's mind be so utterly warped they can't even take a good look at themselves in the mirror and think!?

Prof. Elemental

Oh but I can look in the mirror.

I can look anyway I want in the mirror.

Prof. Elemental begins switching his mask out for a variety of different faces

Prof. Elemental

You see, we all wear masks in this life, I merely wear them in a more literal sense.

While men and women across the country lament over their physical appearance, I've never had to worry for a day since I obtained my Manifesto!!

Prof. Elemental rushes towards Caroline swinging his sword wildly as he goes

Prof. Elemental

Why do you struggle and resist?!

If you would merely be quiet and join the doctor's collection, you too would never have to be scared to look at yourself in the mirror!!


No thanks!

Caroline uses Lyra to punch through Caelum's sword, cause it to shatter into goop


I'm fine with how I am!

Prof. Elemental jumps back

Prof. Elemental

(I've figured it out!)

(How she can seemingly ignore Caelum and attack me directly, it's because she is!)

(I started to suspect it when I saw how she was using those pinecones earlier…)

(Her Manifesto affects living things, and my Manifesto is an extension of myself: a living thing!)

(She's using her Manifesto–whether she's aware of it or not–to force my Manifesto to revert back to where it was before!)

(This woman…as long as she keeps punching Caelum…)

Prof. Elemental gets sent flying back again by Lyra

Prof. Elemental

(...she'll always have the upper hand!!)

(I have to take control of the fight!)

Caelum produces a blade on one arm and a blob of goo on the other before cutting off the blob to form another version of himself

The two Caelums begin to attack Caroline, putting her on the defensive

When Caroline attempts to put distance between herself and one, the other will attack from behind

The two Caelums cover for each other in the fight, changing their limbs into various weapons



(I'm losing too much blood…)

(He's turned the tide of battle completely in his favour)

(I'll have to–!!)

Caroline blocks last minute with Caroline as her arm starts to bleed

Prof. Elemental

We're in the middle of a fight, doctor. I don't think you have the time to stop and think.

A blade goes straight through Caroline's stomach

Prof. Elemental

This is what happens when you underestimate your opponent.

I don't think Dr. Sunshine will punish me for disposing of you early.

The outcome would've been the same.

Caroline looks down and jams Lyra's arm into her stomach as the rings around its wrists begin to spin faster and faster

Prof. Elemental


Caelum's blade is retracted from Caroline's body and her body begins to repair itself

Prof. Elemental


What did you just do–

Prof. Elemental receives a punch from Lyra to his mask sending him flying

Caroline stands up and starts walking towards Prof. Elemental


That fuckin' hurt!

I never thought I'd say this, but it's a good thing I'm the one you stabbed and not someone without the ability to heal themselves.

Got anything to say for–?!

Caroline looks down at Prof. Elemental, as his mask had been shattered

Prof. Elemental's face is revealed, having multiple rows of teeth, sunken eyes and cheekbones, unnaturally pale skin and bags under his eyes.

Prof. Elemental quickly puts his hand over his face

Prof. Elemental


You've seen my true face.

Not that I had any other intention, but…

The mask reforms itself around his face from his hand

Prof. Elemental

…You must truly die now.


What happened to you?

You don't look at all like you typically do…

Are you alright?

Prof. Elemental

This is one of the unfortunate side-effects of over using my Manifesto.

I've never been attractive, so I'd use my Manifesto to give myself perfect teeth, or deep cheekbones…

…however one day once I undid the effects of my Manifesto, I realized my face had become the abomination you see before you.

I never knew this would happen!

I couldn't even go outside anymore…

My Manifesto gave me the means to hide my visage, but the terror of knowing I may slip up at any moment has truly ruined me with no way of turning back.

Dr. Sunshine saw my face and instead of running in fear, helped me and gave me a position in the hospital where I would never need to interact with anyone other than himself.

He's given me a second chance at life, and I will not disappoint him.


If you ask me, it just sounds like he's taking advantage of you.

Prof. Elemental


Insolent fool!

That man is my saviour, and I shall hear nothing to the contrary!!


I mean think about it, he saw how troubled you were by your disfigurement, and decided to lock you away in the morgue like a monster

He hasn't really done much to help you, he just locked you in a dungeon where he could always make use of you to cover for him.

Prof. Elemental falls back against a wall

Prof. Elemental

I-I see…

So, I've been lied to…


I know it can hurt to know that someone you trusted has been lying to you, but I'll help you get over it!

Together, we can beat Dr. Sunshine and stop him from using others like he used you–

Prof. Elemental

You. Didn't. Let. Me. Finish.

I was lied to, but I never said I trusted you.


Wait, by lied to, you were referring to…me?!

Prof. Elemental

Of course…

It's all so clear to me…

Of course a common wench like you wouldn't understand the genius behind Dr. Sunshine's plans!!


Wait, wait, wait!

We can talk about this!

Prof. Elemental

The time for talking is done.

His body begins to morph again, becoming more animalistic, we only see a silhouette of his new form

Prof. Elemental

Now. Is. The. Time. For. You. To. Run.