Now that George got the power to go save Renah in the hospital, he then rushed outside again entered the number and got out of the place. He rushed to the hospital and on his way, Lucas had seen him from a distance in the forest that was near by. Lucas was suspecting something
He decided to go to the castle of Queen Maya. Now it's obvious that the workers there can't open for a dangerous evil guy like Lucas. Since he does nothing but bad. One worker from there asked him why he was there in the first place. Lucas didn't want to explain and instead called Maya to come and see him.
George was still on his way to the hospital with a smile on his face and immediately called his friend Jake to find him a ticket to fly in LA to go see his mom there since he missed her. Lucas on the other hand kept calling Maya loudly and got tired of waiting. He then entered himself without any permission reaching to the Queen's room.
"How come you didn't hear me when you were here?" Said Lucas in an angry tone. Maya looked at him in a disgusting manner and asked him why he came here. Lucas told Maya that even tho she's the queen he could do alot of bad things to her territory and her indeed. Maya wasn't scared of Lucas's words instead she kept asking him why he came there.
Lucas asked her why George came here. Maya told Lucas that he wanted to get some strength because he was going in a battle with someone abroad (*she lied*) and Lucas nodded saying yes he then continued walking in her room seeing the designs and everything in there. He saw the number 744.
Lucas wanted always to know the truth behind this number 744. He then looked back to Maya asking her what the number meant. Maya got angry seeing a bustard checking her stuffs. They started fighting and this family picture fell down. Maya defeated Lucas and warned him never to come to her territory next time because he won't like the end of it.
Lucas got himself out and went to the forest to make plans of his own and was angry because he didn't find out the real truth behind the number. On George's side, he had just reached at the hospital and was sitting down waiting for the doctor to let him in. Finally the doc came out and told him how Renah had a bad injury on her head and was showing no signs of recovering. George asked if he could see her, the permission was given to him
George locked the door and removed the small bootle which had some power in it and he held it on top of Renah's forehead and said the number 744 four times and the power was transferred to Renah's body only she moved her finger showing a sign of recovering soon. George wrote another letter which said:
I'm going in LA to see my mom by Friday but I promise to keep asking for your well-being.