Warm, beams of sunlight shone down from the skies, its golden rays painting the land with bright, vibrant hues of yellow. The faint sounds of leaves rustling thorugh the trees and grass gently swaying in the wind were accompanied by an occasional deep low rumble in the distance. The cool caress of a breeze draws back my adrift attention.
I absorbed the scene, gathering every subtle detail. Glancing skywards, I admired the brilliant azure sky and felt the warm, pleasant heat of the sun spread over my senses. Memories - if you could call them that - slowly trickled and found their way into my mind, though clearly odd, an instinctual familiarity clung to them akin to a half-forgotten dream.
I felt the deep tremors from afar impacting the ground, vibrating thorugh me. I detected a natural rhythm to them like a beating drum. My so called "memories" tell me that they likely are footsteps, its origin from a being of great size.
I take a step.
Something feels off...
This isn't a step...? I seamlessly glide pass the rough terrain, the ground scrolling past me. There was no feeling of support below me or the drag of my weight burdening me. Gazing down, I see nothing. I was floating. Effortlessly, cutting through the air a hot knife through butter.
«Wait what..?»
I did not gaze down... I didn't need to turn my head to look towards a direction. I could see everything, behind me, above me, the sides of me, below me; my vision encompassed everything. There were no blindspots; no ways to hide from my absolute vision.Â
Every detail etched itself into my perception; the individual leaves shaking from the turbulence of the wind on the trees nearby, the blades of grass independently presenting themselves swaying in a field before me.
I sensed the wind flowing through me, I felt its breeze inside me. It was refreshing like a breath of crisp air despite the gust guiding the air around my surface.Â
«What do I look like…?»
Analyzing my surroundings, I spotted a potential source of answers nearby: A small lake in an opening. The gentle wind caused small ripples of water to dance across the lake. Small distortions interrupted the sky mirrored in the water.
Taking myself to the pool of water, I gazed into it. Beyond the constant warping of reflections, I made out a crystalline shape composed of interlocking pentagons shimmering in the liquid. Each facet split into triangles pointing outwards, creating a starry shape. The rays of sunlight refracted through the material, casting vibrant iridescence across its surface.
Within this intricate cage was a softly illuminated red sphere. It appeared fragile, lightly shifting its shape into imperfect spheres akin to a bubble facing air resistance. It floated adrift, yet never strayed far from the center of the body; a fragile battery, powering a construct of limitless potency.
«I guess that is me...»
I take in my reflection and my surroundings once more, pondering a singular question:
«What do I do now?»
(yes the ending was bit rushed, sorry... I'm not sure how to do all this story stuff yet)