Chapter 3 - Lost Memories

"Who the hell are you?" The man looked at me perplexed.

"I'm Cale, Cassian. You really don't remember me?" His name seemed to be Cale, but I had no clue who he was. After all, I was transmigrated to a completely unknown world and body. The damn author only gave me his name.

"I've never seen you before," I said honestly. I wasn't lying; I had never seen him before. The previous Cassian might have, but not me.

"Cassian, seriously, you don't remember who I am?" Cale looked genuinely concerned. I guess we were close.

"No matter how many times you ask, I have no idea who you are," I had to be more direct. It was exhausting to repeat the same thing over and over again.

"Cassian, were you attacked or something? Did you lose your memory?" Cale seemed worried about me.

"I don't remember being attacked, but I woke up over there on that hill," I pointed southward to where we were.

"I see. If you woke up there without knowing anything, it's possible you were attacked. Maybe someone hit you on the head and thought you were dead, and got rid of your body," he said, rubbing his chin.

Man, Cale, you're a genius for thinking of something so outlandish. Sorry for underestimating you with that look.

"I don't remember, but I feel a bit dizzy," I lied. It was obvious.

"You might have a concussion from a blow to the head. When I saw you, you were looking at the ground, sweating, and your face was red," Cale said. Well, I'd rather they think I'm dizzy from a blow than from the near-death embarrassment I felt.

"Yeah, maybe that's it. I feel quite weak," I said, which was true because I was really hungry and felt weak.

"Come on, let's go to Sebastian. He's a healer and will know if you have any injuries," Cale said.

That could be good or bad. I'm not physically injured, and if the healer finds nothing, they'll think I'm lying. What will I do if that happens? I barely know my name. Aaah! I know.

'Author, I know we didn't start off on the right foot, but I need some help here. At least make Sebastian detect a memory loss from some blow. I know you can hear my thoughts, or at least I want to believe that.'

I waited for some confirmation, but there was no response. All I could do was pray.

Cale and I arrived at a bar, not as luxurious as the city center but acceptable, I guess.

Upon entering the bar, I quickly scanned the surroundings. It was like stepping into a Western movie scene, but with a darker and less glamorous touch. Worn wooden tables, creaking chairs, and customers with stares that could cut glass. A group of sturdy men were loudly playing dice near the counter, exchanging laughs that didn't sound very friendly. In one corner, a woman was sharpening a dagger with a concentration that commanded respect, while others watched her cautiously. The tension in the air was palpable, as if the place had its own unwritten rules and we were entering without an invitation. I felt the heavy stares fixed on us as we made our way to the counter. It seemed our reception wouldn't exactly be with a red carpet.

"Sebastian, I need your help!" Cale shouted as soon as we entered. Cale, buddy, look how people are looking at us, be more discreet, I don't want to die so young and handsome...

"What do you want, Cale?" I heard a hoarse voice from the counter. My god, was this man a giant, or what? He was taller than Shaquille O'Neal. How does he fit through that small door?

"Sebastian, I need you to check Cassian. It seems he's lost his memory. I think someone mugged him and hit his head," Cale said.

Was this giant Sebastian, the healer? How could this guy be a healer? Look at his face, with that huge scar. Instead of healing me, this guy will take my life. Let's get out of here, Cale!

"Did someone hit you, Cassian?" Then I heard a charming voice behind me. It was a beautiful woman with chestnut hair and hazel eyes.

"Cale thinks someone mugged him and hit him, causing memory loss, honey," Sebastian responded... wait, honey?! Don't tell me Thanos is married to this beautiful woman. No, it can't be. I thought as she touched my forehead.

"Oh, does your head hurt, Cassian?" The beautiful woman asked as she gently touched my hair. It was actually a pleasant touch, I have to say.

"A little. Maybe some rest would help," I replied cautiously, like when a stranger asks you questions.

"Cassian, let me check you," man of course not, I haven't enjoyed being handsome enough yet so I refuse, or that's what I would like to say but it's better to save that comment.

Sebastian placed his huge hand a few inches from my head and a soft green light enveloped me. I didn't feel any noticeable change, so I patiently waited for him to finish his evaluation.

"So, Sebastian, did you find anything?" Cale asked with a hint of anxiety in his voice, looking expectantly at the healer.

"It seems he has a bruise on the back of his head, as you suspected, Cale. Cassian has lost his memory due to a strong blow," Sebastian replied seriously, as he withdrew his hand and looked at me with compassion. That was unexpected, at least the author served some purpose. Thanks, bastard!

"I see, thanks for the help, Sebastian," said Cale, visibly relieved to have some explanation for our situation.

"It's nothing, Cassian. If you need more help, let me know," Sebastian added with a comforting smile, showing he was much kinder than his appearance suggested. Don't judge a book by its cover, I guess.

"I hope you get better and can recover your memory, Cassian. Here," Sara said kindly, offering me a fresh apple.

"Thank you. What's your name?" I asked, feeling grateful for her kindness and wanting to at least know her name.

"Oh, right, I'm Sara, Sebastian's wife," she replied with a warm smile. I guess things were clear now. I pray your body can withstand Thanos, Sara.

"I see. Thanks, Sebastian and Sara. I'll make sure to repay the favor," I said sincerely before bidding them farewell.

Cale and I quickly left the bar. Cale received a "call," even though there are no cell phones here, there are scrolls or rings that can be used as communicators.

Cale and I hurried back to the mansion with a visibly nervous Cale about Lord Arthur's possible reaction. Upon arrival, I was amazed at the imposing white structure that stood before us. The lush garden surrounding it offered a charming contrast with its intense greens, while a cobblestone path guided us to the main entrance flanked by majestic columns. The roof was elegantly decorated, and a small fountain added a touch of serenity to the scene.

Cale rushed in, leaving me outside. "Hey, Cale, don't leave me like this," I muttered as I prepared to follow him. At that moment, I encountered the guard who was guarding the gate. Our eyes met, and we stared at each other fixedly. Seconds passed that felt like eternity. Why was I looking at him, you might wonder? I was simply patiently waiting for him to decide to open the damn door, not to participate in a staring contest. Just as I was about to urge him to open it, he finally spoke.

"Cassian! Where the hell have you been? Lord Arthur has been waiting for you for hours. You had a simple task to do, what took you so long?" Hey, who does this guy think he is to shout at me like this?

"I had some issues, okay?" I replied somewhat brusquely.

"And what? The Lord doesn't care about your problems. He wanted you here faster. And where the hell is the mirror?"

"Gustavo, Cassian was mugged and hit on the head, which caused him to lose his memory," Cale intervened, suddenly returning to my side.

Gustavo looked at me and asked, "Is that true?"

"I really don't remember anything," I admitted.

"Alright. You'll have to explain to the Lord what happened, as the mirror Cassian ordered was for a gift for Miss Elena," Gustavo said as he opened the door and let us in.

I supposed he lived in this mansion, but once again, my hopes were dashed. It seemed I was nothing more than a mere employee.

You know, author, you're a damn bastard.